Not who you WANT to win, who do you THINK wins?

  • Total voters


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
To be clear here, nobody had a great debate night. Yes, Biden read as "weak". There's no spinning that, but it's also not the first time that a candidate has read that way for a debate, either.

Meanwhile, Trump isn't any more competent than he has shown himself to be the past 7-8 years. He didn't answer questions when prompted, he didn't have any concrete plans that made sense, and he lied his ever loving ass off the entire time. And honestly, I'm personally tired of how hard he shits on the country when he talks (which he even did while he was in office, but no one ever calls him on it).

The media was always going to run with this narrative as the story, but they just got so damn excited when they had actual narrative evidence that they went crazy with it. It doesn't help that Democrats, as a collective group, have no true loyalty. Some of them were ready to abandon ship within minutes of the debate starting, and they apparently made that clear to people to boot. Meanwhile, Republicans will be so fortified around Trump by morning that you'll think that he was actually coherent or something.

At the end of the day, the stakes are too high for bullshitting. You would think you wouldn't have to remind people of that, but the wave of people who are about to ignore Trump and what he represents for "the drama" is probably going to be mind-staggering.


Rising Star
OG Investor
To be clear here, nobody had a great debate night. Yes, Biden read as "weak". There's no spinning that, but it's also not the first time that a candidate has read that way for a debate, either.

Meanwhile, Trump isn't any more competent than he has shown himself to be the past 7-8 years. He didn't answer questions when prompted, he didn't have any concrete plans that made sense, and he lied his ever loving ass off the entire time. And honestly, I'm personally tired of how hard he shits on the country when he talks (which he even did while he was in office, but no one ever calls him on it).

The media was always going to run with this narrative as the story, but they just got so damn excited when they had actual narrative evidence that they went crazy with it. It doesn't help that Democrats, as a collective group, have no true loyalty. Some of them were ready to abandon ship within minutes of the debate starting, and they apparently made that clear to people to boot. Meanwhile, Republicans will be so fortified around Trump by morning that you'll think that he was actually coherent or something.

At the end of the day, the stakes are too high for bullshitting. You would think you wouldn't have to remind people of that, but the wave of people who are about to ignore Trump and what he represents for "the drama" is probably going to be mind-staggering.

Both of them looked like shit tonight. We are fucked as a country.


Mr. Pool
OK people Biden is doing very good in my book because he is not lying. Trump is lying his ass off every word he says, and I’m pissed off at CNN that not correcting him on a lot of this shit. They supposed to have fact checks doing this debate. Trump is not even answering the questions the moderator is asking him.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Trump is in his 70s. What’s going to get better about him?…
I'm not advocating for Trump, he's a deranged lunatic and shouldn't be nowhere near the White House. Hell Biden was bad tonight and it covered up Trump constant fucking lies and not even answering certain questions at times. My position is clear, I'd never vote for Trump.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We're doomed.

Nah the people who REALLY run the country will pull together and mask the deficiencies of whichever is elected.

It's happened in every Administration.

Like when the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff called his counterpart in China to personally assure them that we weren't gonna drop a nuke on them, regardless of what Trump was saying.

That's insubordination to the President of the United States, yet it was done and accepted for the good of the country and the world.

Cooler heads on all sides are not gonna allow WW3 to pop off just cause one man says launch the nukes. Even Kim Jong knows what's coming back if he did so.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They are trying to replace Biden right now. Keep laughing :)
The whole world realized today that Biden is NOT the one running America
Isn't it too late to replace a candidate at this point? I know it would be complex, but you would need to have a star with no clout at this point.