Joe Biden is now POTUS


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
With all the stuff we've seen in the last few days, Trump is walking and if he walks, he may be back in 2024 because the Republicans will not convict to rid him of ever holding public office again. TBH, I've stopped watching since Cruz, Lee, and the other repub had coached the Trump legal team on how to argue their case.

With the republicans (except a few) all is forgiven and Trump can continue to fuck this country up. Basically, this is the death of democracy. Democrats will cry foul play (which it is) but unless they use republicans' actions to defeat them in 2022, it's all lost for ever.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member


Rising Star
Motherfuck a Manchin and a Sinema. “Centrist” Dems are lost af and have no idea what’s going on. Primary these fucks :yes:

There's always a war between the populated states and the least populated states.
The wealthier states and the least wealthier states.
States that send more tax dollars to the fed and the states that send the least taxes to the feds.

A state like New Mexico is among the least populated, least wealthiest, and among the states that send the least amount of taxes dollars to the fed.
On top of that New Mexico is the state most dependent on fed dollars.

So there is no incentive for a representative from New Mexico to be for things that higher populated, wealthier, and least dependent states are for.

They're not alone. Right now representatives from states that are the least dependent on fed tax dollars, receive the least in fed tax dollars, are the among most populated states, are wealthier states, etc....are calling for the SALT tax deduction to be reinstated. Yet why would states that are not as wealthy care about that deduction when it mostly doesn't affect their population. Why would a representative from those least wealthier states run on and agree to vote yes for that deduction when it doesn't benefit most of the people in their district/state?

This why it is said that the USA is an experiment because it's for all intents and purposes 50 different countries with different wants and needs trying to govern in unity.


Rising Star

i suspect the White House called

Biden wants the media focus to be on him and his agenda - sThinks this is wate of time since they won’t convict

It’s stupid because Trump has only kept quiet to avoid conviction and next week he will be on Fox News. and he will be gDeclaring victory. And he will be making news till 2024

Biden will regret missing this opportunity to banish him


Rising Star
Platinum Member
i suspect the White House called

Biden wants the media focus to be on him and his agenda - sThinks this is wate of time since they won’t convict

It’s stupid because Trump has only kept quiet to avoid conviction and next week he will be on Fox News. and he will be gDeclaring victory. And he will be making news till 2024

Biden will regret missing this opportunity to banish him
Let’s us see it play out before we go full throttle:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Rep. Cicilline walking through the timeline of events from Trump’s speech onward — showing that Trump had to be well aware that Mike Pence, and everyone in Congress, was in danger as Trump continued to encourage violence.

Saturday, Feb 13, 2021 · 1:28:45 PM Eastern Standard Time · Mark Sumner
House managers have accepted the time stamp given to Trump’s phone call to Mike Lee, which moves the call to two minutes after Trump’s tweet threatening Pence.

So the tweet targeted Pence and then he called Mike Lee to check on the results of his tweet.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Trump attorney Bruce Castor said his side would call "lots" of witnesses. Van der Veen threatened to call House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Vice President Harris as witnesses.
A Trump aide was photographed with a list containing, it claimed, 301 witnesses (so far). Among them was Pelosi, Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a New York Times photographer, Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser as well several of the House managers


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Trump attorney Bruce Castor said his side would call "lots" of witnesses. Van der Veen threatened to call House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Vice President Harris as witnesses.
A Trump aide was photographed with a list containing, it claimed, 301 witnesses (so far). Among them was Pelosi, Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a New York Times photographer, Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser as well several of the House managers
Chumped by cowards. Shame on the democrats.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Chumped by cowards. Shame on the democrats.
Trump attorney Bruce Castor said his side would call "lots" of witnesses. Van der Veen threatened to call House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., and Vice President Harris as witnesses.
A Trump aide was photographed with a list containing, it claimed, 301 witnesses (so far). Among them was Pelosi, Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., a New York Times photographer, Washington, D.C., Mayor Muriel Bowser as well several of the House managers

I believe they would have done it as well. GOP has 1 mission for the next 4 years..Fuck up the Biden adminstration as much as they possibly can. That's it! They don't care about anything else and it shows.

What realistically can you do about that? You don't have the super majority to get things done on your own and this is still a country where you need to go through the 3 branches to get most things done.

Overrall, I personally don't see it as a war the dem could possibly win against that style of governing

It's clear the GOP will go after anyone and send their goons after anyone that "steps" out of line. They are running things like the Mob against their own members.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

I'm not sure if Sheriff Clarke actually has teeth because dude has never smiled a day in his life...



Rising Star
Platinum Member
I believe they would have done it as well. GOP has 1 mission for the next 4 years..Fuck up the Biden adminstration as much as they possibly can. That's it! They don't care about anything else and it shows.

What realistically can you do about that? You don't have the super majority to get things done on your own and this is still a country where you need to go through the 3 branches to get most things done.

Overrall, I personally don't see it as a war the dem could possibly win against that style of governing

It's clear the GOP will go after anyone and send their goons after anyone that "steps" out of line. They are running things like the Mob against their own members.
How is this mission different from the Obama, Clinton, carter years?

Conservatism is a politically nihilism at its core. They’re not interested in governance. They’re just instigators who believe they’re going to win this fight. I guess they didn’t learn from the last one.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

People think the regan ad about about a new day was a game changer. It wasn’t. Republicans just wanted to buy whatever was being sold.

Just like they like the idea there’s no punishment to paid for treason. They like that message.

Not punching a bully in the face until they get brain damage isn’t courageous.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I believe they would have done it as well. GOP has 1 mission for the next 4 years..Fuck up the Biden adminstration as much as they possibly can. That's it! They don't care about anything else and it shows.

What realistically can you do about that? You don't have the super majority to get things done on your own and this is still a country where you need to go through the 3 branches to get most things done.

Overrall, I personally don't see it as a war the dem could possibly win against that style of governing

It's clear the GOP will go after anyone and send their goons after anyone that "steps" out of line. They are running things like the Mob against their own members.
Propose to agree to limit the number of witnesses. But yeah their plan has been to obstruct and delay progress.