Joe Biden is now POTUS


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Minutes after the verdict was announced, Mr. Trump sent out a statement decrying the “witch hunt” he claimed was being waged against him. He also suggested that Democrats’ attempt to end his political career had failed, telling his supporters,

“Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun.”


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Minutes after the verdict was announced, Mr. Trump sent out a statement decrying the “witch hunt” he claimed was being waged against him. He also suggested that Democrats’ attempt to end his political career had failed, telling his supporters,

“Our historic, patriotic and beautiful movement to Make America Great Again has only just begun.”
This nigga had Mein Kampf on his nightstand.

That was really all that needed to be known right there.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
Pitiful :smh:

Yall know you cant say shit to any other country, no motherfucking more!
Them ninjas laugh in your face and say nigga please..Foh!

I was talking so much shit to friends/colleagues about Brexit and then we vote in the orange fool. :smh: :lol:

It is going to be decades before we can ever try to tell other countries about anything from "good governance" to healthcare...


Rising Star
Pitiful :smh:

Yall know you cant say shit to any other country, no motherfucking more!
Them ninjas laugh in your face and say nigga please..Foh!
Indeed. The aspirational ideal of Democracy is dead. We all knew it never actually existed, but it was sold around the world as the best hope for all mankind. So... mankind is fucked. :dunno:


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
If you watch around the 1 minute mark of the second video you see when it hits him that he got laughed at on the senate floor. Watch his body language and the sighs. :smh: :lol:

Dude is a clown to the nth degree :smh:

Leahy is so old he can barely talk. :smh:

Get these geriatric fucks outta here smh, it’s time to hang it up.

Lmao Dems are embarrassingly weak. Send these dudes to boot camp or some shit, give ‘em whatever supplements Ilhan Omar, AOC, Ayanna Pressley and Cori Bush are taking :smh:
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Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
There's always a war between the populated states and the least populated states.
The wealthier states and the least wealthier states.
States that send more tax dollars to the fed and the states that send the least taxes to the feds.

A state like New Mexico is among the least populated, least wealthiest, and among the states that send the least amount of taxes dollars to the fed.
On top of that New Mexico is the state most dependent on fed dollars.

So there is no incentive for a representative from New Mexico to be for things that higher populated, wealthier, and least dependent states are for.

They're not alone. Right now representatives from states that are the least dependent on fed tax dollars, receive the least in fed tax dollars, are the among most populated states, are wealthier states, etc....are calling for the SALT tax deduction to be reinstated. Yet why would states that are not as wealthy care about that deduction when it mostly doesn't affect their population. Why would a representative from those least wealthier states run on and agree to vote yes for that deduction when it doesn't benefit most of the people in their district/state?

This why it is said that the USA is an experiment because it's for all intents and purposes 50 different countries with different wants and needs trying to govern in unity.

I hear you bruh but I believe the biggest mistake Dems are making is staking out a “center” ground relative to Republicans who are consistently shifting the Overton Window in this country further and further to the right. To a cartoonishly awful degree. So much so that their last admin was flirting heavily with out and out fascism.

Dems need to focus on winning over the countless millions who don’t vote because they’ve correctly understood the fuckery politicians are engaged in and have checked out completely. This is a strategy that Justice Dems have proven works and all the supposedly “far left” policies ppl wring their hands about are largely popular among most Americans when framed correctly. The problem is twofold: 1) Dems are incredibly bad at framing issues correctly for the most part and 2) They’re busy courting these mythical independent voters who can’t decide between a Trump and a Biden (or whatever milquetoast centrist Dems offer up).

Dems need to stop pretending that they can court voters who don’t know if they’re ok with kids in cages, mass incarceration aimed at minorities (mainly us), unaccountable policing, medical bankruptcies, education costs skyrocketing, wages depressed, widening wealth gap, women’s autonomy in question etc etc etc.

Dems need to wake the fuck up because the truth is these sick Republican fucks can easily get back into power within 2 to 4 years. Easily. It’s amazing that these 2 Senators can derail any meaningful progress over the next few years and virtually ensure a GOP sweep given this country’s very short memory.


Rising Star
I hear you bruh but I believe the biggest mistake Dems are making is staking out a “center” ground relative to Republicans who are consistently shifting the Overton Window in this country further and further to the right. To a cartoonishly awful degree. So much so that their last admin was flirting heavily with out and out fascism.

Dems need to focus on winning over the countless millions who don’t vote because they’ve correctly understood the fuckery politicians are engaged in and checked out completely. This is a strategy that Justice Dems have proven works and all the supposedly “far left” policies ppl wring their hands about are largely popular among most Americans when framed correctly. The problem is twofold: 1) Dems are incredibly bad at framing issues correctly for the most part and 2) They’re busy courting these mythical independent voters who can’t decide between a Trump and a Biden (or whatever milquetoast centrist Dems offer up).

Dems need to stop pretending that they can court voters who don’t know if they’re ok with kids in cages, mass incarceration aimed at minorities (mainly us), unaccountable policing, medical bankruptcies, education costs skyrocketing, wages depressed, widening wealth gap, women’s autonomy in question etc etc etc.

Dems need to wake the fuck up because the truth is these sick Republican fucks can easily get back into power within 2 to 4 years. Easily. It’s amazing that these 2 Senators can derail any meaningful progress over the next few years and virtually ensure a GOP sweep given this country’s very short memory.

All we hear about is the 74mm trump voters when Biden won with 81MM votes and second place went to non-voters with 80MM :smh:


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
The dissenters act like the Democrats are dealing with rational opposition.

II think it’s different bruh. The dissenters understand where this war is being waged. During the last impeachment Giuliani (the ultimate clown of clowns) said something that spoke to how well Republicans understand the power of narrative. He said something like, and I’m too lazy to Google rn but it’s close enough, “I’m making my case in the court of public opinion”. He’s one of the most ridiculous people on Earth but he has enough wits to understand where the battle space is.

Dems made an amazing legal case for deposing Trump not once but twice! The second time was even more powerfully compelling. But it’s like they’re dropping ordinance in the wrong theater. It’s not enough to make the legal case. You need to eviscerate these ppl. Make their lives a living hell. Beat the fuck outta them and make them look bad IN PUBLIC. Call those witnesses, gas them out in the ring and use every form of skullduggery. Run those Lincoln Project style ads. Do not give any quarter. Fight like hell. Because the other side is fighting this fight on cable being beamed into millions of homes every night. I need these Dems to eat their fucking Wheaties man... give Biden a chance to actually accomplish some shit.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
II think it’s different bruh. The dissenters understand where this war is being waged. During the last impeachment Giuliani (the ultimate clown of clowns) said something that spoke to how well Republicans understand the power of narrative. He said something like, and I’m too lazy to Google rn but it’s close enough, “I’m making my case in the court of public opinion”. He’s one of the most ridiculous people on Earth but he has enough wits to understand where the battle space is.

Dems made an amazing legal case for deposing Trump not once but twice! The second time was even more powerfully compelling. But it’s like they’re dropping ordinance in the wrong theater. It’s not enough to make the legal case. You need to eviscerate these ppl. Make their lives a living hell. Beat the fuck outta them and make them look bad IN PUBLIC. Call those witnesses, gas them out in the ring and use every form of skullduggery. Run those Lincoln Project style ads. Do not give any quarter. Fight like hell. Because the other side is fighting this fight every night on cable being beamed into millions of homes every night. I need these Dems to eat their fucking Wheaties man... give Biden a chance to actually accomplish some shit.
I will say this. This time around, they did seem more on point about trying to appeal to the public. That's kinda why I don't think wasting time with witnesses would have mattered. They made their case to the people that were going to listen, and those people didn't need more evidence. The ones that weren't going to change wouldn't have been moved by more evidence or testimony anyway.

I agree that Dems needs to make a big push now. They need to act like this is the last chance they'll get to make a real difference, because if they fuck around and let the GOP get control again, it very well could be.


Rising Star
All we hear about is the 74mm trump voters when Biden won with 81MM votes and second place went to non-voters with 80MM :smh:
Thank you! :clap:

Shit seems so obvious bruh
The issue is that Biden could win re-election and still have the house and senate flip on him. The way red states jerrymander their congressional districts is IMO what really keeps Dems from maintaining power.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
I will say this. This time around, they did seem more on point about trying to appeal to the public. That's kinda why I don't think wasting time with witnesses would have mattered. They made their case to the people that were going to listen, and those people didn't need more evidence. The ones that weren't going to change wouldn't have been moved by more evidence or testimony anyway.

I agree that Dems needs to make a big push now. They need to act like this is the last chance they'll get to make a real difference, because if they fuck around and let the GOP get control again, it very well could be.

Agreed bruh. They did a great job this time around and frankly, they did a pretty great job the first time around. They need to go scorched Earth. Make these disingenuous fucks lives hell... I think Dems could have kept this thing going longer and really put the screws to folks like McCarthy etc. Barring that though I hope they continue to push and give up all pretenses of coming to an accord with these psychopaths. Bring Sinema and Manchin to heel and push like hell to pass meaningful legislation.because you’re spot on about this being a “last chance”, the other side almost literally ended Democracy at the behest of a realitiy TV grifter who takes advice from a pillow salesman... this shit is over if they get back in again :smh:


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
The issue is that Biden could win re-election and still have the house and senate flip on him. The way red states jerrymander their congressional districts is IMO what really keeps Dems from maintaining power.

That’s exactly why Dems can’t be precious about going scorched Earth. Pack the courts. Strike those retarded voter suppression efforts down. Bring a Gatling to this goddamn gun fight and put that butter knife back in the pantry :smh:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Dude is a clown to the nth degree :smh:

Get these geriatric fucks outta here smh, it’s time to hang it up.

Lmao Dems are embarrassingly weak. Send these dudes to boot camp or some shit, give ‘em whatever supplements Ilhan Omar, AOC, Ayanna Pressley and Cori Bush are taking :smh:
Minority, minority, minority, and a minority. White people do not want those kinds of antioxidants.