Joe Biden is now POTUS


Rising Star

im not surprised actually

i mean its the quality of people to live in denial ....she says on the one hand he ( and she ) didnt do anything wrong but when asked if he could do anything differntly shes ays "of course"

then goes right back on script of denial or obfuscation


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
OK it looks like the Democrats got in line but here comes this asshole from the Republican side.

This mufucka is actually having the clerks read all 628 pages of the covid bill just to stall for time. It probably gonna take 10 hours. Smh.....they have no fuckin shame.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
This mufucka is actually having the clerks read all 628 pages of the covid bill just to stall for time. It probably gonna take 10 hours. Smh.....they have no fuckin shame.
I hope they read it in 14 different languages. And then have small reenactment staring Dean Cain for the people with hearing issues.

How do people insist on being amazed at republicans. Their bullshit is more anticipated than 2 after credits scenes in a marvel movie.


Unionize & Prepare For Automation
International Member
How retarded is this. They really negotiating with themselves.

The problem is that this ain't necessarily true. We have a whole bunch of Republicans just chomping at the bit to claim that Democrats have not and will not accomplish anything. Hell, we've got liberals and progressives in line to say the same thing.

The general public is a mishmash of some very smart people, some very ignorant people, and some very self-centered people. Collectively speaking, they definitely don't always see things with clear logic, and that's why messaging matters.

Dems should be pushing the narrative that people are hurting now and need help now, and clearly outlining the things and people that are stopping help from getting to them. Because two years from now, people aren't going to remember, "We need a few more Democrats in office to do work." They're going to remember, "Democrats had Congress, and nothing got done."

Co-sign every word. Cenk is on the ball here too. Dems be like...



Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor


So when does the snitching start


Tensei - Admin
Staff member

Federico G. Klein, a former mid-level aide at the State Department, is the first member of the Trump administration to face criminal charges in connection with the January 6 storming of the capital.

Klein was arrested in Virginia for charges including unlawful entry, violent and disorderly conduct, obstructing Congress and law enforcement, and assaulting an officer with a dangerous weapon, Samantha Shero, a spokesperson for the Bureau's Washington Field Office, confirmed Thursday.
In videos, Klein is seen wearing a red "Make America Great Again" cap while assaulting officers with a stolen riot shield. According to a court document filed by the FBI, Klein was still employed by the State Department and possessed a Top Secret security clearance at the time of the alleged offence.

According to his LinkedIn page, he held Top Secret clearance, issued by the Defense Department, from 2014 to 2019. This was later renewed according to court documents.

The FBI arrested Klein after a member of the public who had seen the Bureau's poster pointed them to his Facebook page. Another witness contacted the agency to say they knew the man pictured on the poster by the name of "Freddie Klein."
Klein, 42, worked on Donald Trump's 2016 presidential campaign, as a "tech analyst," according to Federal Election Commission records. He earned $15,000, shown in a financial disclosure filed on joining the State Department and a further $5,000 by the campaign in 2017, according to the FEC records.
Last summer, Klein was listed in a federal directory as serving as a special assistant in the Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, a role filled by presidential appointment.


Rising Star

So 42 voted for it, and 8 againt it. Yet the tweet says the dems broke their promise.
Here's my question. Did the 8 individuals say they were for raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour? If they didn't, then those individuals didn't break a promose. If they did, then what do their constituents have to say about their representatives voting no?
If they want $15 an hour, then what are going to do?
Politics is not an non contact sport and tweets, etc... aint protest.

I'm tired of hearing people complaining but not taking action or waiting for others to take action..

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So 42 voted for it, and 8 againt it. Yet the tweet says the dems broke their promise.
Here's my question. Did the 8 individuals say they were for raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour? If they didn't, then those individuals didn't break a promose. If they did, then what do their constituents have to say about their representatives voting no?
If they want $15 an hour, then what are going to do?
Politics is not an non contact sport and tweets, etc... aint protest.

I'm tired of hearing people complaining but not taking action or waiting for others to take action..
That second tweet is bullshit. Senators didn't promise that. Biden put it in his original proposal. With that said, no one came up with an alternative.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
I am very upset with those eight Democrats we seriously need a $15 an hour Minimum wage hike. I hate to say this but the Senate needs to get a little bit more left to pass this bill. Oh Bernie Sanders did dropped the ball a little bit on this but still.
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