Joe Biden is now POTUS


Rising Star
Right. And Republicans know this. You notice that they don't actively pursue trying to make getting IDs easier for anyone. If they really cared so much about it being a thing, that should be part of their agenda.

And we all know damn good and well that if everyone had IDs that addressed this issue, they would just come up with something else. That's the problem with entertaining a baseless argument. It just opens the door wider for the next baseless argument.

They will argue that Ids are needed to ensure the integrity of the voting process and then argue that a national ID is tyranny. :smh: :lol:

Same shit they did with illegal immigration regarding national ID...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Ya gotta hustle one way or another....


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Some people here gonna Hate on me, But that is the way it should have been nationwide in the first place
Counting ballots mailed the day of, that show up a week later ?
I am ready to vote as soon as early voting begins. Goto the library, no line, finish in 6 minutes
This proposal is a non problem

I have had this discussion a lot on other boards. So when voter id laws were implemented in Alabama, they most of not all of the DMV's in black areas. They claimed it was due to money issues.

News reports at the time told about people driving or getting someone to drive them 45 min to an hour+, getting there, with the business closed, even though their hours should have been open. It was reported some of them started keeping irregular hours at this time also. People were lied to, told that the documents they had to get the ID were not valid or correct. If you have been misplaced due to natural disaster, you may have to pay to get documents to get the ID. People who had voted all their lives, including a former congress man, was not able to vote.

I don't recall if it was Alabama or elsewhere, but some who showed up to vote with ID was told it was not valid. I recall a news reporter with one person, who was told this, they also were not given provisional ballots in instances where they should have been.

In Texas they didn't want college kids to vote, so when they did voter id, College ID's were no longer acceptable, but hunting/fishing licenses were. Not all kids will have and ID or driver license.

I have other links, but I'm at work and can't search for them now. Some places reduced early polling places from 20 to 2, where people were in line for hours, and now GA is wanting to prevent you from giving food and water to people standing in lines.

So it's never JUST about the policy, it's how it is being implemented.

SPARTA, Ga. — When the deputy sheriff’s patrol cruiser pulled up beside him as he walked down Broad Street at sunset last August, Martee Flournoy, a 32-year-old black man, was both confused and rattled. He had reason: In this corner of rural Georgia, African-Americans are arrested at a rate far higher than that of whites.

But the deputy had not come to arrest Mr. Flournoy. Rather, he had come to challenge Mr. Flournoy’s right to vote.

The majority-white Hancock County Board of Elections and Registration was systematically questioning the registrations of more than 180 black Sparta citizens — a fifth of the city’s registered voters — by dispatching deputies with summonses commanding them to appear in person to prove their residence or lose their voting rights.
“When I read that letter, I was kind of nervous,” Mr. Flournoy said in an interview. “I didn’t know what to do.”

The board’s aim, a lawsuit later claimed, was to give an edge to white candidates in Sparta’s municipal elections — and that November, a white mayoral candidate won a narrow victory.

“A lot of those people that was challenged probably didn’t vote, even though they weren’t proven to be wrong,” said Marion Warren, a Sparta elections official who documented the purges and raised an alarm with voting-rights advocates. “People just do not understand why a sheriff is coming to their house to bring them a subpoena, especially if they haven’t committed any crime.”

The county attorney, Barry A. Fleming, a Republican state representative, said in an interview that the elections board was only trying to restore order to an electoral process tainted earlier by corruption and incompetence. The lawsuit is overblown, he suggested, because only a fraction of the targeted voters were ultimately scratched from the rolls.

“The allegations that people were denied the right to vote are the opposite of the truth,” he said. “This is probably more about politics and power than race.”

But the purge of Sparta voters is precisely the sort of electoral maneuver that once would have needed Justice Department approval before it could be put in effect. In Georgia and all or part of 14 other states, the 1965 Voting Rights Act required jurisdictions with histories of voter discrimination to receive so-called preclearance before changing the way voter registration and elections were conducted.

Three years ago, the Supreme Court declared the preclearance mandate unconstitutional, saying the blatant discrimination it was meant to prevent was largely a thing of the past.

But since the Supreme Court’s 5-to-4 ruling in the voting-rights case, Shelby County v. Holder, critics argue, the blatant efforts to keep minorities from voting have been supplanted by a blizzard of more subtle changes. Most conspicuous have been state efforts like voter ID laws or cutbacks in early voting periods, which critics say disproportionately affect minorities and the poor. Less apparent, but often just as contentious, have been numerous voting changes enacted in counties and towns across the South and elsewhere around the country.

They appear as Republican legislatures and election officials in the South and elsewhere have imposed statewide restrictions on voting that could depress turnout by minorities and other Democrat-leaning groups in a crucial presidential election year. Georgia and North Carolina, two states whose campaigns against so-called voter fraud have been cast by critics as aimed at black voters, could both be contested states in autumn’s presidential election.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I got a question about the 1.9T package,is there a part of it that is earmarked for Black farmers because I heard the tail end of a rant by Miss Lindsey Graham about reparations to Black farmers. Is this true did Biden have a section of this for Blacks only?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I have had this discussion a lot on other boards. So when voter id laws were implemented in Alabama, they most of not all of the DMV's in black areas. They claimed it was due to money issues.
Camille, no matter where it is located you will still need to walk into the DMV. So while you are there fill out the paper to vote. If you are in school go get some version of state ID. If you are 96 yrs old and now wanna vote for the first time ever, that is just sad. What have you been doing for 96 years with no ID. This is 2021, you can not walk anywhere in America without some kinda ID card unless you are under 16. For those that ask why did they not have ID laws in the 1920's Because there were no picture ID's till the 1980's. Rewatch The Shawshank Redemption. He was able to get all the ID he needed through the mail. No pictures needed back then
They have made the simple rules clear as day, Turn 16 get a picture ID. You wanna Vote get a Picture ID, register and Vote early.
It is to simple, nothing hard about it. Whining about it is weak
So it's never JUST about the policy, it's how it is being implemented.
The way around how it is being implemented is easy, go get a picture ID at the DMV no matter where it is. Like the boy scouts said "Be Prepared"
If you want to vote then you will get that ID and go vote, If something as common as a picture ID is holding you back and you wait till the last day, then you do not want to vote anyway. If you are 92 and wait till the last day and are not prepared, you really did not want to vote.
You can lead them through every step of the way and they still will not vote, No matter how easy you make it. Voting happens every Two years, so just go do it.


Rising Star
I got a question about the 1.9T package,is there a part of it that is earmarked for Black farmers because I heard the tail end of a rant by Miss Lindsey Graham about reparations to Black farmers. Is this true did Biden have a section of this for Blacks only?

A little-known element of President Biden’s massive stimulus relief package would pay billions of dollars to disadvantaged farmers — benefiting Black farmers in a way that some experts say no legislation has since the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Of the $10.4 billion in the American Rescue Plan that will support agriculture, approximately half would go to disadvantaged farmers, according to estimates from the Farm Bureau, an industry organization. About a quarter of disadvantaged farmers are Black. The money would provide debt relief as well as grants, training, education and other forms of assistance aimed at acquiring land.

While it’s a fraction of the $1.9 trillion bill that passed in the Senate on Saturday, advocates say it still represents a step toward righting a wrong after a century of mistreatment of Black farmers by the government and others. Some say it is a form of reparations for African Americans who have suffered a long history of racial oppression.

“This is the most significant piece of legislation with respect to the arc of Black land ownership in this country,” said Tracy Lloyd McCurty, executive director of the Black Belt Justice Center, which provides legal representation to Black farmers.



FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
I got a question about the 1.9T package,is there a part of it that is earmarked for Black farmers because I heard the tail end of a rant by Miss Lindsey Graham about reparations to Black farmers. Is this true did Biden have a section of this for Blacks only?
Black farmers were (partially) compensated for the subsidies that White farmers were being given, but Blacks were shut out just like they did with the GI Bill and VA loans after WWII.

They fought for over a decade and many lost their farms and lands due to the USDA's lack of enforcing programs designed to assist ALL farmers.

It in no way means that Black farmers were paid reparations for slavery.

Black Farmers to Receive Payouts in $1.2 Billion from Federal Lawsuit (
USDA issued billions in subsidies this year. Black farmers are still waiting for their share. (


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Black farmers were (partially) compensated for the subsidies that White farmers were being given, but Blacks were shut out just like they did with the GI Bill and VA loans after WWII.

They fought for over a decade and many lost their farms and lands due to the USDA's lack of enforcing programs designed to assist ALL farmers.

It in no way means that Black farmers were paid reparations for slavery.

Black Farmers to Receive Payouts in $1.2 Billion from Federal Lawsuit (
USDA issued billions in subsidies this year. Black farmers are still waiting for their share. (
IMO THATS where reparations should be concentrated at...theres records of black soldiers its much more traceable and recent than making slavery the face of the issue.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
Black farmers were (partially) compensated for the subsidies that White farmers were being given, but Blacks were shut out just like they did with the GI Bill and VA loans after WWII.

They fought for over a decade and many lost their farms and lands due to the USDA's lack of enforcing programs designed to assist ALL farmers.

It in no way means that Black farmers were paid reparations for slavery.

Black Farmers to Receive Payouts in $1.2 Billion from Federal Lawsuit (
USDA issued billions in subsidies this year. Black farmers are still waiting for their share. (
Thanks to Senator Warnock he help put this in the bill


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
A little-known element of President Biden’s massive stimulus relief package would pay billions of dollars to disadvantaged farmers — benefiting Black farmers in a way that some experts say no legislation has since the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Of the $10.4 billion in the American Rescue Plan that will support agriculture, approximately half would go to disadvantaged farmers, according to estimates from the Farm Bureau, an industry organization. About a quarter of disadvantaged farmers are Black. The money would provide debt relief as well as grants, training, education and other forms of assistance aimed at acquiring land.

While it’s a fraction of the $1.9 trillion bill that passed in the Senate on Saturday, advocates say it still represents a step toward righting a wrong after a century of mistreatment of Black farmers by the government and others. Some say it is a form of reparations for African Americans who have suffered a long history of racial oppression.

“This is the most significant piece of legislation with respect to the arc of Black land ownership in this country,” said Tracy Lloyd McCurty, executive director of the Black Belt Justice Center, which provides legal representation to Black farmers.

Good info,I guess Tariq was wrong about not voting cause Black people wont get anything from Biden and Warnock/Ossoff.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Good info,I guess Tariq was wrong about not voting cause Black people wont get anything from Biden and Warnock/Ossoff.
the only other major party voted NO on it..

Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina took issue with a proposed $5 billion fund for debt repayment that would benefit historically disenfranchised Black farmers in the $1.9 trillion coronavirus stimulus package, calling it “reparations.”

Graham, a Republican, criticized what he called the Democratic “wish list” in the stimulus deal in an interview with Fox News on Tuesday.

“Let me give you an example of something that really bothers me. In this bill, if you’re a farmer, your loan will be forgiven up to 120% of your loan ... if you’re socially disadvantaged, if you’re African American, some other minority. But if you’re [a] white person, if you’re a white woman, no forgiveness. That’s reparations. What does that have to do with COVID?” Graham asked.

but hey

won't hear a word from @xfactor or @KingTaharqa or @Soul On Ice or @VAiz4hustlaz


FKA Shaka38
Platinum Member
IMO THATS where reparations should be concentrated at...theres records of black soldiers its much more traceable and recent than making slavery the face of the issue.
That would make a good launching point, but it omits those who were either too young or too old to be drafted or serve or those who COULD'NT serve due to medical issues.