Joe Biden is now POTUS


Truth Teller
1. I didn't say high tide raises anything. That expression doesn't even apply here. I said those policies are beneficial to us directly. Not in a high tide kind of way. In a direct kind of way. If it doesn't prove me wrong.
You said and I quote:

......... policy that positively affects black folk doesnt "count" if that policy doesnt only help black folk? .........
Good policy is good policy. A positive impact is a positive impact.

This is the absolute definition of a tide raises all boats. Policy that isn't specific for any one group, but is supposed to help all. The assistance is not direct as you incorrectly stated. It's indirect because it does not directly benefit black folk.

2. Answer my question. Should the farmers and parents and the unemployed black peeps refuse the benefits since it isnt specifically for black peeps?
Naw, they should absolutely accept the hush money. But, they should also understand that this is minuscule in the grand scheme of things. We know our people, they will be buying tvs, jordans, handbags, down payments on cars, trips, etc. All of which will "stimulate the economy but not help them improve their overall financial situation.
3. I didnt say to not demand anything for your vote. I said where does your not voting solution get you? Do you get to live an imaginary life where your community wont be affected by whoever OTHERS choose to govern?
The reality is, the lives of black folk has not seen overall improvement for decades. Employment, incarceration, education, wealth, family structure, home ownership, and many other categories have seen a decrease regarding black folk.

My brother, I sincerely believe that we want the same thing. To see black folk doing better. Unfortunately, I believe that until we properly leverage our power while doing for self to improve our own situation, we will continue to be pawns for politicians and the wealthy.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You said and I quote:

......... policy that positively affects black folk doesnt "count" if that policy doesnt only help black folk? .........
Good policy is good policy. A positive impact is a positive impact.

This is the absolute definition of a tide raises all boats. Policy that isn't specific for any one group, but is supposed to help all. The assistance is not direct as you incorrectly stated. It's indirect because it does not directly benefit black folk.

Naw, they should absolutely accept the hush money. But, they should also understand that this is minuscule in the grand scheme of things. We know our people, they will be buying tvs, jordans, handbags, down payments on cars, trips, etc. All if which will "stimulate the economy but not help them improve their overall financial situation.

The reality is, the lives of black folk has not seen overall improvement for decades. Employment, incarceration, education, wealth, family structure, home ownership, and many other categories have seen a decrease regarding black folk.

My brother, I sincerely believe that we want the same thing. To see black folk doing better. Unfortunately, I believe that until we properly leverage our power while doing for self to improve our own situation, we will continue to be pawns for politicians and the wealthy.
the bold is the most cynical FUCKED UP stereotyped response I've ever seen from a black person about black people:hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:

You literally said black BUSINESS OWNERS would essentially fuck away their "hush money" on trivial shit rather than use it to oh I dunno..SAVE AND EXPAND ON THEIR ACTUAL BUSINESSES! As if black people don't know how to run a farming business. Thats the response I would expect on a message board like stormfront or a fox news comment know racist ASSHOLES..

And then you wonder why people call you all agents and cacs and shit... :smh::smh::smh::smh:


Truth Teller
the bold is the most cynical FUCKED UP stereotyped response I've ever seen from a black person about black people:hmm::hmm::hmm::hmm:

You literally said black BUSINESS OWNERS would essentially fuck away their "hush money" on trivial shit rather than use it to oh I dunno..SAVE AND EXPAND ON THEIR ACTUAL BUSINESSES! As if black people don't know how to run a farming business. Thats the response I would expect on a message board like stormfront or a fox news comment know racist ASSHOLES..

And then you wonder why people call you all agents and cacs and shit... :smh::smh::smh::smh:
You are conflating two issue to illicit a response. Let's not pretend that the $1400 isn't going to be used for everything other than some type of asset creation.

Regarding the black farmers, if you read the language of the bill, it's states it's for farmers of color and those farmers who qualify as disadvantaged. The media has created a narrative for black farmers, because unfortunately, almost all black farmers qualify.

Of the 3.4 million farmers in the United States today, only 45,000 are Black, according to the USDA.

I'm glad these brothers and sisters will get assistance, Trump paid the white farmers more than they would have made selling crops. However, this money does not address the root of the problems. Why are black farmers doing worse? Why is the number dwindling annually? Why can they get contracts? Among other things.


Rising Star
You said and I quote:

......... policy that positively affects black folk doesnt "count" if that policy doesnt only help black folk? .........
Good policy is good policy. A positive impact is a positive impact.

This is the absolute definition of a tide raises all boats. Policy that isn't specific for any one group, but is supposed to help all. The assistance is not direct as you incorrectly stated. It's indirect because it does not directly benefit black folk.

Naw, they should absolutely accept the hush money. But, they should also understand that this is minuscule in the grand scheme of things. We know our people, they will be buying tvs, jordans, handbags, down payments on cars, trips, etc. All if which will "stimulate the economy but not help them improve their overall financial situation.

The reality is, the lives of black folk has not seen overall improvement for decades. Employment, incarceration, education, wealth, family structure, home ownership, and many other categories have seen a decrease regarding black folk.

My brother, I sincerely believe that we want the same thing. To see black folk doing better. Unfortunately, I believe that until we properly leverage our power while doing for self to improve our own situation, we will continue to be pawns for politicians and the wealthy.

1. Let me give you an example of a tide raising all boats and then explain the difference with whats happening here.

If i own a house in a neighborhood that gets torn down and gentrified, my house will gain in value. Despite me not doing shit, im benefiting because i was part of a rising tide.

In this instance, black peeps are benefiting directly. The black farmers are an obvious example. You know which group has the the worst unemployment numbers? Ok. You know who child tax credits will help the most? Ok. So no, we arent just part of a rising tide with this bill.

2. You looking down on our people is your business. Not mine. First its crumbs and hush money and then its the blacks will waste it anyway. The republicans are right about us arent they?

3. We are all pawns to politicians. All of us. IMHO we can still play the game to get ahead while we do for self. Where we disagree is that you seem to think that removing ourselves from the game means that we wont get played.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
maybe not exactly the same but you clearly don't see any redeeming value in either party.

we've done this dance before so I'm pasting past responses at this point :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

We've never had a discussion about which Dem and GOP policy positions I agree with or disagree with. And you have yet to quote where I've said "all parties are the same" yet you continue to hit me with that accusation.

and this is where YOU misinterpret things. NO ONE has said the democratic party or candidates are beyond where I said that?
My worldview is NOT constructed as if the Democrats are my favorite sports team... I'm just pointing out that the choices are in the present political landscape are limited and we have to deal with the choices in front of us.

playing voting GAMES with that choice doesn't work as we've seen the last 4 years.

Show me where you've been critical of any Democratic policy positions, politicians, or manuevers.

I never inferred anything about the black vote and hillarys loss. (another misconstrue by you) Glaude's strategy was based on a scenario he read about in book and in that ALL THE PEOPLE IN THE COUNTRY rejected the choices for president. In the vids you and I posted about him he's talking to EVERYONE not just black people about doing this. But therein lies the FATAL FLAW. In order for blank out to work in AMERICAN POLITICS, everyone has to be disgusted by the choices...otherwise, IT WON'T WORK PERIOD! And what did we discover?? Not only do rightwing people don't give a shit about social justice they LIKE voting for out and out ASSHOLES!! Make no mistake trump is the absolute WORST example of a political candidate this side of Shemp from the 3 Stooges and that fucker garnered the SECOND MOST VOTES IN US HISTORY!! That means ALL BETS ARE OFF!! ANYONE CAN WIN THIS THING!! Ergo, BLANKOUT CAN NEVER WORK!!

Geechie, do you read to learn or read to respond? The article he wrote expressly says that the strategy is geared towards BLACK voters!

We see one way to loosen the hold Democrats have on the black electorate: for African Americans to become strategic voters. We call it the Blank-Out Campaign. :smh:

You and the down ballot-blank out crew can continue to do it but its a hopeless purely symbolic gesture that at this point only makes YOU feel superior in that "I didn't vote for XXX and you all are stupid for doing so" which is at most immature and certainly doesn't help ANYTHING and is detrimental to your OWN cause..ask Eddie G :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Given a real-world choice in real time, Eddie Glaude stayed on the democratic "plantation"....thats all that happened..and you know it :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

No, it's a real-world attempt at doing something different since our current "blindly-vote-for-the-Dems" strategy is NOT working! I'll challenge you to do something - post some real-world stats about Black Americans circa-2016 when Obama was still in office and then compare them to the same stats in early 2020 (pre-covid) when Trump was in office and let me know if there are any glaring differences. I'll wait............if you can't do it, then punt the challenge to another Bidet, like your boy AllUniverse below. Don't waste your time with BKF though.

Yes, symbolism.

You are aware that its Glaude himself who's calling it that right?

Are you sure you read the article? Glaude mentions Arizona himself and Georgia has always been known as a red state. So how do they not apply?

Its his strategy and he's telling you its only for symbolic purposes to send a message.

So Im sorry but I need a better solution then symbols while others are deciding who gets govern over me.

Why are you satisfied with symbols?

He made a practical point and a symbolic point.


As both pressure voters and pivotal voters, African Americans can simultaneously deliver a victory for the Democratic nominee in swing states and keep the Democrats’ feet to the fire. Casting ballots as pressure voters would not merely be a symbolic act. Depending on the Blank-Out campaign’s success, it could have consequences for Democratic Party leaders down the line. Lower vote totals for the party’s standard bearer in red states could reduce representation of delegates at the 2020 convention, under formulas the party uses to estimate the number of delegates for each state. How well the party’s presidential nominees performed in the preceding two elections is one factor used to calculate the number of delegates for each state. We think the threat of losing delegate representation should incentivize red-state Democrats—and other Democratic leaders—to prioritize issues that directly affect black communities on the state and federal levels.


But at the symbolic level, the Blank-Out Campaign would announce that African Americans are done with business as usual. Party leaders, black and white, would be served notice that black voters are more than cattle chewing cud, to be herded to the polls every two and four years. So how does it work?



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You are conflating two issue to illicit a response. Let's not pretend that the $1400 isn't going to be used for everything other than some type of asset creation.

Regarding the black farmers, if you read the language of the bill, it's states it's for farmers of color and those farmers who qualify as disadvantaged. The media has created a narrative for black farmers, because unfortunately, almost all black farmers qualify.

Of the 3.4 million farmers in the United States today, only 45,000 are Black, according to the USDA.

I'm glad these brothers and sisters will get assistance, Trump paid the white farmers more than they would have made selling crops. However, this money does not address the root of the problems. Why are black farmers doing worse? Why is the number dwindling annually? Why can they get contracts? Among other things.
regardless the 1400 is for everyone not just black and I'll go out and say that most black struggling black people will use the money for more meaninful things like rent or mortgage or utilities etc. Youre still playing into a horrible stereotype.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
You are conflating two issue to illicit a response. Let's not pretend that the $1400 isn't going to be used for everything other than some type of asset creation.

Regarding the black farmers, if you read the language of the bill, it's states it's for farmers of color and those farmers who qualify as disadvantaged. The media has created a narrative for black farmers, because unfortunately, almost all black farmers qualify.

Of the 3.4 million farmers in the United States today, only 45,000 are Black, according to the USDA.

I'm glad these brothers and sisters will get assistance, Trump paid the white farmers more than they would have made selling crops. However, this money does not address the root of the problems. Why are black farmers doing worse? Why is the number dwindling annually? Why can they get contracts? Among other things.

Geechie thinks putting a knife deep into a man's chest and then pulling it out by a centimeter is "progress" and we should be :dance::dance2:because of it.

This fuckery went down under Obama's administration. (.....crickets......)

How USDA distorted data to conceal decades of discrimination against Black farmers
.....Under Vilsack, USDA employees foreclosed on Black farmers with outstanding discrimination complaints, many of which were never resolved. At the same time, USDA staff threw out new complaints and misrepresented their frequency, while continuing to discriminate against farmers. The department sent a lower share of loan dollars to Black farmers than it had under President Bush, then used census data in misleading ways to burnish its record on civil rights. And although numerous media outlets portrayed the Pigford settlement payments as lavish handouts—a narrative that originated with right-wing publisher Andrew Breitbart—USDA actually failed to adequately compensate Black farmers, and many of them lost their farms......


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We've never had a discussion about which Dem and GOP policy positions I agree with or disagree with. And you have yet to quote where I've said "all parties are the same" yet you continue to hit me with that accusation.

Show me where you've been critical of any Democratic policy positions, politicians, or manuevers.
to what point...any issues with any political party is best resolved by pressuring the politicians directly and voting...complaining to YOU on a message board isn't social or political activism...its just bitching and moaning.

Geechie, do you read to learn or read to respond? The article he wrote expressly says that the strategy is geared towards BLACK voters!

We see one way to loosen the hold Democrats have on the black electorate: for African Americans to become strategic voters. We call it the Blank-Out Campaign. :smh:

now youre quoting a different guy now..first it was eddie glaude and now its FREDRICK C. HARRIS...

but at the end of the day it doesn't matter. in 2016 blacks voted for hilary at 80+percent and she STILL lost electorally. you know who did the blank out on hillary??? WHITE WOMEN. White women didn't turn out for hillary. Sooo how did that work out for us??

The strategy doesn't build in or account for allies and is dependant upon the black vote inflicting pain on the party by losses enough to make the democratic party stop and say we need to start giving black people want they want exclusively. And that is very likely NOT going to be the response the party or any political organization is going to have.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Geechie thinks putting a knife deep into a man's chest and then pulling it out by a centimeter is "progress" and we should be :dance::dance2:because of it.

This fuckery went down under Obama's administration. (.....crickets......)

How USDA distorted data to conceal decades of discrimination against Black farmers
.....Under Vilsack, USDA employees foreclosed on Black farmers with outstanding discrimination complaints, many of which were never resolved. At the same time, USDA staff threw out new complaints and misrepresented their frequency, while continuing to discriminate against farmers. The department sent a lower share of loan dollars to Black farmers than it had under President Bush, then used census data in misleading ways to burnish its record on civil rights. And although numerous media outlets portrayed the Pigford settlement payments as lavish handouts—a narrative that originated with right-wing publisher Andrew Breitbart—USDA actually failed to adequately compensate Black farmers, and many of them lost their farms......
Not to mention that just because they pass a bill doesn't mean the black farmers will benefit. The USDA has a history of not following thru


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
to what point...any issues with any political party is best resolved by pressuring the politicians directly and voting...complaining to YOU on a message board isn't social or political activism...its just bitching and moaning.

now youre quoting a different guy now..first it was eddie glaude and now its FREDRICK C. HARRIS...

but at the end of the day it doesn't matter. in 2016 blacks voted for hilary at 80+percent and she STILL lost electorally. you know who did the blank out on hillary??? WHITE WOMEN. White women didn't turn out for hillary. Sooo how did that work out for us??

The strategy doesn't build in or account for allies and is dependant upon the black vote inflicting pain on the party by losses enough to make the democratic party stop and say we need to start giving black people want they want exclusively. And that is very likely NOT going to be the response the party or any political organization is going to have.
You like hillary?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not to mention that just because they pass a bill doesn't mean the black farmers will benefit. The USDA has a history of not following thru
and thats where watchdogs and organized movements come in...thats political activism...cynical complaining before the ink is dry on the deal isn't.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
to what point...any issues with any political party is best resolved by pressuring the politicians directly and voting...complaining to YOU on a message board isn't social or political activism...its just bitching and moaning.

It is YOU and the other Bidets who regularly accuses me of saying "all parties are the same." I ask you to quote where I have ever said that. You don't. No one does. You can't. So then YOU equivocate say "maybe not exactly the same but you clearly don't see any redeeming value in either party." So I ask where I have ever said that.

The point is, stop setting up these silly-ass red herring arguments so you have something to argue against rather than simply respond to what I say. Or if you don't want to respond, then leave it alone. You initially tagged me in this latest discussion. I didn't just jump in here.

now youre quoting a different guy now..first it was eddie glaude and now its FREDRICK C. HARRIS...

My nigga. :smh: Actually read the entire article and scroll to the fucking end!!!! Harris was articulating and summarizing the strategy that Glaude wrote about in his book "Democracy in Black." I shouldn't have to hold your hand through this kind of shit. I know you're at least 50 years old.

Or just read this article instead:

Or just leave it alone.

but at the end of the day it doesn't matter. in 2016 blacks voted for hilary at 80+percent and she STILL lost electorally. you know who did the blank out on hillary??? WHITE WOMEN. White women didn't turn out for hillary. Sooo how did that work out for us??

You were earlier trying to blame Glaude and Black people blanking out for Hillary's loss. Now you're saying white women. For the record, white women didn't "blank out" on Hillary. The majority of white women voted for Trump. How did that work out for us? You tell me. I've already told you to pull the stats. Black wealth collapsed, Black men were murdered by the police, protests erupted throughout the country, Black Lives Matter got started.................hold up, all that happened under Obama, right?


The strategy doesn't build in or account for allies and is dependant upon the black vote inflicting pain on the party by losses enough to make the democratic party stop and say we need to start giving black people want they want exclusively. And that is very likely NOT going to be the response the party or any political organization is going to have.

Then they'll just have to keep losing.

and thats where watchdogs and organized movements come in...thats political activism...cynical complaining before the ink is dry on the deal isn't.

This was said in the article you didn't read: "The electoral strategy we are calling for will have to be executed alongside grassroots movements." ADOS has repeatedly called for the same thing and has chapters throughout the country.

You push back against both. :rolleyes2:


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
The Democrats need to keep talking about this bill this is one of the best things that ever came out of Congress in a long time and thanks to the Democrats

Check out The ReidOut with Joy Reid’s video! #TikTok >


Truth Teller
regardless the 1400 is for everyone not just black and I'll go out and say that most black struggling black people will use the money for more meaninful things like rent or mortgage or utilities etc. Youre still playing into a horrible stereotype.
I'm not playing into a stereotype. I'm just honest about our people. A lot of us are not fiscally responsible. A quick look at twitter, IG, tick tock, etc. People talking crazy about what they plan to spend the money on.

Hell, you see how people on this board are planning to spend the money. Not one mention of bills, food, rent, etc.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You were earlier trying to blame Glaude and Black people blanking out for Hillary's loss. Now you're saying white women. For the record, white women didn't "blank out" on Hillary. The majority of white women voted for Trump. How did that work out for us? You tell me. I've already told you to pull the stats. Black wealth collapsed, Black men were murdered by the police, protests erupted throughout the country, Black Lives Matter got started.................hold up, all that happened under Obama, right?

quote where I said hillarys loss was on black people.... quote where I even mentioned hillary in terms of the blank out...

regardless, glaude was wrong in his calculation and acknowledged it... your the one doing mental gymnastics and pretzel logic. Glaude said he's voting for biden rather than blanking out again in 2020 you acknowledge it even tho you disagree...when it came down to it your boy glaude stayed on the democratic "plantation" and decided biden was a better choice than trump. You accept that from him but don't accept it from anyone else. Why because he said some mitigating things...who gives a shit..if he thought there was a better way to go he would have made that move...But we know what WASN'T the better way to go...BLANK OUT:roflmao::roflmao: You can post all the articles you want Glaude sold YOU out by not doing what he encouraged others to do for last 4 years...I don't know what more to tell you about the reality of our surroundings but I know your a grown man so you need to stop with these fantasy scenarios and deal with the reality of whats going your boy Eddie G did.

This was said in the article you didn't read: "The electoral strategy we are calling for will have to be executed alongside grassroots movements." ADOS has repeatedly called for the same thing and has chapters throughout the country.

You push back against both. :rolleyes2:
was I talking to you or about ADOS in that statement???
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm not playing into a stereotype. I'm just honest about our people. A lot of us are not fiscally responsible. A quick look at twitter, IG, tick tock, etc. People talking crazy about what they plan to spend the money on.

Hell, you see how people on this board are planning to spend the money. Not one mention of bills, food, rent, etc.
dude a LOT of PEOPLE aren't fiscally responsible... on the one hand youre essentially saying that the reason the black communuty is fucked up is because of real systemic racism that has hamstrung the community since the beginning.. which is TRUE..then you say oh yeah but black people are not fiscally responsible anyway based some assholes you saw on social media (again an answer you would get on stormfront)

Stop worrying about whats in other peoples pockets..thats what cacs do.


Truth Teller
dude a LOT of PEOPLE aren't fiscally responsible... on the one hand youre essentially saying that the reason the black communuty is fucked up is because of real systemic racism that has hamstrung the community since the beginning.. which is TRUE..then you say oh yeah but black people are not fiscally responsible anyway based some assholes you saw on social media (again an answer you would get on stormfront)

Stop worrying about whats in other peoples pockets..thats what cacs do.
Two things can be true at the same time.

We have to unlearn and relearn. The system will never give us a real break. So, the heavy lifting is on us.


Easy_b is in the place to be.
BGOL Investor
the fuck happened to this thread? used to be essential viewing now it's a bunch of doo doo

brotha @Spectrum are you ready to move this?
I was thinking the same thing as soon as the Democrats past that relief bill all types of the stupid people started coming out of the woods....One positive thing about this is I got a chance to add more people to my ignore list.