Joe Biden is now POTUS


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Furious lol


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Stop's ok if someone has a different opinion..y'all wanna jerk each other off on being super democrats without any differing views
There's differing views...then there's just name calling... also a differing view is point kinda pointless when you don't have an effective way of implementing it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There's differing views...then there's just name calling... also a differing view is point kinda pointless when you don't have an effective way of implementing it.
It's a discussion forum. You guys just want everyone to agree with you lol. It's not about implementation. That isn't my job. My view is the the system is shit and I refuse to participate in a shitty system. That's my choice. You guys believe in the system and are obviously entrenched in it. That's your choice. My concern is with out people and your way isn't and hasn't worked in the big picture. I guess you guys are gonna keep voting and maybe one day things will change.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It's a discussion forum. You guys just want everyone to agree with you lol. It's not about implementation. That isn't my job. My view is the the system is shit and I refuse to participate in a shitty system. That's my choice. You guys believe in the system and are obviously entrenched in it. That's your choice. My concern is with out people and your way isn't and hasn't worked in the big picture. I guess you guys are gonna keep voting and maybe one day things will change.
thats the thing you guys don't understand...there is no opt out. You are participating in the shitty system whether you want to or not. You will get your 1400 and the tax breaks for your kids and anything else thats good and you will be subject to any laws created that either helps or hinders're not opting out of any of that regardless of if you pull a polling lever or not.

You posted a twitter that essentially said AOC sold out... I read the other comments and there seems to be this growing backlash simmering for her...just waiting for some disappointing setback so people can scream HA TOLD YOU SO!! AOC AINT SHIT! (don't fool yourself its GOING to happen). And none of you guys realize that she and the squad are on the front line of how this shitty system functions and there are NO "all you gotta do..." solutions. There are clashing ideologies even WITHIN the parties. And that's going to force a compromise in ways that to the person NOT on the frontlines of that shit only comes off as selling out.

You can hunker down and fight or negotiate to get what you can get given how much leverage either side has. Those are the choices and thats the nature of politics period. The only people who truly opted out of American politics are people like James Baldwin and Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) who literally left the country. That's how you opt-out. Otherwise, you're IN it whether you like it or not.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
thats the thing you guys don't understand...there is no opt out. You are participating in the shitty system whether you want to or not. You will get your 1400 and the tax breaks for your kids and anything else thats good and you will be subject to any laws created that either helps or hinders're not opting out of any of that regardless of if you pull a polling lever or not.

You posted a twitter that essentially said AOC sold out... I read the other comments and there seems to be this growing backlash simmering for her...just waiting for some disappointing setback so people can scream HA TOLD YOU SO!! AOC AINT SHIT! (don't fool yourself its GOING to happen). And none of you guys realize that she and the squad are on the front line of how this shitty system functions and there are NO "all you gotta do..." solutions. There are clashing ideologies even WITHIN the parties. And that's going to force a compromise in ways that to the person NOT on the frontlines of that shit only comes off as selling out.

You can hunker down and fight or negotiate to get what you can get given how much leverage either side has. Those are the choices and thats the nature of politics period. The only people who truly opted out of American politics are people like James Baldwin and Kwame Ture (Stokely Carmichael) who literally left the country. That's how you opt-out. Otherwise, you're IN it whether you like it or not.
You don't decide the terms mr geechiedan. I live here yes but I'm not in it. You're in it because you really believe in your heart that you decide who runs this country . The laws of this country have never been for us. You really think your making a difference when you vote for this clowns? They change the laws whenever they want to fit what they want. Do you know your history? This country moves on the self interest of the elite. Laws are there to serve those interests. Who has been more hindered then our people? It's so bad that any slight notion that looks good you guys salivate over. That's how beat down you are. It's sad actually. I don't blame you for being entrenched in the system tho. It's the same reason why people go to church. If you don't have anything to hope and wish for you are liable to go crazy. It's more comfortable in the matrix


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You don't decide the terms mr geechiedan. I live here yes but I'm not in it. You're in it because you really believe in your heart that you decide who runs this country . The laws of this country have never been for us. You really think your making a difference when you vote for this clowns? They change the laws whenever they want to fit what they want. Do you know your history? This country moves on the self interest of the elite. Laws are there to serve those interests. Who has been more hindered then our people? It's so bad that any slight notion that looks good you guys salivate over. That's how beat down you are. It's sad actually. I don't blame you for being entrenched in the system tho. It's the same reason why people go to church. If you don't have anything to hope and wish for you are liable to go crazy. It's more comfortable in the matrix
Nothing you said changed anything I was talking about tho...ok..but lets go with your way. Here's a question...HOW DO YOU OPT OUT AND STILL LIVE IN AMERICA?
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nothing you said changed anything I was talking about tho...ok..but lets go with your way. Here's a question...HOW DO YOU OPT OUT AND STILL LIVE IN AMERICA?
I don't participate in the farce. I don't expect either side to do anything beneficial for my community. I haven't seen it and don't expect to see it. Nothing we are gonna gain will be given to us. Nothing in history has been gained by waiting on the powers that be to GIVE. Power doesn't give up power. Never has. So if you think you're gonna vote your way outta oppression you're wrong. Or maybe you just care about you so then this system can benefit you. I care about the greater community


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The fact is in order to have power over people you need them to stay hungry, divided, and poor that's what Repubs want cause that's how they maintain power. Now the last couple of stimulus packages gave people enough to keep them happy but it kept people hungry, divided, and poor and gave rich people, big corporations(DONORS) and overseas interest money they didn't need, that's why they were opposed to this stimulus package cause that didn't happen, the cost was never the issue
The Dems negotiated against themselves...what did the Republicans have to do with it?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I ain't seen shit that poster has said since like the first day

And I barely block anybody but I can tell who not to waste ANY time on
Y'all really think I care about being on ignore? I like it when y'all do that... shows me you're a mental midget


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't participate in the farce. I don't expect either side to do anything beneficial for my community. I haven't seen it and don't expect to see it. Nothing we are gonna gain will be given to us. Nothing in history has been gained by waiting on the powers that be to GIVE. Power doesn't give up power. Never has. So if you think you're gonna vote your way outta oppression you're wrong. Or maybe you just care about you so then this system can benefit you. I care about the greater community
I get all that but you didn't answer the question..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You're looking for the wrong answer. Im not participating. I don't vote dem or republican. I don't pick sides like it's my favorite sports team. I support my community.
in what ways?? I'm looking for specifics not wrong answers...maybe you DO have the right way...i dunno the only way to know is to talk about it..


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
in what ways?? I'm looking for specifics not wrong answers...maybe you DO have the right way...i dunno the only way to know is to talk about it..
Education first and foremost. I teach black studies and investing. Don't want our children to grow up waiting on daddy biden and his comrades to save them. It's not the right way it's my way. It's what I can do to help my community and people who look like me. Group economics..wait for it...... socialism.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
It's a discussion forum. You guys just want everyone to agree with you lol. It's not about implementation. That isn't my job. My view is the the system is shit and I refuse to participate in a shitty system. That's my choice. You guys believe in the system and are obviously entrenched in it. That's your choice. My concern is with out people and your way isn't and hasn't worked in the big picture. I guess you guys are gonna keep voting and maybe one day things will change.

You should do like I do and take Gene Cisco's advice and leave them alone and watch it play out. Just look at this shit here from Darkkman:

The "I hate the Dems" crowd has three things that enrages them cause it proves how ineffective and irrelevant that group really is.....
1. The 2018 Dem flipping of the House
2. The 2020 Biden /Harris landslide win.
3. The passing of the Covid relief bill.

Most of us have articulated over and over again our issues with the Democratic Party and its politicians. Yet, he (and geechie does this too) will post silly shit like the above and represent that as what we're saying, and then will argue against that rather than address anything we say or address the points we actually make. They're intellectually dishonest as hell. This is why I don't knock Taharqa for trolling them.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You should do like I do and take Gene Cisco's advice and leave them alone and watch it play out. Just look at this shit here from Darkkman:

The "I hate the Dems" crowd has three things that enrages them cause it proves how ineffective and irrelevant that group really is.....
1. The 2018 Dem flipping of the House
2. The 2020 Biden /Harris landslide win.
3. The passing of the Covid relief bill.

Most of us have articulated over and over again our issues with the Democratic Party and its politicians. Yet, he (and geechie does this too) will post silly shit like the above and represent that as what we're saying, and then will argue against that rather than address anything we say or address the points we actually make. They're intellectually dishonest as hell. This is why I don't knock Taharqa for trolling them.
You're right..I'm gonna chill


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Instead of chilling you should get going on starting a black socialist party and prove that it is not just a theory but something practical.
Who am I proving anything to? BFK from a black porn message board? This is discussion and amusement only. I'll do my work and you keep voting for whitey

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Both sides the same

Fuck voting

Crumbs better hope it's genuine. And we won't get into the semantics of the bill. Tito did that already.

How USDA distorted data to conceal decades of discrimination against Black farmers
Black farmers unconvinced by Vilsack’s ‘root out’ racism vow

Didn't I just say I'd leave you mfs alone? I'm sorry....I've leave now.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor better hope it's genuine. And we won't get into the semantics of the bill. Tito did that already.

How USDA distorted data to conceal decades of discrimination against Black farmers
Black farmers unconvinced by Vilsack’s ‘root out’ racism vow

Didn't I just say I'd leave you mfs alone? I'm sorry....I've leave now.
Lol see


Rising Star
Who am I proving anything too. BFK from a black porn message board? This is discussing and amusement only. I'll do my work and you keep voting for whitey all black folks that you say should leave the dem party.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor the black folks that you want to leave the dem party.
They can stay blissfully ignorant if they'd like. That would be ideal but if I gotta prove to you why the democrats aren't good for you then your problems run way deeper.