1. hit dog hollered'
2. I own a 767.... nigga belief in his own cap is supa human
Haven't heard the Drake album, but based on his outside behavior Joe probably isn't far off. That being said, Drake's response also has truth to it. By mentioning money Drake indirectly proved Joe's point though and diluted his own. His initial points about making the right decisions to be a relevant artist was more than enough. I never respected when any rapper went to how much money they have as a reason for them being a better artist. Your talent should be the only discussion and album sells don't necessarily equal being better. It was a time DMX was considered a better act than Jay-Z, but DMXs personal life got in the way and that changed. There was also a time you'd debate between Jay-Z or Nas but Nas last few albums compared to Jay-Zs may change people's overall opinion. In a world where everyone has millions what does money matter. Put out quality music and prove everyone wrong.
The main thing I always respected about Drake was he was comfortable with who he was and probably leans into it as a joke. Compared to other rappers who tried to be everything but themselves. Drake seems to be the corny dude who made it, but he isn't the only one. For the most part, Drake makes emo music for women.