Nah he have to do it on wax I wouldn't allow that if it was anybody else so I can't with Joe it or hate’s a new era...he doesn’t need to kill him on wax
Nah he have to do it on wax I wouldn't allow that if it was anybody else so I can't with Joe either
I respect that he's retired but it's never gonna be acceptable to not respond on wax this is hip hop
because he can't do it with a recordjoe played em without a record
Yo Joe is usually a babbling idiot but he nailed this whole Em situation!
stop it boibecause he can't do it with a record
na joe budden on pointNah he have to do it on wax I wouldn't allow that if it was anybody else so I can't with Joe either
I respect that he's retired but it's never gonna be acceptable to not respond on wax this is hip hop
man who told you that Budden? LOLstop it boi
em can barely come up with good content
joe could put what he said in his podcast in bars and body em
Very much so disputeReal Hip Hop heads have been saying what Joe just said the last 10 years anyway! No one disputes that Em is a great lyricist but as far as musically he hasn't grown and his albums show it
So Joe Budden is better than Eminem according to you hatin ass niggas? Name a fuckin Budden song besides pump it up. Y’all are clowns
damn i had to go google pump it up LOLSo Joe Budden is better than Eminem according to you hatin ass niggas? Name a fuckin Budden song besides pump it up. Y’all are clowns
what the hell is joe rapping about.. I'll wait.. hell i can't even think of the name of one his songs...
that's his best song? a club banger that i thought was loyd banks
preciate ityou’re doing a great job of proving how ignorant you are if that is what you’re aiming to prove
preciate it
In case he actually has you on ignore.peace faggit
Bullshit...If Joe disses Em, I bet Em doesn't battle. He will act like he didn't hear the diss or that it is beneath him. Em doesn't want to battle any of these dudes.because he can't do it with a record
Em: all of a sudden, this disloyal dude name joe budden, saying the past 10 yrs I have been saying nothing, scared to get on wax and say something, well I make more money than you on a daily, by the way I said 6 sentences without saying I love you haleySo where do we go from here with this Joe?
In case he actually has you on ignore.
i just hope it happensIn case he actually has you on ignore.
Bullshit...If Joe disses Em, I bet Em doesn't battle. He will act like he didn't hear the diss or that it is beneath him. Em doesn't want to battle any of these dudes.
dude knows hip hop...I’ll definitely give him that...his critique/breakdown of songs/albums are interesting to listen to
Can you imagine growing up in Detroit not being a Eminem fan........
Yep that was me! It was never anything personal it’s just I never was into that horror core eshawn Satan boom bap rap. The whole chop your mom up and leave her in the swamp rap was mad corny to me. I’ve always said if em can put more songs like Stan together I’d be more of a fan. He always need a lil more substance to me. Dude got word play and mad skills I’m not denying that but earlier in his career I just couldn’t fuck with that shit he was on. Then later in his career he was just on some midlife crisis confused shit.
To me eminem was major potential with out any focus. If that makes sense to y’all.
‘stan’ was dope...someone pointed out to me the other day that a lot of young ppl use that word and don’t fully know where it comes from