But we're dealing with the term BLACK, u cant say just becos u feel african americans (descendants of americas enslaved africans ) experienced the trauma in america that others descendants (afro brazilians, jamaicans , cubans etc black folks in the carribean) also experienced means they didnt also endured the same trauma of slavery & stripping of ancestral culture & identity and reduced to NEGRO as well (fyi the practices were all interlinked the cause of WHITE supremacy & whiteness the same with differences in treatmment from spanish/english/portuguese/french,
the geographical location & slaver's culture notwithstanding added to forming a new identity ,
saying those descendants who experienced the same horrors of slavery in America should form an identity specific to America for the sole rightful purpose of "redress & reparation" is quite different from saying , only those descendants can be labeled as BLACK ,
(BLACK = the umbrella term of ppl of African descent) ,
even tho for over a 100years ppls of african descent worldwide have used that term to self identify but becos u suddenly feel a need to claim the term BLACK for a justice claim therefore suddenly everyone else whose used the term for over 100 years should stop using the term,
that comes off kinda like an adopted imperialistic ego, to think everyone else should stop identifying themselves as they've done WORLDWIDE for over 100years as BLACK becos of african american (descendants of americas enslaved africans ) rightful reparations claims against the US government
are u saying all folks who identify as BLACK WORLDWIDE, (BLACK = the umbrella term of ppl of African descent) jamaicans, afrobrazilians, haitians all the carribean folks who are also descendants of enslaved africans have to also change their self identification and history books to sooth ur demands ?
i really think u are conflating issues. neither Trevor or Godfrey will tell u they are descendants of americas enslaved africans and neither is also saying they arent BLACK (BLACK = the umbrella term of ppl of African descent) and u cant take that away from them becos of how u feel, are u gonna tell jamicans or haitians or afrobrazilains they aint black?
At no point in the thread have I said Caribbeans can't use the term black I have said Africans (or anyone else meaning Australian Aborigines who have apparently adopted the term) accepting the term dilutes the issue of what the victims of the Atlantic slave trade (that would include the Caribbeans) had to deal with.
I would tell Africans and Australian Aborigines and anyone else who is native in their own land and can trace back their heritage and ethnicity etc. who are using the term that they are in fact NOT black and they should be reclaiming and promoting their TRUE ethnicity and identity since it has a history and isn't a skin color designation.
BLACK = the umbrella term of ppl of African descent. Homie, you can keep bolding it and repeating but it doesn't change anything.
We didn't start identifying as "black"... No African or any dark skin people looked at themselves in a reflection and said hey I'm black! It was something someone else called Africans...then they said this is what I'm going to call you and this is how I'm going to treat you based on that. Black was what was forced upon us with the psychological breaking that chattel slavery produced.
But the crux of the problem is that group-wise black americans as a whole don't agree on HOW this issue has developed which makes it hard to agree on a solution.
At the end of the day might makes right and might not only controls the conversation but the PARAMETERS of the conversation. The definitions and measurements by which we even THINK about how this issue is defined.
Now ALL of that...defines HOW we even discuss the shit that's happening TODAY..this is why the various attempts at getting reparations for slavery and any other crimes committed against black people in America is a non-starter EVEN AMONG BLACK PEOPLE....because we don't agree on the terms and definitions of the issues we're talking about.
This is how and why whites are able to maintain their leverage world wide....they control the language and definition of how issues are addressed. Old Europeans came up with the concept of race and we STILL worldwide go by this concept.
Again all of this from a white man quipping that the only people who should be called black are the darkest skinned most primitive Africans you can find then he goes on to say he isn't "white" but tan or so then he said "I'm italian", an actual ethnicity. And you best believe while your redefining what BLACK means...cacs are NOT redefining what white means. In fact they working hard to retain what whiteness is.
We're talking laws and rules and treatment based on historic perception. You personally can redefine black and white all you want, the problem is THEY aren't using your definition. THEY are still operating on the OLD PERCEPTION of what black is and how people designated as such should be treated and dealt with. If a significant number of medical professionals in the 21st century BELEIVE black people don't feel pain the same way whites do..thats a problem..thats a huge fucking problem. If big banks are still targeting loans and subprime loans with shitty terms specifically to black people..thats huge problem. And we need to deal with that.
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