JOKER (2019) Discussion Thread Starring Joaquin Phoenix (Update 9/12/19) Leaked Footage.. GOOD GAWD


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I went into this flick realizing that we were viewing a story from the perspective of an antagonist. While what happened to him with the abuse was something to have remorse for, you had to keep your head straight and realize the resulting acts were not acceptable.

Even though the Joker is played over and over again, this is a whole new approach to the character IMO. Joaquin Phoenix killed it.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
has more to do with occupy Wall Street than white terrorism. It was the underclass rising against the upperclass.

Boom. They're trying to change the underlying message because they don't want regular everyday people to know that a violent revolution is an option to destroy corporate and political elites. You're not going to out lawyer a corporation, but you can go into a conference room and shoot every board member.


Sleeping Deity.
BGOL Investor
This hit pretty close to home for me I identified with the main character whether or not the story was all in his head. The fatal flaw to me was the fact that the movie seemed to wear its influences on its sleeve obviously Taxi Driver, Network and even Fight Club come to mind. It felt a lil too much like "been there done that". Despite that its homage to 70's- 80's New York felt authentic and held my attention. Can't rate it like a conventional movie went way passed just entertainment for me, interesting flick.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Even though this is a standalone film, IMO, this puts a TREMENDOUS amount of pressure on "The Batman" flick that's coming up. People will want a villain as complex and challenging as the Joker. I heard they were thinking about The Riddler, but oh man, I don't know how they'll be able to push this aside.

They gotta make the film more mature like the Nolan flicks. If they ever decide to have the Joker, I think they should throw the bank at Joaquin (if that'll work) and get those writers to draft his script.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend

Jim and I went to see the Joker tonight, and it was intense, challenging, but also beautiful and engrossing look at mental illness and the sicknesses at the heart of our society. Director Todd Phillips gives us a plausible, believable, and terrifying Joker to inhabit a world that is set in a hazy late 70s period but the political landscape is very 21st century. We can see multiple ways this movie could be considered “dangerous”, but we feel the most dangerous thing about it could be people ignoring the many cautionary tales it packs into it’s run-time.

We’ll be back in two weeks to discuss what we imagine to be a bit lighter fare; Zombieland: Double Tap!

This podcast is an abridged version of the full, spoiler-filled discussion available only to our club members. Check out our Club Bald Move page to find out how you can gain access to ALL of our premium content! If you’re already a member, please login to get the goodness flowing…


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
Even though this is a standalone film, IMO, this puts a TREMENDOUS amount of pressure on "The Batman" flick that's coming up. People will want a villain as complex and challenging as the Joker. I heard they were thinking about The Riddler, but oh man, I don't know how they'll be able to push this aside.

They gotta make the film more mature like the Nolan flicks. If they ever decide to have the Joker, I think they should throw the bank at Joaquin (if that'll work) and get those writers to draft his script.
rumor is, Jonah Hill is being considered for the movie, possibly playing Penguin. I am not sure if they still plan to have Deathstroke.

on another note, and since you mentioned Riddler, anyone notice the graffiti in the elevator behind Joker? It was a faded work with a clearly visible Question Mark.
Another easter egg, the way he slides down when he shows up at Wayne manor.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
rumor is, Jonah Hill is being considered for the movie, possibly playing Penguin. I am not sure if they still plan to have Deathstroke.

on another note, and since you mentioned Riddler, anyone notice the graffiti in the elevator behind Joker? It was a faded work with a clearly visible Question Mark.
Another easter egg, the way he slides down when he shows up at Wayne manor.

they saying Jonah gonna be the Riddler.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Great movie.
One lunatic realized being a lunatic is just being himself and inspired a following of lunatics to randomly kill people.
And rallied to nominate this clown as their mayor jokingly.
Sounds familiar:rolleyes:


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Todd Phillips’s Joker Maniacally Dances Its Way to a New October Box Office Record
By Halle Kiefer@hallekiefer

Photo: Niko Tavernise/Warner Bros.

Todd Phillips’s gritty new iteration of the Joker might not break into banks like his comic book predecessors, but according to this weekend’s box office reports, he is definitely breaking the bank. (Note: you have to laugh at dumb jokes like that, or else we will collectively become the Joker. Sorry! Them’s the breaks.) According to Variety, despite the weeks of controversy and security concerns (or, let’s be honest, because of them), Joker has careened past the previously set box office record, pulling in approximately $93.5 million at 4,374 North American locations and turning in the best October domestic opening weekend since 2018’s Venom, which gobbled up a mere $80 million.

The movie also excelled abroad, making over $140.5 million on 22,552 screens across the rest of the globe. All and all, that’s a lot of Laffy Taffy. We can only hope that much dough can help this poor super-villain gain the self-esteem he needs to finally turn things around and get back behind the mic.

BGOL Investor
Boom. They're trying to change the underlying message because they don't want regular everyday people to know that a violent revolution is an option to destroy corporate and political elites. You're not going to out lawyer a corporation, but you can go into a conference room and shoot every board member.

The same thing I've said about reperations.

BGOL Investor
Saw it tonight. They've finally delivered a cinematic take on the Joker that many of us comic heads already experienced in the pages. A tragic tale similar to "The Killing Joke".

My only worry is that Incels will see this and strike out violently on others by seeing themselves as Author.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
PRAISE:Joaquin Phoenix as Arthur Fleck / Joker is incredible.He immersed himself into the character.The moments of hope,care,sadness and insanity reflect through his eyes ,mannerisms and physical performance in a mesmerizing way.This is a character study of one of the most iconic DC villains.The other actors in the film: Robert De Niro, Zazie Beetz, Frances Conroy, Brett Cullen, Shea Whigham, and Bill Camp do a fine job but they are mainly there to get Fleck from point A to B.
The film gave me so much to reflect on and question.If seeds of trauma are planted within a person,if this person is pushed to the edge and commits violent acts should we have empathy for this person?
I also loved how the film provoked uncomfortable laughter from not only myself but the audience i watched it with.A shiver actually went down my spine in one of the films climatic moments !!
The violence is brutal but i didnt find it to be over the top.
People will definitely compare the performances of Heath Ledger and Phoenix,but they can definitely co exist because these are two different takes on the character and both actors gave it their all.
This is a haunting film about how a system can fail people,contemporary commentary,and one of the best stories about one of the greatest villains in comic books ,film,TV,and animation.

PROBLEMS: Some turns in the story were very predictable,set up in such a way that there was no where to go but through predictable doors.
The infusion of shades of movies like The King of Comedy and Taxi Driver were a bit to blatant.

Scale of 1-10 an 8½

SIDE NOTE: At the end of an article i read a writer said:Warner Brothers should release a statement saying The Joker isnt a role model.....Are you kidding me? .In his 80 year history when has The Joker ever been a role model? I need a film studio to tell me that?
The media will probably jump on an incident that happened at a theatre in which a drunk guy was cheering on in obnoxious way about the violence in the film but he was escorted out by security.
The 15 cops outside my theatre wasnt necessary.SMH !!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For all of you who liked JOKER, calling it a MASTERPIECE...

Are you going to watch it again?

This movie, and I really enjoyed it, has zero rewatchability to me. I mean none. Conversely, I could watch Dark Knight, Dark knight returns, even Man of Steel any given night and be entertained. Not to even mention Marvel movies.

I'm not making a statement on it's merits. I just think if you could enjoy multiple sitdowns of this movie you must be...



Don't let me be misunderstood
BGOL Investor
For all of you who liked JOKER, calling it a MASTERPIECE...

Are you going to watch it again?

This movie, and I really enjoyed it, has zero rewatchability to me. I mean none. Conversely, I could watch Dark Knight, Dark knight returns, even Man of Steel any given night and be entertained. Not to even mention Marvel movies.

I'm not making a statement on it's merits. I just think if you could enjoy multiple sitdowns of this movie you must be...

I'll probably watch over more just to catch things I might have noticed before. But that'll be it. I didn't think it was a masterpiece though. Ironically, I can't sit thru Dark Knight or Dark Knight Returns.

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
For all of you who liked JOKER, calling it a MASTERPIECE...

Are you going to watch it again?

This movie, and I really enjoyed it, has zero rewatchability to me. I mean none. Conversely, I could watch Dark Knight, Dark knight returns, even Man of Steel any given night and be entertained. Not to even mention Marvel movies.

I'm not making a statement on it's merits. I just think if you could enjoy multiple sitdowns of this movie you must be...


Have you seen Taxi Driver? Or King of Comedy?

If you’ve ever watched those twice or more you will watch The Joker twice or more. They are essentially the same movie. Philip Randolph was paying homage to those movies with this movie.

I will watch it again especially since all the conversation that is being had. Another chance to rewatch and pick up things I missed the first time.