Julien Alfred WINS GOLD IN THE WOMEN'S 100M Gabby Thomas Sha'Carri Richardson , Shericka Jackson, Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
So POTUS should pass a law to give athletes the right to use marijuana hours before a competition?

First of all, that isn’t what I said. Second of all, think CRITICALLY!!!!!! Marijuana is a banned substance (in competition) per the WADA/USADA. So, Sha’carri should have known better than to use it.

But, why is marijuana banned and what are the reasons and history for that? It goes back to U.S. drug policy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No its not a USADA issue, its a WADA issue.

WADA are the ones who set the rules for international competitions/competitors.

Its got nothing to do with the POTUS or how marijuana is classified in the US.
First of all, that isn’t what I said. Second of all, think CRITICALLY!!!!!! Marijuana is a banned substance (in competition) per the WADA/USADA. So, Sha’carri should have known better than to use it.

But, why is marijuana banned and what are the reasons and history for that? It goes back to U.S. drug policy.
US policy controls the world in most cases


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First of all, that isn’t what I said. Second of all, think CRITICALLY!!!!!! Marijuana is a banned substance (in competition) per the WADA/USADA. So, Sha’carri should have known better than to use it.

But, why is marijuana banned and what are the reasons and history for that? It goes back to U.S. drug policy.

US policy controls the world in most cases
In any case an executive order in this case ain't gonna change shit for Richardson..so even if USADA policy changes happened it wouldn't help her...even biden said the rules should be reviewed.. so taking issue with his comments in this issue is nitpicky and pointless

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
In any case an executive order in this case ain't gonna change shit for Richardson..so even if USADA policy changes happened it wouldn't help her...even biden said the rules should be reviewed.. so taking issue with his comments in this issue is nitpicky and pointless

It’s not “nit picky and pointless” since many people are looking at the greater issues at play:

“Biden, for his part, opposes marijuana legalization and as a senator championed legislation that contained harsh penalties for drugs.​
During the campaign last year he ran on a pledge to enact modest reforms such as decriminalizing cannabis possession, expunging prior records and respecting the rights of states to set their own laws. Since taking office, however, his administration has not made progress on any of those promises and has instead fired its own White House staffers over marijuana and sought to extend a budget provision that has blocked Washington, D.C. from legalizing cannabis sales.”​


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In any case an executive order in this case ain't gonna change shit for Richardson..so even if USADA policy changes happened it wouldn't help her...even biden said the rules should be reviewed.. so taking issue with his comments in this issue is nitpicky and pointless
Do you take issue with anything he says?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
First of all, that isn’t what I said. Second of all, think CRITICALLY!!!!!! Marijuana is a banned substance (in competition) per the WADA/USADA. So, Sha’carri should have known better than to use it.

But, why is marijuana banned and what are the reasons and history for that? It goes back to U.S. drug policy.

You are one that mention that Biden's opinion is relevant because he could change the policy with an executive order.
I am confused why that is even a talking point.

There have been valid points made about why weed could give athletes an advantage but I know when everybody hear about "drugs" and sprinters they automatically think if something doesn't make you run fast it makes no sense to ban it.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
You are one that mention that Biden's opinion is relevant because he could change the policy with an executive order.
I am confused why that is even a talking point.

There have been valid points made about why weed could give athletes an advantage but I know when everybody hear about "drugs" and sprinters they automatically think if something doesn't make you run fast it makes no sense to ban it.

Let’s revisit what I said:

Irrevelant? He’s the President. Marijuana is a banned substance by the USADA in part because it is still listed as a Schedule 1 drug. He could change this through executive action.

Now let’s critically interpret what I said. The WADA/USADA/IOC Anti-Doping rules ban marijuana because the U.S. still regards it as a Schedule 1 drug (up there with cocaine, heroin, etc). He (Biden) could change “this” (meaning listing marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug) through executive action.

As for the second part of your response:

Is marijuana a performance-enhancing drug? The best evidence says no.
Weed isn't going to help you win the Olympic Gold.



Circle the wagons.
Watch how much press that relay gets now. And since that’s her only event, she probably gonna let it all hang out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let’s revisit what I said:

Now let’s critically interpret what I said. The WADA/USADA/IOC Anti-Doping rules ban marijuana because the U.S. still regards it as a Schedule 1 drug (up there with cocaine, heroin, etc). He (Biden) could change “this” (meaning listing marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug) through executive action.

As for the second part of your response:

Is marijuana a performance-enhancing drug? The best evidence says no.
Weed isn't going to help you win the Olympic Gold.

OK man, You won't admit that you just hate Biden and probably would blame him if the leave fall off the tree in fall season and create a mess.

but notes that “cannabis induces euphoria, improves self-confidence, induces relaxation and steadiness, and relieves the stress of competition.

This is the part I was addressing. ^^^^^

The study also acknowledges that cannabis decreases coordination
Surprisingly, I have seen athletes perform the same on weed.
Like I said, no drugs can make you run fast but the point about how it can take away nervousness and anxiety can create an advantage.


Flawless One
BGOL Investor
Irrevelant? He’s the President. Marijuana is a banned substance by the USADA in part because it is still listed as a Schedule 1 drug. He could change this through executive action.

:lol: So it is Biden's fault weed is banned. What did your boy trump do about it?

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
OK man, You won't admit that you just hate Biden and probably would blame him if the leave fall off the tree in fall season and create a mess.

Silly red-herring ad hominem bullshit. If you check my earlier replies, you’ll see that actually agreed with Biden’s statement. As I said, think critically and stop with these silly reactionary responses.

This is the part I was addressing. ^^^^^

Surprisingly, I have seen athletes perform the same on weed.
Like I said, no drugs can make you run fast but the point about how it can take away nervousness and anxiety can create an advantage.

So you quoted part of it out of context and either failed to read the rest, ignored it, or you just don’t want to acknowledge it?!?!

<<<Outside that 2011 study cited by WADA, the research on marijuana’s ability to enhance performance is insubstantial at best.
Most notably, a literature review published in April of this year in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, concluded that consumption of weed “does not act as a sport performance enhancing agent as raised by popular beliefs.” And that “cannabis consumption prior to exercise should be avoided in order to maximize performance in sports.” If anything, there isn’t enough robust evidence from large, reputable studies to suggest that marijuana is a performance-enhancing drug.>>>​

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
:lol: So it is Biden's fault weed is banned. What did your boy trump do about it?

Did I say it is Biden’s fault weed is banned? No I did not. I said:
  1. The WADA/USADA standards are connected to the overall American drug policies, which, amongst other things, list marijuana as a Schedule 1 drug.
  2. Biden is in position, as the PRESIDENT of the United States, to change this via executive action.
We can debate both those positions if you disagree, but I know you mostly function as a contrarian troll on this board, so I don’t expect much of anything else from you. And as for Trump, he was a right-wing Republican president. I don’t expect progressive drug policies and initiatives from Republicans. But I do expect them from the left and Democrats.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Silly red-herring ad hominem bullshit. If you check my earlier replies, you’ll see that actually agreed with Biden’s statement. As I said, think critically and stop with these silly reactionary responses.

Yeah man, I get it you just want to say "Biden is in position, as the PRESIDENT of the United States, to change this via executive action"
Maybe his wife will encourage him to exercise that executive rights, I once saw her at Penn's relay cheering for her grandkids or some relative. LMAO!!

So you quoted part of it out of context and either failed to read the rest, ignored it, or you just don’t want to acknowledge it?!?!

<<<Outside that 2011 study cited by WADA, the research on marijuana’s ability to enhance performance is insubstantial at best.
Most notably, a literature review published in April of this year in The Journal of Sports Medicine and Physical Fitness, concluded that consumption of weed “does not act as a sport performance enhancing agent as raised by popular beliefs.” And that “cannabis consumption prior to exercise should be avoided in order to maximize performance in sports.” If anything, there isn’t enough robust evidence from large, reputable studies to suggest that marijuana is a performance-enhancing drug.>>>​

I read the entire article. The article understanding of performance-enhancing drug is something that make you run fast.
The author of the article probably would believe steroids make you run fast and in reality it doesn't.
I have made a few post very critical of WADA and their prohibited list but that is another whole discussion.

The WADA Prohibited List may include any substance and methods that satisfy any two of the following three criteria:

  1. It has the potential to enhance or enhances sport performance;
^^^^^^Here is one of WADA criteria for banning substance. "Potential to enhance" is a broad fucking term.

I have stated that there are valid points of why it is not allowed.

Since you having difficulties to understand what I am trying to say

Can nervousness and anxiety affect your performance?
Can weed eliminate nervousness and anxiety?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It’s not “nit picky and pointless” since many people are looking at the greater issues at play:

“Biden, for his part, opposes marijuana legalization and as a senator championed legislation that contained harsh penalties for drugs.​
During the campaign last year he ran on a pledge to enact modest reforms such as decriminalizing cannabis possession, expunging prior records and respecting the rights of states to set their own laws. Since taking office, however, his1 administration has not made progress on any of those promises and has instead fired its own White House staffers over marijuana and sought to extend a budget provision that​
something isn't an issue until it is.....meaning until last week you and many people didn't CARE that THC/marijuana was on the banned list and if it were brought up to you at that time your opinion would have been slightly above indifference. :dunno: and if the person busted for it was white you and many people REALLY wouldn't give a fuck.

You agree with biden's response and now your arguing some bigger picture..guess what..its unlikely an exec order would change the policy greatly or overnight.

and considering this WASN'T an issue until just this week its kinda jumping the gun that something along the lines of dropping the rule won't ever happen eventually...just not right now...

I'll give ol' Joe a pass here, since it isn't bad when you actually hear the full quote and I agree with him as well.

Last edited:

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
something isn't an issue until it is.....meaning until last week you and many people didn't CARE that THC/marijuana was on the banned list and if it were brought up to you at that time your opinion would have been slightly above indifference. :dunno: and if the person busted for it was white you and many people REALLY wouldn't give a fuck.

Two red herrings. And for the record, I started two threads on marijuana issues in the past week, before Sha’carri’s issue was even a thing.

You agree with biden's response and now your arguing some bigger picture..guess what..its unlikely an exec order would change the policy greatly or overnight.

Yes, I agreed with his response. “The rules are the rules” and she should be conscious of them in the sport she’s in. Most athletes are aware that they get tested for various drugs on a regular basis. Even caffeine in excess is banned in some sports.

And no one said that an exec order would change the policy greatly or overnight. I said that the WADA/USADA drug policies developed out of U.S. drug policies.

and considering this WASN'T an issue until just this week its kinda jumping the gun that something along the lines of dropping the rule won't ever happen eventually...just not right now...

General policy towards marijuana as it relates to its legality, criminalization, decriminalization, drug policy, racial discrepancies in arrest and and medicinal benefits have been issues for decades. Just because you don’t pay attention to these issues doesn’t mean that others are ignorant of them.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Yeah man, I get it you just want to say "Biden is in position, as the PRESIDENT of the United States, to change this via executive action"
Maybe his wife will encourage him to exercise that executive rights, I once saw her at Penn's relay cheering for her grandkids or some relative. LMAO!!

I read the entire article. The article understanding of performance-enhancing drug is something that make you run fast.
The author of the article probably would believe steroids make you run fast and in reality it doesn't.
I have made a few post very critical of WADA and their prohibited list but that is another whole discussion.

^^^^^^Here is one of WADA criteria for banning substance. "Potential to enhance" is a broad fucking term.

I have stated that there are valid points of why it is not allowed.

Since you having difficulties to understand what I am trying to say

Can nervousness and anxiety affect your performance?
Can weed eliminate nervousness and anxiety?

“The article understanding of performance-enhancing drug is something that make you run fast.”

This is not stated, mentioned, or even inferred in the article. The article directly says:

“A drug must meet two of three specific criteria to make WADA’s list of prohibited substances. If a substance enhances performance, creates a health risk, or goes against the “spirit” of the sport, then it’s in violation. But does cannabis really meet those criteria?

If you want to refute the article, then point to studies that affirm those criteria, since the articles directly says such info is “insubstantial at best.”


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
“The article understanding of performance-enhancing drug is something that make you run fast.”

This is not stated, mentioned, or even inferred in the article. The article directly says:

“A drug must meet two of three specific criteria to make WADA’s list of prohibited substances. If a substance enhances performance, creates a health risk, or goes against the “spirit” of the sport, then it’s in violation. But does cannabis really meet those criteria?

If you want to refute the article, then point to studies that affirm those criteria, since the articles directly says such info is “insubstantial at best.”

So you can't answer any of my questions?


Even though they were a lot of athletes from different countries that got banned for weed, I will stick to American athletes.

Bernard Williams
Cordera Jenkins
Michael Berry
John Chapel
Jake Freeman
Ivory Williams

^ Just to name a few, How many of those Americans athletes you know?
Did you know all of them got banned for weed as far back as 2004 up to 2010?
How much attention you were paying back then?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Two red herrings. And for the record, I started two threads on marijuana issues in the past week, before Sha’carri’s issue was even a thing.

Yes, I agreed with his response. “The rules are the rules” and she should be conscious of them in the sport she’s in. Most athletes are aware that they get tested for various drugs on a regular basis. Even caffeine in excess is banned in some sports.

And no one said that an exec order would change the policy greatly or overnight. I said that the WADA/USADA drug policies developed out of U.S. drug policies.

General policy towards marijuana as it relates to its legality, criminalization, decriminalization, drug policy, racial discrepancies in arrest and and medicinal benefits have been issues for decades. Just because you don’t pay attention to these issues doesn’t mean that others are ignorant of them.

then you said biden could change it with an exec order

Irrevelant? He’s the President. Marijuana is a banned substance by the USADA in part because it is still listed as a Schedule 1 drug. He could change this through executive action.

how long do you think an order would take to work its way thru USADA AND WADA? from the time its signed to announcement of policy change from WADA...how long??

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
So you can't answer any of my questions?

I don’t need to nor am I qualified to do so. As I stated above, if you can point to studies that affirm what you believe and refute what the article is saying, then please do so.


Even though they were a lot of athletes from different countries that got banned for weed, I will stick to American athletes.

Bernard Williams
Cordera Jenkins
Michael Berry
John Chapel
Jake Freeman
Ivory Williams

^ Just to name a few, How many of those Americans athletes you know?
Did you know all of them got banned for weed as far back as 2004 up to 2010?
How much attention you were paying back then?

Irrelevant. Who asked for a list of athletes who’ve been banned for marijuana over the years?

You say marijuana is a performance-enhancing drug in some capacity. Where is this being affirmed medically and scientifically?
Last edited:

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
then you said biden could change it with an exec order

Geechie, your dyslexia or dementia is kicking in again! I said Biden could change marijuana’s status as a Schedule 1 drug through executive action.

how long do you think an order would take to work its way thru USADA AND WADA? from the time its signed to announcement of policy change from WADA...how long??

Who knows? I never said Biden could directly change WADA’s policy.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Geechie, your dyslexia or dementia is kicking in again! I said Biden could change marijuana’s status as a Schedule 1 drug through executive action.

Who knows? I never said Biden could directly change WADA’s policy.

you said
WADA pulls it prohibited substances list from the global “Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs”, which is dictated by the United States’ “Controlled Substances Act.”
then supersav chimed in...

US policy controls the world in most cases
and you cosigned that...
Indeed. I assumed people already knew this though.

WADA makes their rules based on US drug policy
US policy controls the world in MOST cases
Biden could change US drug policy vis a vis weed by exec order thus directly influencing WADA's weed policy..

then you turn around and say: I never said Biden could directly change WADA’s policy.
I guess YOUR dementia is ackin up :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

even if you didn't come out and exactly say that...you heavily implied it with help from your boy supersav..

now watch the back track/side step action one this one yall :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
No but the context is he says the rules are the rules in this instance but doesn't care about the rules when it comes to bombing and getting approval

You corny coons keep trying too hard....



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don’t need to nor am I qualified to do so. As I stated above, if you can point to studies that affirm what you believe and refute what the article is saying, then please do so.

Irrelevant. Who asked for a list of athletes who’ve been banned for marijuana over the years?

You say marijuana is a performance-enhancing drug in some capacity. Where is this being affirmed medically and scientifically?

You still can't answer any questions. LOL!
You do know that not every banned substances on the WADA is a performance-enchancer right?

Yes I mentioned past athletes that got banned because none of you care until this young lady got banned, something @geechiedan alluded to.
what is good for the goose is good for the gander? I guess not.

Weed will not increase your turnover rate, it will not make you hold your top end speed longer and will not improve your endurance.
I don't think I said it is a performance-enhancer, my point was it can create an advantage by eliminating nervousness and anxiety something that is critical in the sport.
Athletes can't even take painkillers after an oral surgery (if they are about to compete). They either have to withdraw or deal with the hinderance.

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
you said

then supersav chimed in...

and you cosigned that...

WADA makes their rules based on US drug policy
US policy controls the world in MOST cases
Biden could change US drug policy vis a vis weed by exec order thus directly influencing WADA's weed policy..

then you turn around and say: I never said Biden could directly change WADA’s policy.
I guess YOUR dementia is ackin up :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

even if you didn't come out and exactly say that...you heavily implied it with help from your boy supersav..

now watch the back track/side step action one this one yall :popcorn::popcorn::popcorn:

Yes, I never said that Biden could DIRECTLY change WADA’s policy. That means that he is not DIRECTLY in charge of that organization so he can’t make DIRECT changes to its policies!

However, he is the PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES, whose drug policies have a direct influence on global drug policies. Supersav is correct on this point as am I.

Please go do some research on the topic and then return to the thread. Start here:


Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
You still can't answer any questions. LOL!
You do know that not every banned substances on the WADA is a performance-enchancer right?

You didn’t ask any relevant questions!

Yes I mentioned past athletes that got banned because none of you care until this young lady got banned, something @geechiedan alluded to.
what is good for the goose is good for the gander? I guess not.

No, we “care” because it has been a hot news topic over the past few days! You’re naming random people from at least a decade ago. Now, if you can SHOW how their athletic performances were aided by marijuana, then please do so. If you can SHOW any medical or scientific study that backs up your claim that being high on marijuana makes athletes perform better because it reduces nervousness and anxiety, then do so. No one is stopping you from producing this evidence!

Weed will not increase your turnover rate, it will not make you hold your top end speed longer and will not improve your endurance.
I don't think I said it is a performance-enhancer, my point was it can create an advantage by eliminating nervousness and anxiety something that is critical in the sport.
Athletes can't even take painkillers after an oral surgery (if they are about to compete). They either have to withdraw or deal with the hinderance.

The ultimate question is whether it meets the criteria of a prohibited substance per the WADA’s criteria:

A drug must meet two of three specific criteria to make WADA’s list of prohibited substances. If a substance enhances performance, creates a health risk, or goes against the “spirit” of the sport, then it’s in violation. But does cannabis really meet those criteria?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You didn’t ask any relevant questions!

Yes I would say the same if I can't answer a question.
You did said you were not qualified.

No, we “care” because it has been a hot news topic over the past few days! You’re naming random people from at least a decade ago. Now, if you can SHOW how their athletic performances were aided by marijuana, then please do so. If you can SHOW any medical or scientific study that backs up your claim that being high on marijuana makes athletes perform better because it reduces nervousness and anxiety, then do so. No one is stopping you from producing this evidence!

Again, for the 100th time, it eliminates hinderance such as nervousness and anxiety.
My point was, on a bad day, it actually allow you to perform at your full potential not turn you into superman.
Pretty sure Bolt's 2011 disqualification at world championship was a result of anxiety.
But I won't waste time on that.

The ultimate question is whether it meets the criteria of a prohibited substance per the WADA’s criteria:
A drug must meet two of three specific criteria to make WADA’s list of prohibited substances. If a substance enhances performance, creates a health risk, or goes against the “spirit” of the sport, then it’s in violation. But does cannabis really meet those criteria?

I will answer your question:

How weed is consumed does have health risk.
Genetics also play a role.

Can WADA administered how athletes use weed?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You didn’t ask any relevant questions!

No, we “care” because it has been a hot news topic over the past few days! You’re naming random people from at least a decade ago. Now, if you can SHOW how their athletic performances were aided by marijuana, then please do so. If you can SHOW any medical or scientific study that backs up your claim that being high on marijuana makes athletes perform better because it reduces nervousness and anxiety, then do so. No one is stopping you from producing this evidence!

The ultimate question is whether it meets the criteria of a prohibited substance per the WADA’s criteria:
A drug must meet two of three specific criteria to make WADA’s list of prohibited substances. If a substance enhances performance, creates a health risk, or goes against the “spirit” of the sport, then it’s in violation. But does cannabis really meet those criteria?

In 2011, WADA published a paper in Sports Medicine discussing the reasons marijuana and cannabinoids meet the criteria. Below are excerpts from this publication that address the three criteria:

  1. “Athletes who smoke cannabis or Spice in-competition potentially endanger themselves and others because of increased risk taking, slower reaction times and poor executive function or decision making.”
  2. “Based on current animal and human studies as well as on interviews with athletes and information from the field, cannabis can be performance enhancing for some athletes and sports disciplines.”
  3. “Use of illicit drugs that are harmful to health and that may have performance-enhancing properties is not consistent with the athlete as a role model for young people around the world”.
In 2019, WADA exempted cannabidiol (CBD) from this category. However, all other cannabinoids, whether natural or synthetic, are prohibited in-competition. Even though CBD is permitted at all times, this article explains the legal and anti-doping issues that continue to make these products risky for athletes.

What does a threshold for THC mean?
THC is the only cannabinoid for which there is a urinary threshold and it is set at 150 ng/mL. The threshold means there can be some THC in your system in-competition without it causing a positive test, as long as the concentration in the urine is below 150 ng/mL. If the level of THC in your urine goes above the threshold, then the labs report it as a positive test.

There are no threshold limits for any other cannabinoid (natural or synthetic). All other cannabinoids (except cannabidiol) are prohibited in-competition in any amount, including natural cannabinoids (e.g., cannabigerol, cannabichromene, cannabinol, and others) and synthetic cannabinoids (e.g., cannabinoid compounds denoted by the initials “JWH” and a number, HU-210, K2/Spice, AB-PINACA, and many others).


Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
Yes I would say the same if I can't answer a question.
You did said you were not qualified.

These were your questions:
  1. Can nervousness and anxiety affect your performance?
  2. Can weed eliminate nervousness and anxiety?
And my answers:
  1. Yes, nervousness and anxiety can affect your performance………positively and negatively. Some people perform better under pressure. In my opinion, it’s too subjective. How are “nervousness” and “anxiety” measured medically?
  2. I don’t know if it does or not. It probably depends on what strain you’re using. But I don’t use it nor do I study I medically, so I’m not qualified to say. Are you?
Again, for the 100th time, it eliminates hinderance such as nervousness and anxiety.
My point was, on a bad day, it actually allow you to perform at your full potential not turn you into superman.

And, as I’ve asked before, what medical study are you basing this on?

Pretty sure Bolt's 2011 disqualification at world championship was a result of anxiety.
But I won't waste time on that.

You know this how?

I will answer your question:

How weed is consumed does have health risk.
Genetics also play a role.

Can WADA administered how athletes use weed?

It’s banned during competition. How and why would they administer a prohibited substance? :confused:

You’re basically saying marijuana meets the first two of the three criteria - performance-enhancing and health risk. Where is your medical and scientific proof?

Akata King

D3port @ll Th3m T3th3rs!ll!!
BGOL Investor
In 2011, WADA published a paper in Sports Medicine discussing the reasons marijuana and cannabinoids meet the criteria. Below are excerpts from this publication that address the three criteria:

  1. “Athletes who smoke cannabis or Spice in-competition potentially endanger themselves and others because of increased risk taking, slower reaction times and poor executive function or decision making.”
  2. “Based on current animal and human studies as well as on interviews with athletes and information from the field, cannabis can be performance enhancing for some athletes and sports disciplines.”
  3. “Use of illicit drugs that are harmful to health and that may have performance-enhancing properties is not consistent with the athlete as a role model for young people around the world”.
In 2019, WADA exempted cannabidiol (CBD) from this category. However, all other cannabinoids, whether natural or synthetic, are prohibited in-competition. Even though CBD is permitted at all times, this article explains the legal and anti-doping issues that continue to make these products risky for athletes.

What does a threshold for THC mean?
THC is the only cannabinoid for which there is a urinary threshold and it is set at 150 ng/mL. The threshold means there can be some THC in your system in-competition without it causing a positive test, as long as the concentration in the urine is below 150 ng/mL. If the level of THC in your urine goes above the threshold, then the labs report it as a positive test.

There are no threshold limits for any other cannabinoid (natural or synthetic). All other cannabinoids (except cannabidiol) are prohibited in-competition in any amount, including natural cannabinoids (e.g., cannabigerol, cannabichromene, cannabinol, and others) and synthetic cannabinoids (e.g., cannabinoid compounds denoted by the initials “JWH” and a number, HU-210, K2/Spice, AB-PINACA, and many others).

:hypnotised: :hypnotised:

We know what the WADA says! The article I posted for Rudey is challenging the merits of the WADA position - in particular the 2011 study.

Keep up! :smh: