Jussie Smollett sentenced to 150 days in jail in fake attack


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not feeling this one bit... jokes is funny n all... but his lie netted him time behind bars... what about the white dude that lied on John Crawford III? That lie cost him his life... is he behind bars? What was his consequences? As much as this has happened to us that resulted in time wasted, beat downs, shot at and sometimes death, there's no consequences whatsoever for these overzealous Karens/Kevins that weaponize the police against people of color daily.
This kinda where I am. All I see are CACs acting like the dude murdered somebody.....and once again..if cacs doin something in unison online....I don't chime in sayin the same shit

He's stupid as fuck....but we've all seen cacs do worse with less consequence


Master Pussy Poster
BGOL Investor

CHICAGO (AP) — Jussie Smollett loudly maintained his innocence Thursday after a judge sentenced the former “Empire” actor to 150 days in jail for lying to police about a racist and homophobic attack that he orchestrated himself.

Cook County Judge James Linn ordered that Smollett’s county jail sentence begin immediately following the hearing.

Smollett didn’t make a statement when offered the opportunity earlier in the afternoon but maintained that he was innocent after Linn issued his sentencing decision. He also insisted that he was not suicidal, suggesting that “if anything happens” in jail, he did not take his own life.

“If I did this, then it means that I stuck my fist in the fears of Black Americans in this country for over 400 years and the fears of the LGBT community,” Smollett said, standing up at the defense table as his lawyers and sheriff’s deputies surrounded him. “Your Honor, I respect you and I respect the jury but I did not do this. And I am not suicidal. And if anything happens to me when I go in there, I did not do it to myself. And you must all know that.”

As deputies led him from the courtroom, Smollett shouted out again.

“I am innocent,” he yelled, raising his first. “I could have said I am guilty a long time ago.”

The judge also sentenced Smollett to 30 months of felony probation and ordered that he pay $120,106 in restitution to the city of Chicago and a $25,000 fine.

Smollett’s dramatic reaction capped an hourslong sentencing hearing.

Special prosecutor Dan Webb asked Linn to include “an appropriate amount of prison time” when sentencing the actor for his conviction. Smollett’s attorneys asked the judge to limit the sentence to community service, arguing that he had already been punished by the criminal justice system and damage to his career.

Family members echoed those comments.

“I ask you, judge, not to send him to prison,” his grandmother, 92-year-old Molly Smollett, told the court. She later added, “If you do, send me along with him, OK?”

Smollett’s attorneys also read aloud letters from other supporters, including an organizer with Black Lives Matter, the Rainbow PUSH Coalition and LaTanya and Samuel L. Jackson that asked Linn to consider the case’s effect on Smollett’s life and career and to avoid any confinement as part of his sentence.

Several supporters spoke about worries that Smollett would be at risk in prison, specifically mentioning his race, sexual orientation and his family’s Jewish heritage.

Linn said he did consider those requests for mercy, along with Smollett’s prior work and financial support of social justice organizations. But Linn also excoriated Smollett as a narcissist and pronounced himself astounded by his actions given the actor’s multiracial family background and ties to social justice work.

“For you now to sit here, convicted of hoaxing, hate crimes ... the hypocrisy is just astounding,” Linn said.

Before the sentencing portion of the hearing began, Linn rejected a motion from the defense to overturn the jury’s verdict on legal grounds. Judges rarely grant such motions.

Smollett faced up to three years in prison for each of the five felony counts of disorderly conduct — the charge filed for lying to police — of which he was convicted. He was acquitted on a sixth count.

But because Smollett does not have an extensive criminal history and the conviction is for a low-level nonviolent crime, experts did not expect him to be sent to prison.

Thursday’s sentencing could be the final chapter in a criminal case, subject to appeal, that made international headlines when Smollett, who is Black and gay, reported to police that two men wearing ski masks beat him, and hurled racial and homophobic slurs at him on a dark Chicago street and ran off.

In December, Smollett was convicted in a trial that included the testimony of two brothers who told jurors Smollett paid them to carry out the attack, gave them money for the ski masks and rope, instructed them to fashion the rope into a noose. Prosecutors said he told them what racist and homophobic slurs to shout, and to yell that Smollett was in “MAGA Country,” a reference to the campaign slogan of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign.

Smollett, who knew the men from his work on the television show “Empire” that filmed in Chicago, testified that he did not recognize them and did not know they were the men attacking him.

Unlike the trial, Linn agreed to let photographers and a television camera inside court for the hearing — meaning the public got to see and hear Smollett speak in court for the first time.


Check out the AP’s complete coverage of the Jussie Smollett case.


"150 days of pure fun.....
NOT for Jussie tho!!!"



Rising Star
Platinum Member
Not feeling this one bit... jokes is funny n all... but his lie netted him time behind bars... what about the white dude that lied on John Crawford III? That lie cost him his life... is he behind bars? What was his consequences? As much as this has happened to us that resulted in time wasted, beat downs, shot at and sometimes death, there's no consequences whatsoever for these overzealous Karens/Kevins that weaponize the police against people of color daily.
Yep. Giving this cat a 200k bill and 6 months in jail AND 3 years probation for a first time offender is way overboard. We too busy with gay jokes tho to hold these cacs to task.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Yep. Giving this cat a 200k bill and 6 months in jail AND 3 years probation for a first time offender is way overboard. We too busy with gay jokes tho to hold these cacs to task.
The issue is not lowering the sentence for his fuckery but raising the sentence for everyone else's that commit similar crimes. Let's not lose focus here. Juicy is still a conniving asshole that deserves to be held accountable.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The issue is not lowering the sentence for his fuckery but raising the sentence for everyone else's that commit similar crimes. Let's not lose focus here. Juicy is still a conniving asshole that deserves to be held accountable.
You wouldnt have to lower his sentence if it wernt raised abnormally high to begin with. Regardless of how you feel about what he did, he was a first time offender of a victimless crime. Everything about his prosecution and sentencing was excessive and extreme when compared to the norm. So, the "issue" is what its always been... disproportionate penalties for black offenders.

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
You wouldnt have to lower his sentence if it wernt raised abnormally high to begin with. Regardless of how you feel about what he did, he was a first time offender of a victimless crime. Everything about his prosecution and sentencing was excessive and extreme when compared to the norm. So, the "issue" is what its always been... disproportionate penalties for black offenders.

Yep. She got counseling and her case dismissed.



Rising Star
Platinum Member
You wouldnt have to lower his sentence if it wernt raised abnormally high to begin with. Regardless of how you feel about what he did, he was a first time offender of a victimless crime. Everything about his prosecution and sentencing was excessive and extreme when compared to the norm. So, the "issue" is what its always been... disproportionate penalties for black offenders.
Wait a minute, he got lower than the lowest recommended sentence. A 6 month bid for a millionaire celebrity is like a one week sentence for working class folks. He won't be ruined financially. He won't miss meals and he'll be welcomed by his family and friends when he gets out. I think he got exactly what he deserved. I also think that crackas who do fuck shit like this should be treated the same way.


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
Let’s not forget Lee Daniels who was the first talking all that shit about black straight mens silence on the situation. He posted all that shit yet never posted a apology.

I doubt there are any straight men with IQ's exceeding comparable cozy room temperature. Who expected those lying faggot ass sissies to apologize or be anything other than the full bitches they are. Their silence is an indictment of the disingenuous cunts they are.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

What I gather from this guy's commentary is that it is more about the politics in Chicago.

If that's the case, Kim and the folks siding with Jussie should have strategized better to defend this out of the ordinary incident.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yep. Giving this cat a 200k bill and 6 months in jail AND 3 years probation for a first time offender is way overboard. We too busy with gay jokes tho to hold these cacs to task.

Their are plenty other black folk who are innocent serving time. I'll save my empathy for them. This multi racial fruity jew ain't it. What kind of man has his 92 year old grandmother beg a judge for leniency? :smh: fuck this dude 150 days ain't shit.

John Million

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Their are plenty other black folk who are innocent serving time. I'll save my empathy for them. This multi racial fruity jew ain't it. What kind of man has his 92 year old grandmother beg a judge for leniency? :smh: fuck this dude 150 days ain't shit.

Bro I read that shit the other day and just shook my head. Got grandma pleading for you in court over this dumb shit. Like you said I'll save my empathy for more deserving cases.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You missing the point by solely focusing on him as an individual.
No brother I get the point. There are plenty other cases we could use instead of making this muthafucka the poster. He's black when it's convenient he wasn't saying shit about the ancestors until he got jail time. The article even says he's multiracial, gay and Jewish like he shouldn't do time because of that. Now he walking out with a black power fist saying he's not suicidal. This is not the case we should rally around and push to the forefront. We have plenty to choose from and support but not this dude.


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
Nah, dude.
This ain't a case of; "What about them...?". :smh:
You have to fully understand what the scope of this man's crime is and how it effects you.
Dude, this rich, so called "brother" literally sold YOU and every other Black person out, just to make himself look like a victim and to get better deals for himself from White people .
- He preyed/played upon long standing racial hatred experienced by Black people.
- He made it that much more difficult for Blacks and gays to come foreward (and be believed) when they've been attacked.
- He essentially treated past and present racial assaults on Blacks as jokes and undermined all legal efforts for fair treatment for Blacks in the law.
- He spat in the face of Black people who've actually experienced those types of racial hatred and biases just to make himself be seen as "The Gay Tupac"... :hmm:

Sorry, bro.
But your outrage would be better spent elsewhere than on this race baiting piece of shit. :hmm:
Not one time did I say he was right or wrong, nor did I say he didn't deserve punishment for what he did. I just pointed out the fact that we sitting here joking about this shit while white folks lies have gotten us killed.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not one time did I say he was right or wrong, nor did I say he didn't deserve punishment for what he did. I just pointed out the fact that we sitting here joking about this shit while white folks lies have gotten us killed.
And Smollett used the very pain you're talking about to perpetuate a hoax on and to betray all of us.
This ain't about the crimes of White people. Lord knows, we always expect foul shit from them.
This is about the crimes of a rich, priviliged so called "brother" who sold us ALL out just to gain fortune and fame from the same type of White people he accused of attacking him.

Do you understand?
Smollett made light of these horrors just to make a name for himself, to gain fame, fortune & undeserved sympathy:

He purposely spat in the faces of these people, in their families faces and ALL Black people's face (including yours) who've suffered at the hands of White racism just to make money and fame for himself...

So, you can continue to deflect and point the finger at White people if you must.
But if you can't see the full scope of the crimes of this race baiting piece of shit, then I don't know what else there is to say, except:
He played you brother. And apparently, he's STILL playing you. Please stop letting him manipulate you... :smh:
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