Jussie Smollett sentenced to 150 days in jail in fake attack

John Million

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And Smollett used the very pain you're talking about to perpetuate a hoax on and betrayed all of us.
This ain't about the crimes of White people. Lord knows, we always expect foul shit from them.
This is about the crimes of a rich, priviliged so called "brother" who sold us ALL out just to gain fortune and fame from the same type of White people he accused of attacking him.

Do you understand?
Smollett made light of these horrors just to make a name for himself, to gain fame, fortune & undeserved sympathy:

He purposely spat in the faces of these people, in their families faces and ALL Black people's face (including yours) who've suffered at the hands of White racism just to make money and fame for himself...

So, you can continue to deflect and point the finger at White people if you must.
But if you can't see the full scope of this race baiting piece of shit, then I don't know what else there is to say, except:
He played you brother. And apparently, he's STILL playing you. Please stop letting him manipulate you... :smh:

couldn't have said it better


Light skin, non ADOS Lebron hater!
BGOL Investor
And Smollett used the very pain you're talking about to perpetuate a hoax on and to betray all of us.
This ain't about the crimes of White people. Lord knows, we always expect foul shit from them.
This is about the crimes of a rich, priviliged so called "brother" who sold us ALL out just to gain fortune and fame from the same type of White people he accused of attacking him.

Do you understand?
Smollett made light of these horrors just to make a name for himself, to gain fame, fortune & undeserved sympathy:

He purposely spat in the faces of these people, in their families faces and ALL Black people's face (including yours) who've suffered at the hands of White racism just to make money and fame for himself...

So, you can continue to deflect and point the finger at White people if you must.
But if you can't see the full scope of the crimes of this race baiting piece of shit, then I don't know what else there is to say, except:
He played you brother. And apparently, he's STILL playing you. Please stop letting him manipulate you... :smh:
Again, I'm not arguing against anything you're saying.

Just want to add that jussie smollet represents jussie smollet... he's not the representative or spokesperson for all of black America. He's his own man that has to face consequences for his own foolish actions. You say he made it harder for us to be believed when we report this stuff and I ask when have we ever been believed when we report this stuff? They quick to say we're race baiting, playing the race card, or seeing stuff that's not there. So he did nothing IMO to make that any better or worse.

Look man, I get everything you're saying... picking up what you're putting down... that still doesn't negate the fact that a first time offender that committed a victimless crime was given more time than someone a piece of shit CAC whose (sp?) lies caused the loss of a human life.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
@playahaitian did she really compare juicy to Emmett Till


Her heart in the right place but...

Jussie was sentenced too harshly

Period a white person would have gotten at worse probation

But Jussie ain't totally innocent here.

And we as a society gotta be careful accepting this as some type of norm

Victim shaming is real

We need to make sure the small but significant advancements made by the #metoo movement and George floyd movement are not lost

But supporting false accusations, liars, etc

NEVER helps the cause.

In fact you need to go at THEM double

They are worse then the abusers

They specifically exploiting existing and future victims pain for profit.

Look you wanna believe Jussie?


But if it's based on some warped logic that even a false accusation should be supported because you need all future victims to be acknowledged and treated fairly is rotten at its base.

It can't ever be that.

Cause one false accusation....

Made on the completely wrong person?

Could derail this whole thing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Again, I'm not arguing against anything you're saying.

Just want to add that jussie smollet represents jussie smollet... he's not the representative or spokesperson for all of black America. He's his own man that has to face consequences for his own foolish actions. You say he made it harder for us to be believed when we report this stuff and I ask when have we ever been believed when we report this stuff? They quick to say we're race baiting, playing the race card, or seeing stuff that's not there. So he did nothing IMO to make that any better or worse.

Look man, I get everything you're saying... picking up what you're putting down... that still doesn't negate the fact that a first time offender that committed a victimless crime was given more time than someone a piece of shit CAC whose (sp?) lies caused the loss of a human life.
#1. It's NOT a victimless crime. Please stop referring to it as such.

#2. Yes, he did make it somewhat harder for Black people to be believed when we report violent crimes.

#3. It's not about asking "when have we ever been believed?". Dude, as time goes on; more & more we ARE being believed as irrefutable proof is being presented to the public. You need look no further than: Rodney King, Ahmaud Arbery, Eric Garner, Breonna Taylor, Trayvon Martin, Tamir Rice, The Emanuel AME Church shootings, Michael Brown and of course, George Floyd. (Smollett hurt that cause and openly spat in the faces of those victims).

#4. Again, this ain't about what White people have done to us. This is about what Smollett himself has done to us.

#5. Smollett is a public person. Whether you like it or not, he actually DOES act as a representative of Black people and for Black Gay America. Did you watch his Robin Roberts interview? About how he wants to "inspire" little Black gay boys and to be seen as "The Gay Tupac". :hmm:

Look bro, I'm NOT coming at you. Nor am I calling you out.
But I am saying; once again, your outrage might be better spent than on this race baiting piece of shit...


Rising Star
Platinum Member
@playahaitian did she really compare juicy to the Emmett Till situation

Man fuck him. He created some bullshit event to play on people's emotions, giving cover and question to real hate crime events. For what social media support :cmonson:

Take your time and shut the fuck up. Comparing this asshole to Emett Till is just ridiculous. I wouldn't hire that whole damn family because they won't shut up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not feeling this one bit... jokes is funny n all... but his lie netted him time behind bars... what about the white dude that lied on John Crawford III? That lie cost him his life... is he behind bars? What was his consequences? As much as this has happened to us that resulted in time wasted, beat downs, shot at and sometimes death, there's no consequences whatsoever for these overzealous Karens/Kevins that weaponize the police against people of color daily.
AGREED!!! Kim Foxx the States Attorney of Cook County let this dude off the hook. Foxx essentially said it wasn't worth the county's resources to try to get a conviction because there were more serious crimes the county should be spending its resources on, such as fucking unsolved murders. But...here comes the vengeful cave devil. Since Jussie said some white folks did it and because Jussie is black and because he shamed they gay community, the wanna put him in the clink.

There were no real victims in his crime. No one lost money (he didn't rob people like these wall street fucks), no one got so much as a scratch (he didnt poison people like they did in Flint). But they say "victims of Smollett’s hoax are people who deal with bias and hate in their daily lives"...whatever. The county decided to pursue charges and spent millions of tax payer dollars to get a conviction with a special prosecutor. So his dumb ass cost the county about 100K in resources and they spent another million trying to put him in jail for a victimless crime. Doesn't make sense. While these police are literally being recorded planting drugs, writing false police reports, and receiving no punishment. The system is a fucking joke. Its like a nightmare you cannot escape. Kyle Rittenhouse was acquitted, him mom that drove the little fucker across state lines armed with a war weapon, didn't get so much as a fucking charge for child endangerment. Its all a joke.

Sure he was dumb, sure he was wrong and clowned himself. But people have done much much worse and got less time.

"Rather than even-handedly prosecuting Smollett, one extraordinary measure after the other was taken to convict him of lying. Millions of taxpayer dollars were spent on the longest disorderly conduct trial in Illinois history.

The public was barred from the courtroom for jury selection. The public was intermittently barred from the proceedings throughout the trial due to arbitrary application of COVID-19 restrictions. Cameras were banned for the trial but allowed in for an Oscar-worthy sentencing hearing.

Even Smolllett’s sentence was a departure from the norms, beginning with Webb asking for 15 years on a charge that only carries one to three years.

Smollett was sentenced to 150 days in Cook County Jail, over $120,000 in restitution, the maximum fine of $25,000 and 30 months of probation. His probation will last nearly as long as Jason Van Dyke’s prison sentence for murdering teenager Laquan McDonald.

False allegations of cross-racial attacks like Smollett’s are not uncommon. Most are never charged. Here, false police report cases usually result in community service on misdemeanor charges.

In “Crook County,” where cops are known for “testi-lying” with impunity, where the top cop who investigated Smollett is now also jobless due to lying, probation alone would have been a fitting resolution.

Yes, the hypocrisy is astounding."

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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nah, dude.
This ain't a case of; "What about them...?". :smh:
You have to fully understand what the scope of this man's crime is and how it effects you.
Dude, this rich, so called "brother" literally sold YOU and every other Black person out, just to make himself look like a victim and to get better deals for himself from White people .
- He preyed/played upon long standing racial hatred experienced by Black people.
- He made it that much more difficult for Blacks and gays to come foreward (and be believed) when they've been attacked.
- He essentially treated past and present racial assaults on Blacks as jokes and undermined all legal efforts for fair treatment for Blacks in the law.
- He spat in the face of Black people who've actually experienced those types of racial hatred and biases just to make himself be seen as "The Gay Tupac"... :hmm:

Sorry, bro.
But your outrage would be better spent elsewhere than on this race baiting piece of shit. :hmm:
I hear you. But I believe time should be done when you shed blood, rape, or stole serious money. Neither in this case, just some hard emotional feelings. Not worth my tax dollars to jail him up. Its not worth the money family.
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Rising Star
Nah she was saying some of the folks that comitted one of the worst crimes in history walked free, but Juicy has to go to jail for some bs.

It's not BS though, Jussie let them white LGBT folks put the battery in his back to draw sympathy towards LGBT struggles which will lead to possibly passing a new law and it failed, that's it. He did that, he didn't have to do that.

I know real thugs, they usually arent pursuing acting/ modeling jobs they in the street all day grinding trying to come up.

Jussie messed up and he needs to admit that, serve his time and move on.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I hear you. But I believe time should be done when you shed blood, rape, or stole serious money. Neither in this case, just some hard emotional feelings. Not worth my tax dollars to jail him up. Its not worth the money family.
And if Smollett was a White woman alleging she was raped by two Black men, would you feel the same....?
- Knowing that innocent Black men in that local area were being stopped, detained & harassed by police as a result.
Only to find out that she was having an affair but lied about the whole thing to get money and to be seen as a victim?
Would your tax dollars be "worthy" of seeking her being legally held accountable?


Rising Star
Thanks. I know she goes all out for people she cares about. Would rather she used a different crime in her reference
She wouldve been better off mentioning George Zimmerman.
Both of these. :yes:

The playbook to compare him to white people and false accusers getting off the hook is (purposely) muddying the conversation.
Two things can exist at the same time:
Yes, cacs should've/should go to jail for false accusations against Black people.
Yes, this self-absorbed nutjob should face some kind of punishment for slapping the face of all those before him that really were brutalized or worse.

BUT, the call for justice aint about letting traitors to our struggle off the hook in the name of 'whataboutism'.

She out her fucking mind for this post. Disrespectful. We gotta start calling out this bird babble, false-conflation game that they trying to run.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Im so glad this bullshit got broken up... lee daniels and his merry band of rogue faggots

plan backfired... gonna say this jesse guy was attacked, then they could intensify their

delusional war on "toxic" masculinity...

that little fag antic set the whole fag movement back a few decades...

Funny how nobody want to get to the bottom of this case... somebody planned

that whole bullshit and it wasnt the gay kid from empire..

cough cough lee daniels cough cough


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These celebs are all saying well were not saying he's not guilty....but the prison term is to long


Rising Star
Platinum Member
And Smollett used the very pain you're talking about to perpetuate a hoax on and to betray all of us.
This ain't about the crimes of White people. Lord knows, we always expect foul shit from them.
This is about the crimes of a rich, priviliged so called "brother" who sold us ALL out just to gain fortune and fame from the same type of White people he accused of attacking him.

Do you understand?
Smollett made light of these horrors just to make a name for himself, to gain fame, fortune & undeserved sympathy:

He purposely spat in the faces of these people, in their families faces and ALL Black people's face (including yours) who've suffered at the hands of White racism just to make money and fame for himself...

So, you can continue to deflect and point the finger at White people if you must.
But if you can't see the full scope of the crimes of this race baiting piece of shit, then I don't know what else there is to say, except:
He played you brother. And apparently, he's STILL playing you. Please stop letting him manipulate you... :smh:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Again, I'm not arguing against anything you're saying.

Just want to add that jussie smollet represents jussie smollet... he's not the representative or spokesperson for all of black America. He's his own man that has to face consequences for his own foolish actions. You say he made it harder for us to be believed when we report this stuff and I ask when have we ever been believed when we report this stuff? They quick to say we're race baiting, playing the race card, or seeing stuff that's not there. So he did nothing IMO to make that any better or worse.

Look man, I get everything you're saying... picking up what you're putting down... that still doesn't negate the fact that a first time offender that committed a victimless crime was given more time than someone a piece of shit CAC whose (sp?) lies caused the loss of a human life.
#3. It's not about asking "when have we ever been believed?". Dude, as time goes on; more & more we ARE being believed as

I think the problem here is that everyone wants to mix two mutually exclusive problems:

A - This country is inherently racist and its clearly reflected in the justice system with the sentencing and prosecution disparities.

B - Jussie Smollet is an opportunistic, entitled asshole that only thinks of himself and is black when its convenient.

Let's stop mixing these two issues into one fucked up debate about how a racist justice system treated a gay/black scumbag. I can talk about what needs to be changed in the courts separately from Jussie's fuckery. You guys should not be on opposite sides of it. I think everyone agrees the system is fucked up. Everyone also agrees that Jussie is no one's hero. Those are the only two issues that matter. Jussie's experience with the law is not a race issue. Its a celebrity issue. He was prosecuted because he's famous and a lot of famous people were fooled by him.

John Million

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And if Smollett was a White woman alleging she was raped by two Black men, would you feel the same....?
- Knowing that innocent Black men in that local area were being stopped, detained & harassed by police as a result.
Only to find out that she was having an affair but lied about the whole thing to get money and to be seen as a victim?
Would your tax dollars be "worthy" of seeking her being legally held accountable?

good question. i believe false accusations need to be prosecuted more regularly. Should that chick that just tried to get Chris Brown locked up on rape charges be held accountable? I bet everyone saying Juicy shouldn't receive jail would want her locked up

John Million

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
it still blows my mind dude had his 92 year old grandma in court begging for him
I would have begged the family to not have her involved
I would not be able to look myself in the mirror after that


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
I just saw a video where the judge told him he did all this for attention :lol: Then he tried to play the race card and after that started saying he’s not suicidal over and over and if something happens to him in jail that he didn’t kill himself:oops:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And if Smollett was a White woman alleging she was raped by two Black men, would you feel the same....?
- Knowing that innocent Black men in that local area were being stopped, detained & harassed by police as a result.
Only to find out that she was having an affair but lied about the whole thing to get money and to be seen as a victim?
Would your tax dollars be "worthy" of seeking her being legally held accountable?
Finally, we see eye to eye, yes I would like them to get jail time and plenty of it. That's my point, they don't get time. So Smollett shouldn't either.