Jussie Smollett sentenced to 150 days in jail in fake attack


Aka Illegal Danny
BGOL Investor

Lol. Dude is headed to a dormitory at worst. He's not getting merked by the inside trader or the doctor serving time for Medicaid fraud.

The worst part is that it's been over 2 years since he was caught and called out. The trial is over and he has been proving guilty beyond A reasonable doubt and don't still wants to play the victim.

Sometimes you fuck up so bad that the only thing you can do is eat crow and apologize. Instead he wants to double down on something that everybody knows is a lie. Now the whole world sees him for the callous idiot he has become.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Lol. Dude is headed to a dormitory at worst. He's not getting merked by the inside trader or the doctor serving time for Medicaid fraud.

The worst part is that it's been over 2 years since he was caught and called out. The trial is over and he has been proving guilty beyond A reasonable doubt and don't still wants to play the victim.

Sometimes you fuck up so bad that the only thing you can do is eat crow and apologize. Instead he wants to double down on something that everybody knows is a lie. Now the whole world sees him for the callous idiot he has become.

Yeah, no.

This is not for somebody like you to speak on.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Finally, we see eye to eye, yes I would like them to get jail time and plenty of it. That's my point, they don't get time. So Smollett shouldn't either.
No, my friend.
We most definitely DO NOT see eye to eye on this.
Your definition of "justice", is somewhat... disturbing to say the least.
Dude by your assessment:
- If a White rapist who raped Black women didn't get prison time, then a Black rapist who raped White women shouldn't be jailed either...? :confused:
How is any of this "justice"?

My man; having two different types of justice based on race seems to be what you're advocating for, and that's at the heart of what's WRONG with America.
-Justice is supposed to be about balance and fairness.
- It's not supposed to be about about retribution or revenge.
The "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander", approach is not the right mindset to have when thinking about the law or justice. :smh:


Rising Star
This dude and his family are trying every trick in the book to get him out of jail.
Now the Brother says they're getting death threat phone calls. Also, they're saying he has a compromised immune system, could catch COVID, etc.

I don't remember Tupac being this scared of doing five months in county. They acting like he got hit with football numbers smh.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
We do have two types of justice systems. And for this victimless crime and I will continue to say it's victimless, no jail is warranted because the cost outweighs the crime when the state was just

No, my friend.
We most definitely DO NOT see eye to eye on this.
Your definition of "justice", is somewhat... disturbing to say the least.
Dude by your assessment:
- If a White rapist who raped Black women didn't get prison time, then a Black rapist who raped White women shouldn't be jailed either...? :confused:
How is any of this "justice"?

My man; having two different types of justice based on race seems to be what you're advocating for, and that's at the heart of what's WRONG with America.
-Justice is supposed to be about balance and fairness.
- It's not supposed to be about about retribution or revenge.
The "What's good for the goose, is good for the gander", approach is not the right mindset to have when thinking about the law or justice. :smh:
Disturbing? In this place? On a porn board surrounded by women with fists in their asses and all sorts of depraved men lusting after terribly malformed women of various ungodly states. LOL!

Remember, I said unharmed. You examples are not examples of people being unharmed. You are free to walk your Danzell Book of Eli righteous path bruh, no doubt, you go ahead and trek that shit. While you're following the rule book to a "T", others are looking for the win. I don't know what country you live in, but justice has very rarely been awarded to people that look like me. What I'm advocating for is equal justice. White people get off, we should get off. White people get convicted, we should get equally get convicted. Now to go back to your questions "And if Smollett was a White woman alleging she was raped by two Black men, would you feel the same....? " Absolutely not she shouldn't get off, she should be thrown in jail, but that never happens, they walk free every time. And to top it, white women have a history of framing black men, a long sordid history that span hundreds of years. And no laws have been put in place to stop them from doing it, now has it...hmm I wonder why? Look, alls Im saying is we are not afforded the same. So you can go on convicting your people and holding them to a higher standard while these devils keep setting their good folks free. But whatever, guess we'll have to agree to disagree.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This dude and his family are trying every trick in the book to get him out of jail.
Now the Brother says they're getting death threat phone calls. Also, they're saying he has a compromised immune system, could catch COVID, etc.

I don't remember Tupac being this scared of doing five months in county. They acting like he got hit with football numbers smh.

SMH... all of them are making worse.
Just ride the 5 months out, take the L.
... BTW Where is Lee Daniels thoughts on this?


Rising Star
Slim was the realest nigga on the Wire

shame he ain’t acted since the wire

“That was for Joe”
Slim was a soldier without question and to loyalty.

The duality of his character and the dynamics between he and those who follow for gain (Method Man/Cheese) was some of the best scenes I've watched I any movie or TV show.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He and his family played up the "suicide" angle and the court and jail didnt want to be responsible if he tried to off himself


Rising Star
OG Investor
This dude and his family are trying every trick in the book to get him out of jail.
Now the Brother says they're getting death threat phone calls. Also, they're saying he has a compromised immune system, could catch COVID, etc.

I don't remember Tupac being this scared of doing five months in county. They acting like he got hit with football numbers smh.

Sounds like HIV to me.

Lexx Diamond

Art Lover ❤️ Sex Addict®™
Staff member
This guy was on top of the world
Im really confused about this
I should have known dude is nuts
When he called himself gay 2pac

I knew for sure he was some type of retarded after he said that shit.

Faggits are drama queens who love attention bro.

Exactly. Now his lying bitch ass is G listed. On IMDB the only credit he has since Empire is some Batty Bwoy movie he produced.