Just Came From Shopping - WATER & TOILET PAPER ARE GONE!!!!

doe moe

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Toilet paper way to easy to get for free if need be. Just have to put in a little effort that's all.


Big stores (walmart, target, home depot)


Hotels with public restrooms

Office buildings

Visit the restroom and cash out. Hell, hit your job up if you that desperate.

You can always approach a worker on the humble and offer them a couple dollars for some rolls.

Come on Family this is BGOL, hustle ideas are perfected here!
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jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
All this shit got me on the edge
I'm fighting old ladies for the last roll of toilet paper in the store
:roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2: :roflmao2:



The Black Bastard
Platinum Member
If for some reason you run out of TP.

You can use newspaper. When you put it in the toilet let it sit for a few minutes and it will get to a dissolve state and easily flush with out clogging your pipes or septic tank.

If you live in a house with a backyard, worse case scenario is dig a 4ft deep hole and do your business in it. Have some gasoline a available pour it in and burn it.

If this virus extends for a long time. A lot of things we take for granted is going to go away. Water systems and sewer treatment systems might shut down making all indoor plumbing useless.

This virus can easily send us back to the 1800s real quickly.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't understand why people are buying all the water and all the toilet paper

well to make a long explanation short.... you got a bunch of paranoid muthafuckas from all walks of life

that been talkin about the end of the world for the last ten years now, these are the types that buy underground bunkers, go on survival retreats.

can their own food and still buy up all the can beans at that grocery store..

these are the types to buy up all the lysols, alcohol, toilet paper etc...

they low key excited about all this panic over common cold symptons...

they were really hoping an prayin for a race war, but this will do just fine....

as long as it lasts that is...

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
Congratulations on getting a water filter. It saves you so much in the long run. Buying bottles of water is the biggest con ever. Just filter your tap water and it'll be fine.
Yeah, I gave up telling my mother this shit. Bet she's risking her ass to get bottled water. Got mad at me because I refused to partake in helping her with that shit after giving her perfectly good information on water filters. I'm talking YEARS of telling her. :smh:

Sounds cold blooded, but I can't do it. Stupid stubborn causes way too much stress.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Amazing how people refuse to LEARN at some point and will argue you down without any facts.

Got this chick over here telling me the floating conspiracy theory..."coronavirus is listed on the back of the Lysol can. They've known about it for years!!!"

I refuse to engage and explain there is more than one strain and this is a new one. I just pat her on her head and tell her how fine she is.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, Wal Matt on Cleveland Avenue was NANAS with every open register going well into jewelry/clothing sections and then the Kroger on Cascade had the self checkout line all the way past the health food section down the stick butter.

Yesterday’s news and today’s updates made many corporations a bit of bread.

If you were smart, you would have woke up this morning, for your broker on the phone, and told him you wanted to short the market view every index.

By market close at 4 o’ clock, you would have a fully funded retirement plan.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
So let me get this straight, you want me on the street like this?

this is how many countries out in the world do it.. We just got denied our vendor licenses and open street markets in the past several decades so we forgot our skill set of the barter system, entrepreneur spirit, and being self reliant... They took our own economy and forced most of us to get jobs... Than the people relied on cac systems in order to make money and the entrepreneur spirit was lost


BGOL vet down since the “56k stay out!” days
BGOL Gold Member
I just got home from Target; along with what’s already been stated, Pampers we’re GONE. Nothing but Target brand left and based on how empty the Pampers, and Luvs, shelves were, the Target brand ones must SUCK. :lol:


Rising Star
OG Investor
Real Canadian Superstore @ Eglinton and Don Mills
~8:30 tonight

Earlier today we heard that the schools would be closing 2 weeks after March break.

People went bonkers :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek:
