Kamala Harris interview with Charlamagne Tha God gets heated after he asks who is ‘real’ president


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
kamala looked bad......


Up and Coming Asshole
BGOL Investor
The question should be why are you not punishing WV for the actions of Munchin to get him in line. Better yet why should we support Biden when he gave us a big fuck you for giving Rahm Emanuel an ambassador job after all his anti Black behavior in Chicago.

Charlemagne is fucked up in many ways, but he is talking to these politicians like most regular people think. Bitch do something on attack, for all these votes we keep giving you.
Punish WV? Biden gave Manchin's wife a cushy federal appointment that pays her about 160 grand a year though the family doesn't need the money between Joe's oil money, PAC money and their daughter's fat payout from her pharmaceutical job where she colluded with Pfizer to price gauge.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This brother is feeling himself way too much. But what I dislike most about him he's and instigator and always trying to start some shit.
It's easy to throw stones from the cheap seats but what if anything of note has he done other than run his mouth and talk shit about other people. :hmm:


༺ S❤️PER❤️ ᗰOD ༻
Super Moderator
She sounded drunk.

“And don’t start talking like a Republican, about asking whether or not he’s president. … And it’s Joe Biden, it’s Joe Biden and I’m vice president and my name is Kamala Harris,” she added defiantly.

Like wtf with that "my name is shit"? And saying Biden is weak and Manchin's bitch makes you a Republican now?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She sounded drunk.

“And don’t start talking like a Republican, about asking whether or not he’s president. … And it’s Joe Biden, it’s Joe Biden and I’m vice president and my name is Kamala Harris,” she added defiantly.

Like wtf with that "my name is shit"? And saying Biden is weak and Manchin's bitch makes you a Republican now?
She was drunk


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
The fact that Symone tried to stop the interview to protect Harris from that question. Shows that her staff has no confidence in her
That answer shows why. Harris is way out of her league and does not belong where she is
Harris looks like a Deer in headlights



Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Shit is all around sad at this point.
Dems sold wolf ticket on what would happen if we voted to give them control of congress and the cac house.
What we got so far is a well armed taliban,no student debt relief,no free community college,inflation steadily rising,confederate names still on bases,no police reform in sight,abortion rights gettin squashed under their nose,nothing for the middle class but higher prices and shortages on some goods,no criminal justice reform,messicans to get paid for jumpin the border,deportation of hatians wit the quickness,can't get nothin of substance passed in congress,still got the fillibuster.

Both parties are fucked up beyond repair

But what about Trump?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I have no issues with what he said to her, Biden is weak as fuck and honestly I just think he's happy that he finally became President. That being said I'd still vote for him over Trump but Biden and the rest of the Dems are weak as fuck. Control 3 branches of Government and can't get shit done. :smh:


Mr. Pool
I voted for Biden and Harris, anything better than dumb ass Trump but I knew exactly who I was voting for, Do nothing corporate elitist dems. Exactly how she comes off in the interview, it wasn't that hard of a question and she came off terribly. I can't imagine the Democratic establishment thinks they could ever win with her as the nominee. Idk what's next. Those saying he was disrespectful are hilarious, the fuck is she the pope?


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
I have no issues with what he said to her, Biden is weak as fuck and honestly I just think he's happy that he finally became President. That being said I'd still vote for him over Trump but Biden and the rest of the Dems are weak as fuck. Control 3 branches of Government and can't get shit done. :smh:

But what about Trump?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I assume homie knows that if she caught him in cali a few yrs back on that b.s....he'd still be doing felony time for that lite weight..


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

No-- he was asking "who really has the power?"

Not some conspiracy theory shit. He wasn't asking about Illuminati running things behind the scenes. It is not a conspiracy to observe that Biden has to run everything past Joe Manchin. It's obvious.
It's barbershop shit that every fucking thing Biden wants got to check with Joe Grizzly? Grizzly got his way with the COVID bill and then now with the spending. Every fucking article is what the Grizz likes and doesn't like and Biden adjusting accordingly. :smh:

It's amazing folks acting like the question was crazy. It's basically saying why the fuck can't you guys check Joe Grizzly.

Pimpslap Slim

The Villain
BGOL Investor
You’re criticizing the Democrats. I don’t see you talking about the Republicans!

Where’s the smoke for Trump and his minions?
Everything he touch turn to shit.
He ain't the one in charge now either.
Dems control congress and the cac house.
I tend to hold those who are in "power"accountable for what goes on under their watch regardless of party. Not lettin biden get away with blaming trump for him fuckin up just like trump wasn't gettin away with blaming obama when he was fuckin up.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Everything he touch turn to shit.
He ain't the one in charge now either.
Dems control congress and the cac house.
I tend to hold those who are in "power"accountable for what goes on under their watch regardless of party. Not lettin biden get away with blaming trump for him fuckin up just like trump wasn't gettin away with blaming obama when he was fuckin up.
Everything he touch turn to shit.
He ain't the one in charge now either.
Dems control congress and the cac house.
I tend to hold those who are in "power"accountable for what goes on under their watch regardless of party. Not lettin biden get away with blaming trump for him fuckin up just like trump wasn't gettin away with blaming obama when he was fuckin up.
@Darrkman @mangobob79


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This why CTG asked that question, who's President, Biden or Machin? He can't even control this dude. More of Machin's fuck shit. :smh:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So CTG asks the question that anyone paying attention to current events has been asking, and the cowards over at CNN & MSNBC don't have the heart to ask and suddenly here comes Kamala with the neck rolling and finger wagging. I call bullshit. First of all, she would never respond with so much hostility to anyone in mainstream media, but for some reason the establishment Dems still think CTG is just some lightweight, radio shock jock. They grant him an audience because they know he's got influence among a young, "urban" demographic but in the same token they don't take him serious enough to prepare for when he asks very poignant politically relevant questions.

Her rebuttal, "You sound like a Republican" is some weak sauce bullshit right along the lines of "If you can't choose between me and Trump, you ain't black". The fucking nerve of these clowns in the DNC, they've been treating the black voting block for granted for decades and now that folks have FINALLY started to wake up and demand tangibles in exchange for their support (like any other savvy voter should do) they start name calling, "you ain't black" "you sound like a Republican".

These assholes deserve to lose in 2022 & 2024. The only only problem is that even when they lose they win. When Democrats lose power, they simply pivot that into record breaking fundraising drives, paid gigs as talking heads on cable news, and multimillion dollar salaries cashing in favors from all the lobbyists and corporations they protected while in office. The only person who hurts here is the working class. Roe v. Wade is circling the drain, Voting Rights are being scaled back all across the South, global warming is stressing the planet to the brink, and wage inequality is low key reinstituting indentured servitude where billionaires can force workers to work until they die (tornado coming, tough shit, get back to work). Shit is bad out here man.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
I have no issues with what he said to her, Biden is weak as fuck and honestly I just think he's happy that he finally became President. That being said I'd still vote for him over Trump but Biden and the rest of the Dems are weak as fuck. Control 3 branches of Government and can't get shit done. :smh:
I voted for Biden and Harris, anything better than dumb ass Trump but I knew exactly who I was voting for, Do nothing corporate elitist dems. Exactly how she comes off in the interview, it wasn't that hard of a question and she came off terribly. I can't imagine the Democratic establishment thinks they could ever win with her as the nominee. Idk what's next. Those saying he was disrespectful are hilarious, the fuck is she the pope?
Everything he touch turn to shit.
He ain't the one in charge now either.
Dems control congress and the cac house.
I tend to hold those who are in "power"accountable for what goes on under their watch regardless of party. Not lettin biden get away with blaming trump for him fuckin up just like trump wasn't gettin away with blaming obama when he was fuckin up.
So CTG asks the question that anyone paying attention to current events has been asking, and the cowards over at CNN & MSNBC don't have the heart to ask and suddenly here comes Kamala with the neck rolling and finger wagging. I call bullshit. First of all, she would never respond with so much hostility to anyone in mainstream media, but for some reason the establishment Dems still think CTG is just some lightweight, radio shock jock. They grant him an audience because they know he's got influence among a young, "urban" demographic but in the same token they don't take him serious enough to prepare for when he asks very poignant politically relevant questions.

Her rebuttal, "You sound like a Republican" is some weak sauce bullshit right along the lines of "If you can't choose between me and Trump, you ain't black". The fucking nerve of these clowns in the DNC, they've been treating the black voting block for granted for decades and now that folks have FINALLY started to wake up and demand tangibles in exchange for their support (like any other savvy voter should do) they start name calling, "you ain't black" "you sound like a Republican".

These assholes deserve to lose in 2022 & 2024. The only only problem is that even when they lose they win. When Democrats lose power, they simply pivot that into record breaking fundraising drives, paid gigs as talking heads on cable news, and multimillion dollar salaries cashing in favors from all the lobbyists and corporations they protected while in office. The only person who hurts here is the working class. Roe v. Wade is circling the drain, Voting Rights are being scaled back all across the South, global warming is stressing the planet to the brink, and wage inequality is low key reinstituting indentured servitude where billionaires can force workers to work until they die (tornado coming, tough shit, get back to work). Shit is bad out here man.

They’re gonna run you niggas off BGOL! #bootygang unite!


Mackin Arachnid
BGOL Investor
Y’all too protective of Biden. Him and Kamala have not shown that they are our friends through their ACTIONS. Say what you want about Trump but her was real clear in his support for his constituents. Biden was way more direct than Trump in his demand for support from Black folks but been silent about us throughout this term so far. This voting for the least evil and supporting whomever is Democratic has not been effective. Props to Charlemagne for calling em out.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Y’all too protective of Biden. Him and Kamala have not shown that they are our friends through their ACTIONS. Say what you want about Trump but her was real clear in his support for his constituents. Biden was way more direct than Trump in his demand for support from Black folks but been silent about us throughout this term so far. This voting for the least evil and supporting whomever is Democratic has not been effective. Props to Charlemagne for calling em out.
@Darrkman @AllUniverse17 @geechiedan @mangobob79 @Dr. Truth