Kamala Harris misinformation


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I wanna know where she got all them donations from that quick. Who gonna be her boss

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This where I’m confused at. They said they can’t pass the George Floyd policing act because rep congress won’t pass it.
Well wouldn’t the same apply to project 2025. If it’s so bad why would the Dems sign off on in in congress just asking.

And also. I looked up Medicare project 2025. Medicare is not being taking away. That’s cap
Floyd act is not an existing law therefore Congress has to approve it.

Project 2025 is change the the way executive branch administratively operates based on the laws already passed by Congress.

Btw that post never said they were taking it away but increasing the obstacles and limiting how much you can use it. Imagine your wife got cancer and then the government tells you that the amount that's been billed on your behalf has met the limit so you're on your own to pay for it.


Controversy Creates Cash
BGOL Investor
Think this was always the plan the were just waiting on the right time to switch Kamala in. They played chess on MAGA who is $250+ million in the hole right now on Biden propaganda they can't use or get a refund on. I was skeptical after Sunday's announcement but watch MAGA go into ultra meltdown mode changed my mind. This TEMU version of a misinformation campaign they're running is hilarious.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Floyd act is not an existing law therefore Congress has to approve it.

Project 2025 is change the the way executive branch administratively operates based on the laws already passed by Congress.

Btw that post never said they were taking it away but increasing the obstacles and limiting how much you can use it. Imagine your wife got cancer and then the government tells you that the amount that's been billed on your behalf has met the limit so you're on your own to pay for it.
With Medicare they want to privatize it so it wouldn’t even be the government making decisions on your care. It would be for profit health insurance companies making decisions on whether they are going to pay or not. For profit companies that work for their shareholders.

So basically yeah Medicare and Medicaid as we know it would END.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Floyd act is not an existing law therefore Congress has to approve it.

Project 2025 is change the the way executive branch administratively operates based on the laws already passed by Congress.

Btw that post never said they were taking it away but increasing the obstacles and limiting how much you can use it. Imagine your wife got cancer and then the government tells you that the amount that's been billed on your behalf has met the limit so you're on your own to pay for it.
From what I’ve seen they’re trying to change the Medicare advantage plans. Not the actual Medicare.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I trust a CONCERNED sister over an AMBITIOUS FAGGOT anyday!!!

that dude is the reason I loathe what the democrats become, thats the type,

and ONLY type of real knigga they will support...

its all part of the EUGENICS process..

that throat goat slut was on the SAME POPULATION CONTROL SHIT

the faggot eugenecist bill gates was on, the apple dont fall far from the tree.

Yall die hard democrats are just fuckin bots, who do what you are told, to keep

them checks coming in,

Kamala is a typical soulless pale skin worshiping racist hindu....

that only silly faggots blindly support..

DIE HARD...democratic

faggots are human population control tools, listen to those

puppets if you want...


Pimpslap Slim

The Villain
BGOL Investor
I trust a CONCERNED sister over an AMBITIOUS FAGGOT anyday!!!

that dude is the reason I loathe what the democrats become, thats the type,

and ONLY type of real knigga they will support...

its all part of the EUGENICS process..

that throat goat slut was on the SAME POPULATION CONTROL SHIT

the faggot eugenecist bill gates was on, the apple dont fall far from the tree.

Yall die hard democrats are just fuckin bots, who do what you are told, to keep

them checks coming in,

Kamala is a typical soulless pale skin worshiping racist hindu....

that only silly faggots blindly support..

DIE HARD...democratic

faggots are human population control tools, listen to those

puppets if you want...

Was the zesty mufucka wrong though?
Truth with receipts is valid no matter who the messenger is.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Was the zesty mufucka wrong though?
Truth with receipts is valid no matter who the messenger is.

that ho is a fuckin HYPOCRITE and the WORST KIND,

a hypocrite in power who LOWKEY HATES DARK SKIN BRUHS!!!

Bitch locked up over nineteen hundred bruhs for The Holy Herb,


wants a flighty ass leader, that locks up bruhs FOR SHIT THAT SHE DOES!!


and act accordingly...

This bitch dissed her Jamaican side, talkin bout all they do is smoke weed all day....

she is an indian and one of the kind that hates dark skin people...

Kamala is going to open up them can of worms because its NOT cacs thats holding us back,

ITS ALWAYS BEEN THE GATE KEEPERS... and we foolishly THINK they are US.... and


but they been laying in the cut, and giving up our secrets for centuries....



Rising Star
I get you don't like her. How does any of what you said make her ineffective at her job.
Do you know what her job is? Sure reparations should be given but she doesn't HAVE to work on that.
If it isn't on the table it isn't on the table.
Focus on what is on the table and hopefully you will see who you need to vote for.
You only have 2 choices.

Let me put it this way is Trump:
1. Gonna give reparations?
2. Help black man that are being violated in these cali streets?

Please answer
she literally said she is not here for just us when ask what is going to do for the community, not to mention she has no problem sleeping with married men


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
nobody in legal community or law has ever said kamala is effective in her job
Because she wouldn't bring a death penalty case against the brother who killed a police

Hell FBI is still fighting Leonard Peltier's release after 40 years even though they know he didn't do the crime and was a victim of CoIntelPro


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
These comments here and in other posts. Reminds me of when Obama ran. It's sad that there has been no growth for some on BGOL in researching information before spreading untruth as well as calling others sheep or names when we question their logic. Same ole same ole. The difference today is, more BGOL brothers are unafraid to call their ignorance out. Which is hella refreshing.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
she can't give us a straight answer on whether black folks should get reparations, black men being violated on these cali streets in the courtroom and by police and she is as a quiet as a church mouse
This is the most stupid barometer you can use.

Who gives a fuck if she dances on a table and says yes black folks deserve repeations.

These crakkas in power ain't going to make it a reality

reparations is the dumbest issue that a single issue idiot can choose to die on.

We can't even get qualified immunity tossed so police can be held accountable

Shit mofokrs can't even agree on what reparation would look like or who would be entitled
matter of fact, how about all these enlightened mofokrs who said the trans-Atlantic slave trade never happened and we were here first and never

slaves. Would they get reparations?