You are a caucasian agent, you don't have any good white women in your family?
That nigga really just said "WHERE DA WHITE WIMMENZ AT?!!
it's all making sense now
You are a caucasian agent, you don't have any good white women in your family?
She called for it cause she knows he won't do another debate his ego was severely hurt last night and his MAGA handlers won't let him do another one Diaper Donnie caused too much damage with his ranting, flip flopping and quoting conspiracy theories'.I'm not sure if I were her i'd call for another debate.
The downside for her is far greater than the upside.
He's the one that desprately needs another crack at it.
"I can NOT stand that Chuck Taylors converse wearing, skippidy-do-dah, skipping down private jet steps, 'blaaaaaack'CACKLING BIOOOOOOTCH!!!!!"
Dude just wants attention. We've seen his type before
That nigga really just said "WHERE DA WHITE WIMMENZ AT?!!
it's all making sense now
he prolly lookin at her pussy and dont wanna get up
he prolly lookin at her pussy and dont wanna get up
Short version Beau got burnt out and doing so many videos started effecting his health.Where's Boa(spelling)?