Kanye West "There's nobody that gets judged more than a straight white male he is a nazi now." back with a new rant 2025


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
:smh:..."I empathize with the position of the straight white male"

Well damn Uncle


Could this be his first ever accurate prediction?

“I’ve always liked his music and him as a person”


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Joey gets it. It's not about defending Kanye but the bigger picture is censorship. If I start a youtube channel and say the ocean is yellow should I be shut down/not allow to speak because I'm wrong? What exactly did he say that is Anti-Semitic?

But this is not new. By a long shot.

" freedom of speech" never ever worked like that

Your dealing with global media corporations

Why do we keep seeking fairness or justice from corporations and sports leagues?

When you/we are dependent on something...

We really don't get to call the shots.


Are any of these people gonna boycott youtube?

These same people reposted the video thousands of times of every social media platform imaginable

So is it really even banned?

Drink Champs knew the risks from jump.

These are the consequences

We don't like them?

Create our own. Refuse to pull it down

(BTW drink Champs pulled it down FIRST)

I'm not uniting on anything Kanye

But ok let's organize and the NEXT person, star, politician, corporation...

That slander black folk?

We come at them full throttle

Boycotts, social media campaign, sponsors etc.

And now I said black folk.

Can I participate?

Cause some of these ADOS dudes ain't gonna want me and my kind around.

We need to get our own stuff super straight


so we can dedicate social norms like all these OTHER groups

Who directly benefitted from our struggle anyway

Politic Negro

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He's on to his next project lol.
Kanye West Wants to Build His Own Mini-City Called the ‘Yecosystem’

Two Yeezy sources say West’s plan for his own small “universe” has been in the works for years, describing it as a self-sustained enterprise that would have its own branded products and services

Wannabee Bond villain


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
This interview was just total deflection. At no point did Piers answer or address Ye's gripes against the Jewish business men in the corporate world who have systematically stole money from black athlete's or performers.

Hmm...while Crazye goes on media ranting, Jay-Z just goes to courts lol. Watch The Throne Part 2 lol.
Jay-Z says Bacardi is trying to underpay him in suit over cognac brand D'Usse ... as he calls for audit of company

Kanye was pushing that D'usse hard on Drink Champs :roflmao:



Rising Star
Nothing I said could be considered having a "one way street" for freedom of expression.

I want people to be able to express themselves, regardless if I agree with them. Outside of speaking threats of violence, I believe we should be able to speak our mind. Yes there will be consequences.
The rush to not allow Kanye to say what he wants is concerning
Ok so has Kanye been stopped from speaking his mind or has he been speaking his mind?

John Million

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But this is not new. By a long shot.

" freedom of speech" never ever worked like that

Your dealing with global media corporations

Why do we keep seeking fairness or justice from corporations and sports leagues?

When you/we are dependent on something...

We really don't get to call the shots.


Are any of these people gonna boycott youtube?

These same people reposted the video thousands of times of every social media platform imaginable

So is it really even banned?

Drink Champs knew the risks from jump.

These are the consequences

We don't like them?

Create our own. Refuse to pull it down

(BTW drink Champs pulled it down FIRST)

I'm not uniting on anything Kanye

But ok let's organize and the NEXT person, star, politician, corporation...

That slander black folk?

We come at them full throttle

Boycotts, social media campaign, sponsors etc.

And now I said black folk.

Can I participate?

Cause some of these ADOS dudes ain't gonna want me and my kind around.

We need to get our own stuff super straight


so we can dedicate social norms like all these OTHER groups

Who directly benefitted from our struggle anyway

you're kinda all over the place with this.
My main use is with censorship and the overwhelming response to Kanye has been to shut him up.
I'm not talking about the corporations or social media platforms.
I'm talking about individuals. People are actually happy his bank stopped doing business with him or that he's not allowed to give his opinion
That's what i'm focused on -- Censorship. People are seemingly agreeing with being censored mainly if they don't agree with what is being said

John Million

Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Ok so has Kanye been stopped from speaking his mind or has he been speaking his mind?

No not completely, he's actually Live on youtube right now. But I've noticed the average person is definitely more open with it seems these days


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
you're kinda all over the place with this.
My main use is with censorship and the overwhelming response to Kanye has been to shut him up.
I'm not talking about the corporations or social media platforms.
I'm talking about individuals. People are actually happy his bank stopped doing business with him or that he's not allowed to give his opinion
That's what i'm focused on -- Censorship. People are seemingly agreeing with being censored mainly if they don't agree with what is being said

I kind of agree from a historical perspective because.............................

What would the world do to Malcolm X in the media today? Just saying!


Rising Star
No not completely, he's actually Live on youtube right now. But I've noticed the average person is definitely more open with it seems these days
What do you mean not completely? From what I've heard he has spoken his mind.
If he hasn't, then who stopping him other than himself??


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
yes any criticism of jewish is anti-semitic
Malcolm would be damn near expelled from society today.
It is interesting to see the 60s decade, 90s decade, and 2022 and the society and influencers/athletes/entertainers of the day comparison.



the voice of reason
BGOL Investor
I believe the over the top fake woke bullshit your seem allover the media is designed to push this narrative just to light a fire in the white man just to activate his hate and racist nature, you can really see it in the Trump supporters who've been convinced that they are constantly being attacked by the far left media, as if the super rich media outlets really have the interest of the poor and minorities in their hearts.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
This dude has a large portion of the population talking about him right now.

Conversations at dinner tables, in bedrooms....

Billions of conversations.....



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
This dude has a large portion of the population talking about him right now.

Conversations at dinner tables, in bedrooms....

Billions of conversations.....


Attention is the new currency

Imagine the entire black community

TV radio social media...

Just chose to completely IGNORE him?

And never buy anything associated from him

Just till December 31

Just to show how much power we truly have

That we CAN unite over something anything

And put the fear of gawd into anyone else who is thinking of using black pain to profit.

Just saying.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
you're kinda all over the place with this.
My main use is with censorship and the overwhelming response to Kanye has been to shut him up.
I'm not talking about the corporations or social media platforms.
I'm talking about individuals. People are actually happy his bank stopped doing business with him or that he's not allowed to give his opinion
That's what i'm focused on -- Censorship. People are seemingly agreeing with being censored mainly if they don't agree with what is being said

My bad you right

I had a so many points this sh*t is so frustrating

The points ain't wrong but it comes down to this

We need to stop complaining

When we all know damn well

how we got here

who is in control

and what we as a community can do to make a difference

We have made a conscious decision to NOT.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
Attention is the new currency

Imagine the entire black community

TV radio social media...

Just chose to completely IGNORE him?

And never buy anything associated from him

Just till December 31

Just to show how much power we truly have

That we CAN unite over something anything

And put the fear of gawd into anyone else who is thinking of using black pain to profit.

Just saying.

Yep, the human brain is like a hard drive that's wiped clean every morning and people are competing to get you to download as many of their files into your drive by the end of the day.


Rising Star
Yep, the human brain is like a hard drive that's wiped clean every morning and people are competing to get you to download as many of their files into your drive by the end of the day.
That's not exactly true. We have memories from the day before and beyond.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you're kinda all over the place with this.
My main use is with censorship and the overwhelming response to Kanye has been to shut him up.
I'm not talking about the corporations or social media platforms.
I'm talking about individuals. People are actually happy his bank stopped doing business with him or that he's not allowed to give his opinion
That's what i'm focused on -- Censorship. People are seemingly agreeing with being censored mainly if they don't agree with what is being said

Censorship cannot be imposed by individuals. I can't make you not speak. An individual being happy about the repercussions that private institutions enact is not endorsing censorship it's endorsing repercussions for negative speech. You said in the beginning you have no problems with people taking the results of their speech.

But this isn't about censorship in the least. Even Ye knows that. This is about dog whistles to conservatives that Ye is on your side. If it was about censorship he would start cursing on national tv. Or pull his dick out on live tv. When they blur it or bleep it that's censorship. None of that happened. So this has zero to do with censorship. What Coonye and his counterparts don't like is the repurcussions of their racist opinions. They call that censoship and it clearly is not.


You are brainwashed.
BGOL Investor
That's not exactly true. We have memories from the day before and beyond.

Yeah I thought about that, the actual analogy would be downloading into RAM (short term memory) with certain data being saved to a hard drive (long term memory), which is what actually happens in the brain.

I was just trying to say it in a less brainy way....it's Saturday.