Willie D Refuse To Back Down From Kanye West Fans After Backlash
He Said What He Said
He Said What He Said
Koonye is everywhere right now and he’s hardly getting censored.Joey gets it. It's not about defending Kanye but the bigger picture is censorship. If I start a youtube channel and say the ocean is yellow should I be shut down/not allow to speak because I'm wrong? What exactly did he say that is Anti-Semitic?
Willie D Refuse To Back Down From Kanye West Fans After Backlash
He Said What He Said
Willie D Refuse To Back Down From Kanye West Fans After Backlash
He Said What He Said
Willie D Refuse To Back Down From Kanye West Fans After Backlash
He Said What He Said
Willie D Refuse To Back Down From Kanye West Fans After Backlash
He Said What He Said
Censorship cannot be imposed by individuals. I can't make you not speak. An individual being happy about the repercussions that private institutions enact is not endorsing censorship it's endorsing repercussions for negative speech. You said in the beginning you have no problems with people taking the results of their speech.
But this isn't about censorship in the least. Even Ye knows that. This is about dog whistles to conservatives that Ye is on your side. If it was about censorship he would start cursing on national tv. Or pull his dick out on live tv. When they blur it or bleep it that's censorship. None of that happened. So this has zero to do with censorship. What Coonye and his counterparts don't like is the repurcussions of their racist opinions. They call that censoship and it clearly is not.
Not any criticism, just white supremacist talking points. These are the same people that say they aren't racist, but their concern about immigration is that it will dilute the white population and they'll make the country dirty. Also, these are the same people that said Ilhan Omar was anti-Semitic because she commented on the Israel war machine funded by the USA, but she said nothing about individual Jewish people. Weird how some anti-Jew talk isn't or is okay, but it depends on who it comes from and not how it is phrased.yes any criticism of jewish is anti-semitic
Malcolm would be damn near expelled from society today.
This is the problem!!! When that dummy that owned the sporting goods store was happy to stop selling Nikes because they signed Kaepernick to a deal after the kneeling, he lost his goddamn business. He cheered on cancel culture because it was something he agreed with.People will understand when it's something they agree with that is under censorship. That's why it's a very slippery slope. They'll use KW as an example and slowly keep eroding our rights in the future.
You can criticize Jewish people without being racist.yes any criticism of jewish is anti-semitic
Malcolm would be damn near expelled from society today.
You can criticize Jewish people without being racist.![]()
This is the problem!!! When that dummy that owned the sporting goods store was happy to stop selling Nikes because they signed Kaepernick to a deal after the kneeling, he lost his goddamn business. He cheered on cancel culture because it was something he agreed with.
You're approaching this from a righteous angle, and you see what everyone that has aligned themselves with a tribe can't see. It's all good until it's something they like, then cancel culture is a problem. Ask someone who thinks cancel culture is a problem, then ask to why they didn't care that something they have been told not to like was cancelled. Just pretend they're wearing a field maintenance uniform as they epically move the goalposts to justify why their cancelling is okay.
Strongly disagree. Much of this is about Censorship and Cancel culture. Again I don't care what Kanye or whoever says. People are actually cheering that Kanye's bank isn't doing business him. I could be wrong but I don't remember a bank refusing to do biz with someone who hasn't committed a crime. People will understand when it's something they agree with that is under censorship. That's why it's a very slippery slope. They'll use KW as an example and slowly keep eroding our rights in the future.
I don't think you understand what censorship is. If you can speak you aren't getting censored. If you have repercussions from your speech from private individuals there is nothing illegal about that. That's what accountability is. If we have a society where people aren't held accountable for their words it's going to be a pretty fucked up society. Words can cause emotional damage, they can incite violence. To say there should be no repercussions for blatently racist speech is ridiculous. If a school teacher goes on a racist tirade on facebook they get fired. Is being fired restricting their speech? No they can still say what they want they just choose not to work with people that have those views. Even people in the most basic jobs understand that you can't just say anything on the internet and not expect consequences at your job. So why would you expect the head of a billion dollar company not to understand that. Your speech affects people. I have zero interest in protecting people from the repercussion of their racist speech. Period. The slippery slope is you thinking there should be zero repercussions that's scary. Like do you really expect if someone is calling me a nigga to my face I'm not going to stop his mouth from moving. You can't be serious. If an employee curses me out at work you think I'm not going to fire them? Ye can say whatever the fuck he wants and just like any man in this society he has to take all the smoke that comes with that. If you ain't ready for the smoke don't start the fire.
what did he say that was so wrong? I watched the whole drink champs interview.
He is repeating racist talking points, and this is the result.
His brother.
Strongly disagree. Much of this is about Censorship and Cancel culture. Again I don't care what Kanye or whoever says. People are actually cheering that Kanye's bank isn't doing business him. I could be wrong but I don't remember a bank refusing to do biz with someone who hasn't committed a crime. People will understand when it's something they agree with that is under censorship. That's why it's a very slippery slope. They'll use KW as an example and slowly keep eroding our rights in the future.
Willie D Refuse To Back Down From Kanye West Fans After Backlash
He Said What He Said