Kanye West "There's nobody that gets judged more than a straight white male he is a nazi now." back with a new rant 2025


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I can't stand Kanye but I find it hilarious that all these companies are dropping him but when white people say racist shit about black people nothing gets done..

Mel Gibson is still directing Hollywood movies.

Hulk Hogan is still in the wrestling business.

How many of those companies are run by black people?

You cant expect other people to get on code FOR YOU.


Rising Star
Platinum Member



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is the last thing I'm going to say about kanye. I don't care what he said about Jewish people. True or not. He has crossed the line too many times with Black people. Even if he attempts to come back, he is not forgiven. Everything they are taking from him is what he has earned. He knew the repercussions of his words. And if he didn't, he's a bigger idiot than I already thought he was.