Ari Emmanuel
Can you find a place for the Donda Academy kids to go to school that’s properly zoned for a school?
I got about 60 children that have no place to be as they look to transfer.
They tried to dismantle our basketball team. Those boys are being penalized without reason.
Even professional athletes were threatened by their owners to disassociate.
This is what modern post social media
#Blackmirror warfare looks like…the children are not even off limits
- Economic Lynching
- Digital Lynching
- Bankrupting my Social Credit Score
You tried to bankrupt adidas and me at the same time
You tried to destroy my life after all the money I’ve made for the “business” people
At least as I burn to the stake in front of the whole world… // everyone now knows who they need to really be afraid of.
And now eeeeveryone knows how much power you “Business” people actually have.
Forcing Roxie to to sue me for 252 million after I gave her family 2 million
Only a truly powerful “business” person could have thought of that and sent her to do this.
To everyone in the world! // Take me as an example of what will happen if you show any frustration.
Your frustration does not matter!
We declare today the day when no human is allowed to be human.
Please note that I have never physically hurt anyone.
So…Ari Emmanuel:
Better yet, let me ask your BIG brother Rahm Emmanuel // Former Mayor of Chicago.
Rahm…You’re a very powerful “Business” person // Here I am…The once richest black man in the world asking the very person who is destroying me to at least help these Children…
“Hurt meeeeeeee
but please masa
don’t hurt da chirren masa”
We bus underprivileged kids in from all over and they love it at Donda Academy.
I see and understand just how powerful you are, but even the mighty Pharoah was no match for the power of GOD.
At times like this…and at all times…
I trust my Jesus. The KING of Israel.