One of the tenants of modern capitalism is free markets, so controlling it is kind of a no no. Not that it isn't done, its just that its greatly frowned upon.
People say that, but is it really true?
How many conservative pro business Republicans would be okay with a slaughterhouse opening up in their neighborhood?
If you truly believe in complete and total free market capitalism then that slaughterhouse owner should be able to set up shop wherever they can buy land. There should also be no regulations on the pollution that this slaughterhouse creates. No standards for how the animals are treated. No regulation for the quality of meat that comes out.
In reality, a lot of these so-called free market capitalists won't even tolerate an apartment building on their block.
Most capitalists accept that there needs to be at least some government intervention in the economy. They want to know that the food they eat and water they drink is held to a certain standard. They want to know that the automobile they're driving is properly inspected so that it won't catch fire on the highway. If it does they're grateful that the fire department is there to put it out and a government qualified doctor can treat their injuries.
That said, freedom means different things to different people. To me a free market means that you have the freedom to start your own business. Workers have the freedom to work for you and customers have the freedom to buy whichever products and services they want.
This freedom creates competition which encourages people to outdo each other with their products and services.
However, it's also a freedom that can crash and burn very quickly. That's why we also need firm government guardrails.