Keke Palmer Files Restraining Order Against Darius Jackson, Asks for Full Custody of Their Son


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
I know y'all hate women but are just going to ignore the accusations of abuse?

Her family knew he was abusing her a year ago and that dude was allowed to just keep it moving? :smh::smh:
I don't understand
No way you lay hands on one of mine and not pay the price.
I keep telling y'all the only thing that's happens when y'all go after the dude for putting hands on your family member is she will go back to him and cut y'all off if you say something to her about it
He been beating that ass and she still had a baby by him. The usual baby moma logic. oh well

Happens all the time I know a woman whose boyfriend set her house on fire and she went back to him and had a baby, what makes it so bad is she went live on Facebook at the house with the fire department and police telling how he had showed up at her job the night before and jumped on her, her coworkers came and he ran off, she was scared to go home so she went to a friends house and he called her and told her he and set it on fire. She was on live telling the police all this so how he wasn't locked up I don't know, I just know she got back with him and had a baby. This happened about a year and half ago, the next I heard the guy was in a police chase where he wrecked the car and ran leaving a lil girl in the back seat


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
aint nobody was abusing no fuckin keke palmer,

she does NOT have that abusee personality, you have to have

a personality to be ABUSED, there are many chicks who wont tolerate,

the mere thought of abuse, Keke is ONE of them......what happens is,

she talks to him like he a lil bitch.... goes at him and they get into a little tassle,

he ends up restraining her, by pinning her down, and in doing so, there

may have been some unintended contact, that gets translated into abusive behavior,

to trump up charges...

Im just sayin tho... If anybody gets a restraining order on you, THEY TRYIN TO LOCK YO ASS THE FUCK UP!!

and if you have a child with them...

THEY ARE REALLY SAYING GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY LIFE...... if you in a fucked up relationship and if you

think you disgruntled partner is going to get a restraining order on you, you better BEAT them

to the punch....

Once one is on you, you better just leave the area, it will be best if you just leave the city and state.

I dont know what happend or what dude did, but whatever he did,

Keke was tired of that shit bruh!!

There's no such thing as a woman who won't tolerate abuse, a woman can date 5-6 men and at the first sign of abuse/not being happy will cut them off BUT if she starts dating a man and she makes this love story up in her head where they are going to get married, have a baby, big house and live happily ever after she will tolerate almost anything because she wants that love story to come true. I guarantee there's women you personally know who you think don't take shit from anybody have gotten their head fired up multiple times and still with the man smiling in public


Rising Star
Platinum Member
What is your problem, my brother? Why are you always in every thread doing this same shit. Literally...

You saw and participated in the whole discussion when this shit started with her at the concert. She said nothing about abuse that whole time talking bout she a Muva or whatever dumb shit she was talking about... but why the duck have you literally never given a man the benefit of the doubt in any other these situations? Why do you automatically believe the accuser when it's a woman alleging abuse even when it's a janky situation.

People like you push this narrative that men on here hate women so vehemently and from my lens you (and others) couldn't be more wrong. It's just goofy. Anyway you can carry on.

To entertain your question, I heard the allegations. I simply don't believe them and not because she is a woman or I hate women. That's just dumb but if that assumption supports your narrative/objective, whatever.
She appears to be gaming the system and using it to her advantage like many others do and we have unlimited examples to support this. Literally out of the blue, he is a abusive? He is not the breadwinner in the situation so the likelihood of him being abusive is slim to none in my opinion.

For the record, if he is guilty of abuse, fuck him. Otherwise, this is a play on her end to not have to deal with him after fucking up the relationship with that Usher shit and subsequent media involvement.

Go find some quality men to talk to and hang around with. You seem broken and I say that with love. Sheesh...

Maybe you wrote this before realizing there were pictures that seem to validate her story. I believe in benefit of the doubt, but this situation may not warrant it.

One of the pictures are from February of 2022. If I'm not mistaken, the Usher thing happened this year, so what reason would she have to keep the video/pictures from a year early except to document abuse. I don't know how other cams work, but the Nest service only allows you to go back 60 days. Being a celebrity, I'd think she'd have a better security setup. if she had a similar service it says this wasn't some out of nowhere or one time event that got out of hand. Maybe the cam was hidden and uses a card to store events. Even with the pictures we see, this seems to be two separate events.

Women get abused all the time and their family/friends don't know. The kids in the house may not even know.

The reports are saying the pictures were included as evidence in the restraining order. I could be wrong but I'm going to guess the full video still exist. Even without video for full context, the pictures and his issue with Usher seem to be red flags. Right now, the pictures are more than enough to say dude probably is abusive.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
You think abusers tend to be the breadwinner?

That's the common denominator?

No they tend to be men.
(But yes women can abuse as well)

I have seen plenty of cases, some unfortunately firsthand of deadbeat mfkrs beating on the woman that makes the money, as a means of "control" and "keeping her in line."

The shit is disgusting! Looking at the still images, he's done this before, maybe not often but more than once. And even if she is a toxic person, that doesn't excuse his behavior. He should have left before doing that.

But what's more telling was his post after the story broke. "I love you son, see you soon."

That mfkr is clearly trolling her! And abusers typically do that as well.
No. I don't think so and I think you made a valid point. Given what I have seen in relation to their situation, I don't think that he was the assumed alpha here.

Not sure what still images you're referring to nor any talk or confirmation of him doing this before but she always gave the impression of the one that runs their situation and her follow up to their last fiasco further fueled that assumption. Nonetheless, while what you're saying may be true, it doesn't confirm her allegations. None of us know for certain but can certainly question or opine on the approach.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
To your point, I haven't seen what you're referring to. I've said this before, but, if he beat her, fuck him.

I have a unique perspective to question allegations and pictures because narratives can be shaped that don't tell the full picture or the truth. Any question or full on support of a narrative told by a woman is not woman hate. I for one will base my opinion on what I see and assess based on my experiences in life and the lessons they have taught me.

When you see how corrupt this judicial system is and how heavily it weighs in the favor of women, it's not a hate thing, it's a fair/right thing. If Keke is telling the truth I hope she gets everything she wants , but we'd never know until all the facts come out, if they ever do. I am just saying factually and first hand, it's too easy for a man to get caught up in the wrong situation with the wrong woman and end up in this situation without doing what was being alleged.

Appreciate your response.
Maybe you wrote this before realizing there were pictures that seem to validate her story. I believe in benefit of the doubt, but this situation may not warrant it.

One of the pictures are from February of 2022. If I'm not mistaken, the Usher thing happened this year, so what reason would she have to keep the video/pictures from a year early except to document abuse. I don't know how other cams work, but the Nest service only allows you to go back 60 days. Being a celebrity, I'd think she'd have a better security setup. if she had a similar service it says this wasn't some out of nowhere or one time event that got out of hand. Maybe the cam was hidden and uses a card to store events. Even with the pictures we see, this seems to be two separate events.

Women get abused all the time and their family/friends don't know. The kids in the house may not even know.

The reports are saying the pictures were included as evidence in the restraining order. I could be wrong but I'm going to guess the full video still exist. Even without video for full context, the pictures and his issue with Usher seem to be red flags. Right now, the pictures are more than enough to say dude probably is abusive.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
dam keke. ol dude was suspect to me during the usher shit and this was going on before all that.... smh. dam just never know whats going on in between a couples 4 walls and we shouldn't anyway. i'm glad she reached her breaking point and did what's best for her and the kid


Rising Star
Platinum Member
I've heard of this alot and never understood it, the women taking pictures/videos and writing down the abuse in diaries but still saying. The while they might be scared to leave line in bs because if you see these women in these situations they aren't scared to leave they just don't want to leave, it's like I said above they'll go through anything trying to make their love story come true

I can't speak for women, but I do think both things can be true. They could be fearful of the man and care about him especially if they have kids. Initially, they probably just make up an excuse for the behavior like he only does this when he drinks. In other words they focus on the good times instead of admitting the man has issues. Some men don't start out hitting women and it may not start until deep into the relationship or after kids come into the picture. Initially, it's verbal or done in other subtle ways like trying to separate them from friends and family. It could be that the abuser makes the woman dependent on him in some or every aspect from cars, money and home.

We've all heard stories of a woman who left at somepoint and the man came back and killed her. We've heard stories of men trying to fight the new guy or run him off in someway. I'm not going to get into how often women are fearful, but I'm not going to discount it.

Unrelated, but as a man do you generally fear being out at night alone? We're all cautious, but I mean really worried? I Imagine this being very different for the average woman. If you're out, you probably don't think anything will happen or you'll likely get robbed at best. Most men I know don't carry a weapon on them. Women are probably more concerned about being raped and or killed. Alot of the women I know carry pepper spray, a taser or a small knife on them. I say all of this to say it wouldn't be a stretch to say a woman could be fearful of what a man who is already beating her will do if she tries to leave. I also agree women stay out of love for the man at times.

There are also men who get abused and stay and it's not necessarily out of love or a need. If I had to guess some of the reasons could be you are afraid she'll flip the story on you, you excuse it because you don't think she can really hurt you, the kids or you are just to embarrassed to report it.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
A lot of corny dudes in this thread doing the mental equivalent of this to make it seem like Keke Palmer would lie about being abused even tho she has footage from her security camera.....



Rising Star
Platinum Member
To your point, I haven't seen what you're referring to. I've said this before, but, if he beat her, fuck him.

I have a unique perspective to question allegations and pictures because narratives can be shaped that don't tell the full picture or the truth. Any question or full on support of a narrative told by a woman is not woman hate. I for one will base my opinion on what I see and assess based on my experiences in life and the lessons they have taught me.

When you see how corrupt this judicial system is and how heavily it weighs in the favor of women, it's not a hate thing, it's a fair/right thing. If Keke is telling the truth I hope she gets everything she wants , but we'd never know until all the facts come out, if they ever do. I am just saying factually and first hand, it's too easy for a man to get caught up in the wrong situation with the wrong woman and end up in this situation without doing what was being alleged.

Appreciate your response.

I wasn't in any way trying to say you hated women. I understand that some men have been on the bad end of false allegations from women. I also get that due to your experiences you aren't open to taken a woman for her word without solid proof. I respect anytime anyone on here is ok with sharing their experience instead of acting as if they've never gotten it wrong particularly with women. Even when they do, it's usually in middle school or high school.

I also agree pictures can be taken out of context, but it doesn't look good. the picture does seem to show her in a defensive or being overpowered position. Maybe we get more details and maybe he wasn't the aggressor. The pictures likely were taken from a video that will give someone more details.


Rising Star
BGOL Legend



We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Just tell your sons, "If you ever get the feeling that you want to put your hands on your girlfriend, she's not the one you should be having a baby with, nor should you marry. Have fun with her, then let her go about her business."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
All involved failed. The baby is key. In due time the baby will be able to Google the shit show his parents were. The adults will never learn from their shit. She proved that women who have it all tend to “date down” even though they refuse Cheesecake Factory. She got what she could get, and he came up. She’s gonna ruin him just so she doesn’t have to pay him. Fuck em both.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
All involved failed. The baby is key. In due time the baby will be able to Google the shit show his parents were. The adults will never learn from their shit. She proved that women who have it all tend to “date down” even though they refuse Cheesecake Factory. She got what she could get, and he came up. She’s gonna ruin him just so she doesn’t have to pay him. Fuck em both.

Niggas in here always low key mad at women and it will always be weird.


Mr. Pool
I will beat that fools ass on sight, how are you gonna get the best version of keke, seed her up and fuck that up :smh:

She'd have to spit on my momma before I even talked crazy to her fine ass lol


waking people up
BGOL Investor
typical, dem supporting, feminist, use the system to have power over a black man, white worshipping bish. she will never respect you as a black man and only do what white daddy says. that kid is doomed. sorry


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I'm so jaded w/ women lying on men all time, including myself, that I need to see a video of the "abuse" before I believe any of it.


Thinking of a Master Plan
BGOL Patreon Investor
Niggas in here always low key mad at women and it will always be weird.

I think because this board is seen as a MANSPACE, some guys feel the need to always try and give the man the benefit of the doubt, some based on their own experience in the situation, some just because they're men and others probably just like you said mad at women.


Hollis, Queens = Center of the Universe
BGOL Investor
typical, dem supporting, feminist, use the system to have power over a black man, white worshipping bish. she will never respect you as a black man and only do what white daddy says. that kid is doomed. sorry

Dude is bitter as fuck. This is a safe space.....tell us who hurt you.

We won't laugh at you much more than we do now.
