Reported footage of the crash….
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Reported footage of the crash….
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Reported footage of the crash….
Reported footage of the crash….
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Delete this fool.... it's from a crash in Dubai
This piece of shit better get fired...
41 is way too young. May God keep him and his daughter. R.I.P. Kobe.
Reported footage of the crash….
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His chopper is a totally different color and the terrain and conditions weren’t even the same = fake footage.
you some deaf motherfuckers. she obviously said Nakersjust fucking evil. I know people make mistakes, but either that cunt had a slip of the tongue. Or the assholes in the back actually wrote that shit. And she read it too quickly and said it.
And 13 is definitely way too young
I can only imagine the devastation his wife felt when receiving this news.
I also hope Kobe and his parents were able to reconcile qnd settle their differences before this.