This is did this rumor get started about Rick Fox anyway?
I heard this WAY EARLY and I never posted it.
But this was all over the place.
a cop told me that one.
This is did this rumor get started about Rick Fox anyway?
That's it. All the love he's getting is too much for them... all the black love... it's burning them up inside. They're in videos on tiktok talking about "what about the troops that died? "yall don't even know him"... "he was a rapist"... "people die every day" etc... they can't stand all the love he's being given right now.
To them we don't deserve anything, we can't be happy, we can't love each other, we can't love our kids, we can't grieve, we can only do what they want us to do and for some reason they haven't figured out, that's not how we operate.
I just wish we understood how much power we really have.
This is did this rumor get started about Rick Fox anyway?
I'll raise you one... Trump ADMITS to sexually assaulting women... was sued by a lady he and Epstein took turns on when she was 13 yrs old -- 3 yrs fcking years BEFORE Epstein was even arrested in 2019.
Crickets on that allegation.
Them muthafckers dare even mention that... like avoiding associating on public platform their great grandparents owning the slave plantation affording them the easy positional opportunity for their offspring to have their all american family be sitting debt free in a 5 million+ dollar house.
Nothing gets me more heated than a contradictive white folk racist...
Crazier than them trying to negatively expose Kobe...
Muthafckers got poeple with a 1000 x more respect levels and character than Trump in his own administration saying hes a crimmial, recordings and now the National Security advisor at the time saying this muthafuker bribed a country with our tax money...
And these white power loving racists muthafckers elected to some of the highest office positions in the world (US Senate), and they like nope... we NOT gonna let this muthafcker get called out on his blantant bulsht he did BY NO ONE, but will not hesitate give a black man 12 years for having a cell phone asking to charge it while in jail for a misdemeanor.
The racist contradiction level is at all-time high this society right now
My final thought on it... going to their grave, including their reality star president... will never come close to Kobe's Legend and Legacy... shyt... thats a dope book title for the black mamba. Kobe: The Legend and The Legacy. 281 pages.
Bitch you stay on my dick, liking all my posts and shit you fucking faggotitty ass faggot!
Just know that you’re the Fag that came in the Kobe thread and ruined it.
There are so many people with positive interactions with Kobe, and many times he went out of his way when he really didn't have to.
Man, that's straight white women shit. That's why I never, ever, ever, ever fucking entertain their naive bullshit narratives. Black men used to die behind their fuckery. Those bitches weaponized white men. Nowadays, they weaponize the courts AND the media with their bullshit.
They are so empowered on social media because folks scared to call them on their bullshit.![]()
So many Kobe stories...
Kobe is getting it from 2 different groups of whites. One group consists of the feminists(this group actually has black feminists taking shots at him), the other group is the typical miserable male cac. The feminists fired the first shots in this, and the miserable male brigade picked that shit up and ran with it.
It's easier to deal with the miserable male cacs. The feminist will hide behind buzzwords they carefully have crafted like 'credible' and will try to bully folks into submission.
I'm praying to any deity that might exist that I don't run into some dizzy ass cac spouting any dumb shit. They get empowered by their social media circles where they block people and live in a bubble where saying this dumb shit is a good idea. Don't bring that shit to me.
Ultimate bitch shit. Bringing up the rape shit and some #metoo bullshit for a bitch that bragged about fucking Kobe, then got slut shamed and went for a cash grab.WTF did Shaun King say?