Yeah I don't like this type of attack
Kyrie is the smartest flat earth/anti vaccine person I know

Yeah I don't like this type of attack
I never said they did, dummy. The Nuremberg Laws decided they were Jewish based on their grandparents. How difficult is reading for you, seriously?
And bringing up one Jew who was a nazi is like Dinesh D'Souza bringing up that antebellum coon William Ellison, a Black man who owned slaves and donated to the Confederacy.
I never said they did, dummy. The Nuremberg Laws decided they were Jewish based on their grandparents. How difficult is reading for you, seriously?
And bringing up one Jew who was a nazi is like Dinesh D'Souza bringing up that antebellum coon William Ellison, a Black man who owned slaves and donated to the Confederacy.
I’ve Heard That Judaism Is Passed Down Through the Mother. Is It True? Does It Matter?
By Rabbi Navah L. Levine for JewishBoston
The answer depends on what Jewish community you choose for yourselves, and later, on how and where your children’s Jewish journeys take them.
“My wife isn’t Jewish but we are raising our children Jewishly. I’ve heard that Judaism is passed down through the mother traditionally. Where did that come from? Is it true? Does it matter?”
Mazel tov on the blessings of marriage and children.
Not that long ago, there would have been a simple answer to your question: Children are Jewish if born to a Jewish mother. Otherwise, a ritual of conversion is required.
According to traditional Jewish law, a person’s Jewish status is passed down through the mother. It is perhaps worth noting that in the biblical period, evidence points toward the custom of patrilineal descent, where children received their Israelite and tribal affiliation through their fathers. Patrilineal descent continues to be the practice of the community of Karaite Jews, whose Jewish legal framework differs significantly from rabbinic law and practice.
The tradition of matrilineal descent dates back at least to late antiquity. Why rabbinic Judaism embraced matrilineal descent is not entirely known. The often-repeated (though not necessarily true) reason given is that the identity of the mother is always certain, but not that of the father. Alternatively, it may have been influenced by the Roman legal system for determining personal status or from earlier rabbinic discussions regarding animals. For more on the subject, you might want to look at the book “The Beginnings of Jewishness” by Shaye J.D. Cohen.
Since the early 1980s, the more liberal Jewish movements, such as Reconstructionist and Reform, have embraced broader definitions of “who is a Jew” to include children with one Jewish parent, of any gender, if raised as Jews. The Conservative and Orthodox movements continue to hold by matrilineal descent, which would require that children born to non-Jewish mothers undergo conversion in order to be considered Jewish.
Now to the heart of your question—does it matter? It might.
The answer depends on what Jewish community you choose for yourselves, and later, on how and where your children’s Jewish journeys take them. In some Jewish communities, children born of non-Jewish mothers would be accepted as Jewish if they were raised as Jews. In other Jewish communities, these children would need to undergo a formal conversion ritual (sometimes called an “affirmation ritual”) in order for their Jewishness to be recognized.
For what it is worth, know that you and your children will not be alone in grappling with this issue. The Jewish community as a whole needs to address the ramifications of having different and at times incompatible standards for what constitutes Jewishness. The matter of Jewishness-by-descent presents one of many challenges to our collective Jewish identity in the 21st century. May we be up to the task of remaining an Am Echad, a single, united people, even when we disagree.
I’ve Heard That Judaism Is Passed Down Through the Mother. Is It True? Does It Matter?
The answer depends on what Jewish community you choose for yourselves, and later, on how and where your children’s Jewish journeys take
Whether you believe this is strictly Kyrie's doing or an attempt to place another black man in his place, I think we can all agree this is overkill.
Particularly after you said you had positive meeting with Irving and his family and the commissioner came out and said he's 100 pct positive Kyrie isn't antisemitic.
If you don't want the man to play for the team anymore, just waive him. Enough with the dog and pony show
Bruh, you're a Hitler stan on a Black site. You can't defend him that much and not admire him.Awww looky at the wittle name caller, lol hey get your panties out that bunch,
and deal with reality,
You are one feebly mentioning germans and their german words for mullato and octoroon when referrring to jews,
you must be one of thos mischilenge fucks you talkin bout.. ??
You jewish??
the fact remains there were not hundreds, not thousands but a Hundred and fifty thousand
Jews serving Hitler faithfully, mischen whaaa muthafucka those were JEWS,
so if hitler hated jews soo fuckin much, how come so many were allowed in his military...?
you believe that mischenge wha eva the fuck bullshit to,
you just come through name calling, and repeating a made up race category,
that does not exist in realty...the word came and gone bruh...
only used now, to fool simple minded folks into thinkin there were no jews
that fought with hitler...
real simple minded muthafuckas with their panties in a bunch!!!
If hitler hated jews so much NONE WOULDVE BEEN IN HIS MILITARY..
Keep tryin
somebody lying...
I’ve Heard That Judaism Is Passed Down Through the Mother. Is It True? Does It Matter?
By Rabbi Navah L. Levine for JewishBoston
The answer depends on what Jewish community you choose for yourselves, and later, on how and where your children’s Jewish journeys take them.
“My wife isn’t Jewish but we are raising our children Jewishly. I’ve heard that Judaism is passed down through the mother traditionally. Where did that come from? Is it true? Does it matter?”
Mazel tov on the blessings of marriage and children.
Not that long ago, there would have been a simple answer to your question: Children are Jewish if born to a Jewish mother. Otherwise, a ritual of conversion is required.
According to traditional Jewish law, a person’s Jewish status is passed down through the mother. It is perhaps worth noting that in the biblical period, evidence points toward the custom of patrilineal descent, where children received their Israelite and tribal affiliation through their fathers. Patrilineal descent continues to be the practice of the community of Karaite Jews, whose Jewish legal framework differs significantly from rabbinic law and practice.
The tradition of matrilineal descent dates back at least to late antiquity. Why rabbinic Judaism embraced matrilineal descent is not entirely known. The often-repeated (though not necessarily true) reason given is that the identity of the mother is always certain, but not that of the father. Alternatively, it may have been influenced by the Roman legal system for determining personal status or from earlier rabbinic discussions regarding animals. For more on the subject, you might want to look at the book “The Beginnings of Jewishness” by Shaye J.D. Cohen.
Since the early 1980s, the more liberal Jewish movements, such as Reconstructionist and Reform, have embraced broader definitions of “who is a Jew” to include children with one Jewish parent, of any gender, if raised as Jews. The Conservative and Orthodox movements continue to hold by matrilineal descent, which would require that children born to non-Jewish mothers undergo conversion in order to be considered Jewish.
Now to the heart of your question—does it matter? It might.
The answer depends on what Jewish community you choose for yourselves, and later, on how and where your children’s Jewish journeys take them. In some Jewish communities, children born of non-Jewish mothers would be accepted as Jewish if they were raised as Jews. In other Jewish communities, these children would need to undergo a formal conversion ritual (sometimes called an “affirmation ritual”) in order for their Jewishness to be recognized.
For what it is worth, know that you and your children will not be alone in grappling with this issue. The Jewish community as a whole needs to address the ramifications of having different and at times incompatible standards for what constitutes Jewishness. The matter of Jewishness-by-descent presents one of many challenges to our collective Jewish identity in the 21st century. May we be up to the task of remaining an Am Echad, a single, united people, even when we disagree.
I’ve Heard That Judaism Is Passed Down Through the Mother. Is It True? Does It Matter?
The answer depends on what Jewish community you choose for yourselves, and later, on how and where your children’s Jewish journeys take
Looks like one of the masses is finally starting to understand what this is all aboutAt this point it's getting a little ridiculous and the owner's dragging the situation on.
Kyrie's apologized, done what he's needed to do and it's been 5 games or close to it.
The owners gonna have people looking for Jews screaming "THIS IS FOR KYRIE"!
Bruh, you're a Hitler stan on a Black site. You can't defend him that much and not admire him.
That's all I need to know about you. I'm not reading your bullshit fake ass "research." You'd be happy over at Worm Front.
Bruh, you're a Hitler stan on a Black site. You can't defend him that much and not admire him.
That's all I need to know about you. I'm not reading your bullshit fake ass "research." You'd be happy over at Worm Front.
As far as I'm concerned, we have nothing else to discuss.bruh aint nobody obsessed with hitler mo than cacs,
it took Ye and Kyrie to get kniggas to watch a documentary thats been
out for a minute... The fact remains Jew fought in Hitlers army..
You got it twisted because it serves your delusion to do son!!!
all I could tell you about hitler is the little shit I just researched on jewish sites
AND the fact the muthafucka LOOKED jewish Nose and all...
You can pull up your skirt and run from these facts now!!
You two are madder at each other then the Jews are at Kyrie!
As far as I'm concerned, we have nothing else to discuss.
I proved you wrong about Time magazine, you sent me a link you obviously didn't read about Bryan Mark Rigg's book where he wrote about the Mischlinge but you dont know who the Mischlinge even are.
Then you send me something about one Jewish nazi, like that proves anything, and keep asking me why Hitler did what he did. Who cares? Hitler was an evil CAC. They don't need reasons.
Your research ability is garbage and I'm not reading your sig. Hold that L and keep it moving.
As far as I'm concerned, we have nothing else to discuss.
I proved you wrong about Time magazine, you sent me a link you obviously didn't read about Bryan Mark Rigg's book where he wrote about the Mischlinge but you dont know who the Mischlinge even are.
Then you send me something about one Jewish nazi, like that proves anything, and keep asking me why Hitler did what he did. Who cares? Hitler was an evil CAC. They don't need reasons.
Your research ability is garbage and I'm not reading your sig. Hold that L and keep it moving.
That's all you needed to say. Thanks for coming out and don't forget to tip your WERE CORRECT
That's all you needed to say. Thanks for coming out and don't forget to tip your waiter.
So, you went from arguing about 150k "Jews" in Hitler's army to just one guy and you really believe you won this argument?You just contradicted yourself...first you said there were NO jews in hitlers army, they were all some made up shit called a mischenge,
they you go on to try and downplay the fact I proved YOU WRONG by posting AN ACTUAL JEWISH OFFICER IN HITLERS ARMY..
its pretty funny!!
and was extremely easy..
Hey since this WENCH wont answer me,
Can anyone tell me if hitler looked jewish to them???
because he sure looks jewish to me..
Just sayin...
Now here is a tip,
Go back to shallow waters where you belong guppy!!
So, you went from arguing about 150k "Jews" in Hitler's army to just one guy and you really believe you won this argument?
Bruh, you sent me a link to the Haretz website about a book on the Mischlinge and you didn't even know who they were or that they even existed.
You embarrassed yourself. It shows you don't even read your own links.
Now you back on the 150k kick.I dont argue with guppys,
those are the FACTS you gonna
have to deal with!!
Over 150 thousand jews believed in what hitler was saying so much,
they were willing to die for him, how many others felt the same way
but werent about to join the military...
how was a KNOWN JEWISH officer able to rise almost to the ranks of general??
and Why are you avoiding the question if Hitler was jewish or not???
Its like you got one single, but I been slammin home runs on you all day.
and all you can do is, talk about your little single, but batting
1 for 4...
You aint readyfor the majors rookie back to triple A for you!!
Now you back on the 150k kick.
That's all you needed to say. Thanks for coming out and don't forget to tip your waiter.
Thanks thats one of my Aliases..
El Federico..
How you know??
you pretty smart for a wench!!
Man I have no idea what you guys are going back and forth about because I have that dude on ignore. One thing I learned about all these MAGA and trolls on this site...
It's stupid honestly. It started when I corrected him about Time magazine not being owned by a Jew in 1938 when it made Hitler "Man of The Year."
He admitted I was right but his ego was bruised so he started sending stuff about supposed Jewish nazis, asking why Hitler did what he did, and if Hitler was Jewish.
Let's just say the wheels came off pretty fast.
It's stupid honestly. It started when I corrected him about Time magazine not being owned by a Jew in 1938 when it made Hitler "Man of The Year."
He admitted I was right but his ego was bruised so he started sending stuff about supposed Jewish nazis, asking why Hitler did what he did, and if Hitler was Jewish.
Let's just say the wheels came off pretty fast.
It is sad if it did exist. They claim they lost 6 million and people say they did not. But we lost a hundred million in the middle passage. They claimed they were doing God's work by taking us away while we was killing each other. And that they were bringing us to a christian nation.So did the movie really say the holocaust didn't exist?