Kyrie... Nets Condemn Antisemitic Film & Book?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You know a little too much about them, you Jewish homie?


they the biggest welfare queens to ever exist,

but most folks think its a young sister with

no man and multiple children..

NOPE they got the system by the balls bruh,

they hold so much real estate in manhattan and brooklyn

its not even funny...

they organized as fuck tho, they so organized they could walk around nyc

WITH GUNS.. and cops aint sayin or doin shit...

I aint even mad at em,

Its not like we cant read the law understand it

and manipulate the fuck out of it,

we rather just vote and trust politicians

so it is what it is,

till we wake the fuck up from the delusion a demoncrap

or republikkklan is gonna change our position in this society,

minus whale wait for cac jeebus


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Here is the issue IMO.

Kyrie can do what he wants to do...BUT he works for a company/organization that has certain rules. We all do! We can't just do what we want when we work or another company. There will be consequences.
If he wants to do whatever, then quit!

Amazon is governed by different rules in this game.
this is all the court of public opinion which is what any business adheres to. The ONLY reason this is even a thing is because of a media storm driven backlash based on the shitstorm Kanye stirred up with his manic-driven rants about jews. Chappelle was very astute when he said “Kanye got in so much trouble, Kyrie got in trouble” :giggle:

You REALLY think the nets, NBA and Nike really give a shit about some hebrew-israelite conspiracy theory shit??

At this point whether or not Kyrie actually believes if he or black Americans are derived from tribes of African Hebrews is beside the point becuz the issue is if the book and documentary is considered "dangerous" and even TWEETING about the thing can jeopardize a person's career then SELLING and PROFITTING from the thing should be even worse.

And I know YOU havent said it but I've had the the mein kampf/library/censorship book burning analogy tossed at me and it does not apply since freedom of speech/constitution is about govt suppression not public will. Public will censors shit ALL the time AND makes stuff permissible as well.

Amazon is a private corporation and as such they can put whatever they want on their streaming network and shelves and conversely take whatever they want down and have so for them to drag their feet on this particular issue is egregious considering how Kyrie got particularly dragged for his slow response again I'm talking in the court of public opinion.

Amazon gave a platform supporting a documentary that's claimed to be misinformation, "dangerous" and "harmful". Privately owned corporations are NOT obligated to have anything on their shelves they don't want to have. Also they can be swayed to remove things off their shelves based on market and public reaction i.e. the backlash makes it not worth it for them to continue selling it.

Just as public pressure and threats of repercussions can sway Kyrie (whose not just a businessman but also a to change his stance and delete offending things on his platform so too can pressure and repercussions force Amazon to do the same thing. BOTH are incorporated brands that should be held to the same standards.

The same pressure and backlash that forced kyrie to take down his tweet and apologize SHOULD be applied to Amazon to get them to take down the doc off their platform. That means that the Nets and NBA should withdraw any business interests they have with Amazon. The Jewish community and Jewish run businesses should withdraw their interests with Amazon and anyone else offended and supportive of the community should do the same until that company has a change of heart and remove the offending item, make a donation and apologize....just like Kyrie is being forced to.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor

51 members of Hebrew Israelites Community ordered to leave Israel by Sept. 23
Interior Ministry turns down appeals against deportation orders issued in April; recipients, some born in Israel, are demanding legal status, plan to take case to court
By SUE SURKES 12 September 2021, 9:18 pm

Members of the Hebrew Israelites Community of Dimona dance during festivities marking the Shavuot festival in the southern Israeli town of Dimona, May 26, 2013. (Yonatan Sindel/Flash90/File)
Around 50 members of the Hebrew Israelites Community of Dimona, some 3,000 strong, in southern Israel have been told that they must leave the country by September 23, for lack of legal status in Israel, or risk forcible deportation by the immigration police.
In response to appeals asking to be allowed to stay, the Interior Ministry’s Population and Immigration Authority wrote to each family that neither residency in Israel for a long period nor work in the country were sufficient grounds for a change of status.
The letters were received on Thursday, although they were dated August 9.

The recipients plan to appeal against the decision to a court in Beersheba.
Earlier this year, 17 letters were sent to the families numbering 51 individuals in total, some of whom were born in Israel and some of whose children have served in the IDF. They were told to leave within 60 days but were given the right of appeal.

The community, which believes it is descended from an ancient Israelite tribe, began arriving in Israel in 1969, following the late Ben Carter, a Chicago steelworker who renamed himself Ben Ammi Ben Israel and claimed to be God’s representative on earth.
The late Ben Ammi Ben-Israel, spiritual leader of the Hebrew Israelites community. (Screen capture: YouTube)
All 51 people who received deportation notices entered Israel from the US as tourists and remained in the country, illegally, once their permitted three-month stay was up.
Some are adults who were born in Israel, according to Ashriel Moore, who is coordinating the campaign to stop the deportations. Of these, some have their own children. Those who are not eligible for US citizenship or have given it up are stateless and have nowhere to go.

According to its website, the community, which permits polygamy, does not subscribe to any religion “because religions have only divided men.” It does, however, observe the Sabbath and Jewish holidays mentioned in the Torah, circumcises its male children eight days after birth, and requires women to observe the biblical laws of purification.
It is not recognized as Jewish by Israel’s religious authorities.
The African Hebrew Israelite community, also known as ‘the Black Hebrews,’ seen during celebrations for New World Passover, which marks their exodus from the United States, in the southern Israeli city of Dimona, on July 18, 2016. (Corinna Kern/FLASH90)
Many community members were granted permanent residency in 2003. From 2004, its youth has been serving in the Israel Defense Forces. Those who complete military service are eligible to apply for citizenship, and most requests are approved.
In 2014, then-interior minister Gideon Sa’ar announced that permanent residents could acquire citizenship if they relinquished their American nationality. (Those who had performed military service were eligible to apply for citizenship without giving up US passports if they had them.)
Moore, aged 30, the son of one of the community’s founders and an Israeli citizen thanks to his IDF service, said that community members pay taxes and are fully integrated into state schools and Dimona’s life in general.


The late Ben Ammi Ben-Israel, spiritual leader of the Hebrew Israelites community.

Soul On Ice

Black 1st
Certified Pussy Poster
Was this brought up here?

I did live when it happened last week.
I however don't think it's about the money.
I do think that they see Kyrie as one the Black people who actually stands up for himself agaisnt their agenda and isn't afraid to tell them about theirselves unlike 99% of my people on TV, so that's why they made this a huge deal.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Coward, never back down and he should've stood on it!

Don't let da man back you into a corner and buck break you.

Stand tall in the face of pressure and stand on what you believe in.

Let the Jews, the Nets and anyone that has know how you really feel which is


Now what should he have stood on and stood up for?

I have no idea, but that's what's regurgitated here and on the net so I wanted to gurgitate it one more time! :roflmao:


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
He had balls two weeks ago, now he just has an empty sack


Don't mind me, I'm just making fun of the people that don't know how to apologize if they felt they did something wrong. :lol:

I'm just upset because his dumb ass was defending a documentary he hadn't even watched and had the world defending and/or attacking him for some unnecessary shit