4:37 if it doesn't automatically start.
I actually forgot KRS One dropped that info in the song. Not too many PE, KRS One, and so on in hip hop now. He talks about tracing the N word which will surprise many.
4:37 if it doesn't automatically start.
Hitler said it so it's insane?
But they let white people out of prison after committing murder all the timeI can't even take the media seriously, they like niggas, they don't like us any other way.
Quoting Adolph Hitler for what?
The white man’s ice is cold as fuck.
I actually forgot KRS One dropped that info in the song. Not too many PE, KRS One, and so on in hip hop now. He talks about tracing the N word which will surprise many.
It is wild as fuck isn't it? Hitler hated the jews in part because he thought they were partially Black:
“Jewry represents not a uniform race but a race mixture. It consists of Near-Eastern and Oriental race ingredients, intermingled with Negro strains.”
Sterilized or killed all of the Black and mixed race people but you have present day free thinkers defending it...
“It was and it is the Jews who bring the Negroes into the Rhineland, always with the same secret thought and clear aim of ruining the hated white race by the necessarily resulting bastardization, throwing it down from its cultural and political height, and himself rising to be its master.”
“The Result! Racial Pride Disappears.”
“Degenerate music”
Nazis banned jazz and other "degenerate" music for "Negroid excesses in tempo" and "Jewishly gloomy lyrics".
There is no such race as jew. jew is a religion. And before hilter came down on them they were kicked out of Europe en mass over 100 times.
lol. Using that bible for an historical reference is hilarious. Not to mention ludicrous. But Kris has always been a faker.
12 years. 12 fucking years. That's it. How many black people and black families were affected by slavery? How were black people affected by slavery after slavery officially ended in this country? How many black people were affected by the effects of slavery even after slavery ended?
6 million Jews were affected by the Holocaust, and 5 million non Jews were affected by the Holocaust. In those five million includes black people too
So that say 2 million black people were affected by the Holocaust and black people today are still affected by slavery and Jim Crow and the subsequent effect of both things and more.
I'm not trying to do comparative suffering, but 12 years and 6 million versus 400 years and much more than 6 million does not compare.
What living Jews are currently being affected by the holocaust? What living black people are currently affected by the effects of slavery?
I rest my mother fucking case
It's not just the Holocaust though.
For the last 1,000 years the story of Jews in Europe has followed the same cycles. Local laws and social pressure marginalized Jewish communities affecting where they could work and live. Then, every so often there would be a plague, famine, natural disaster or economic recession and the gentiles would say "god must be mad at us. We need to go after the folks who killed Jesus". Those Jewish communities would be burned to the ground with the people exiled at best or killed and tortured at worse.
The movie An American Tale is loosely based on the time the Russians did a Jewish purge in the 19th century. Folks jumped on the first thing sailing and fled for their lives.
Obviously things are nowhere near that bad in America, but then again they weren't that bad in Germany either. Then someone published the "protocol of the elders of Zion", a madman took it WAY too seriously, seized power, and the cycle repeated once again leaving millions dead.
That's why I understand why Jews don't play that anti-semetic shit. It's not about being sensitive or offended, it's about shutting down those cycles once and for good.
But anti-semitic is a big ass gray area. They call shit anti-semitic that ain't even anti-Semitic but simply calling it anti-semitic makes it anti-Semitic because everyone is scared of those motherfuckers.It's not just the Holocaust though.
For the last 1,000 years the story of Jews in Europe has followed the same cycles. Local laws and social pressure marginalized Jewish communities affecting where they could work and live. Then, every so often there would be a plague, famine, natural disaster or economic recession and the gentiles would say "god must be mad at us. We need to go after the folks who killed Jesus". Those Jewish communities would be burned to the ground with the people exiled at best or killed and tortured at worse.
The movie An American Tale is loosely based on the time the Russians did a Jewish purge in the 19th century. Folks jumped on the first thing sailing and fled for their lives.
Obviously things are nowhere near that bad in America, but then again they weren't that bad in Germany either. Then someone published the "protocol of the elders of Zion", a madman took it WAY too seriously, seized power, and the cycle repeated once again leaving millions dead.
That's why I understand why Jews don't play that anti-semetic shit. It's not about being sensitive or offended, it's about shutting down those cycles once and for good.
Yes a Jewish foundationI bet a foundation will support the purchase of those seats for folks to wear that shirt.
How is this at all responsive to anything I posted?![]()
The thing is the historical reference is indeed in secular history too though about Niger. He also did say there are other books and used the bible as a reference because he easily had it at hand. As far as him being a faker(a questionable messenger*since you put him as a faker and I do get him being controversial with backing certain rap pioneers on issues* can still drop a truthful message) I usually take the meat and spit out the bones from anyone or anything read and see where it lines up in the middle of it all.
Niger | Map, President, Population, Capital, Niamey, & Facts | Britannica
Niger, landlocked western African country. It is bounded by Algeria, Libya, Chad, Nigeria, Benin, Burkina Faso, and Mali. The capital is Niamey. The country takes its name from the Niger River, which flows through the southwestern part of its territory.www.britannica.com
Niger, officially Republic of Niger, French République du Niger, landlocked western African country. It is bounded on the northwest by Algeria, on the northeast by Libya, on the east by Chad, on the south by Nigeria and Benin, and on the west by Burkina Faso and Mali. The capital is Niamey. The country takes its name from the Niger River, which flows through the southwestern part of its territory. The name Niger derives in turn from the phrase gher n-gheren, meaning “river among rivers,” in the Tamashek language.
Niger — History and Culture
Niger is a country in Africa that has an ancient history, and most of modern civilization can trace its roots back to this area. However, unforesee...www.iexplore.com
Niger is a country in Africa that has an ancient history, and most of modern civilization can trace its roots back to this area. However, unforeseen environmental change altered the social make up of Niger, and complex societies were gradually changed into nomadic clans that still populate the landscape today. Further intrusion, albeit this time political in nature, changed society once again in Niger when the French colonized the region in the early 20th century. Since independence the country has experienced political turmoil and is today still attempting to find a path forward.
Let's turn first to etymology. ****** is derived from the Latin word for the color black, niger. According to the Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang, it did not originate as a slur but took on a derogatory connotation over time. ****** and other words related to it have been spelled in a variety of ways, including niggah, nigguh, niggur, and ******. When John Rolfe recorded in his journal the first shipment of Africans to Virginia in 1619, he listed them as "negars." A 1689 inventory of an estate in Brooklyn, New York, made mention of an enslaved "niggor" boy. The seminal lexicographer Noah Webster referred to Negroes as "negers." (Currently some people insist upon distinguishing ******—which they see as exclusively an insult—from nigga, which they view as a term capable of signaling friendly salutation.) In the 1700s niger appeared in what the dictionary describes as "dignified argumentation" such as Samuel Sewall's denunciation of slavery, The Selling of Joseph. No one knows precisely when or how niger turned derisively into ****** and attained a pejorative meaning. We do know, however, that by the end of the first third of the nineteenth century, ****** had already become a familiar and influential insult.
All right. I call Kris a faker because like many dangerous people, he gets most of what he says wrong but it does contain a smattering of truth.
What people first and foremost have to understand is that the history of Afrika is so vast and so deep it cannot be presented in a few paragraphs or a single speech. I've spent most of my adult life studying it, read nearly 100 books on the subject and I've barely scratched the surface. It's just that rich.
As far as the entomology of the word n*****, it really doesn't matter. What you copy and pasted has been known for decades, even centuries.
The point is, the word took on a vile connotation that to my mind has not lessened over time.
I don't care how it's spelled or how many times the misguided say they've "taken the word back," it's just not true. When you can say the word and NOBODY hears the sound of those people in Little Rock saying it, then, maybe, the meaning will have changed. I won't hold my breath.
And lastly, that bible was written by men for express purpose of controlling other men - there's no truth in it and anything that even resonates as true was stolen from the Egyptians. What a surprise.
I actually forgot KRS One dropped that info in the song. Not too many PE, KRS One, and so on in hip hop now. He talks about tracing the N word which will surprise many.
Smart dumb shit. I love KRS ONE, but his metaphysical analysis is nauseating.
But anti-semitic is a big ass gray area. They call shit anti-semitic that ain't even anti-Semitic but simply calling it anti-semitic makes it anti-Semitic because everyone is scared of those motherfuckers.
What about the negative Cycles affecting black people? Why isn't there a word that anyone else other than Jewish people have for hostile to or prejudiced against Black people?
Yes Hitler took it too far, but I haven't watched nor Analyzed This movie that Kyrie Irving is speaking of. And I don't know if I want to watch the movie because that's a lot of analysis on some shit I really don't know a whole lot about right or wrongly.
Its a true statement. Jews own a lot of shit back then and now. They owned all the insurance companies and banks. Every Western country in the world supported slavery. If you had any part of the monetary system of that time, you were involved in the Transatlantic Slave Trade.It pushes a narrative that Jews played a part in the enslavement of black people and owned slave ships and ports back in the day, which is all together fucking possible because damn that everybody had a hand in that shit.
But Jews don't want to take responsibility for anything to happened in those days and nothing was their fault. "We did none of it and you can't prove we did you anti-Semitic fuckers"
Jewish people have the benefit of everyone who knew anything about that truth is dead and much of the truth from those days has been buried or retold to remove certain people from blame
All right. I call Kris a faker because like many dangerous people, he gets most of what he says wrong but it does contain a smattering of truth.
What people first and foremost have to understand is that the history of Afrika is so vast and so deep it cannot be presented in a few paragraphs or a single speech. I've spent most of my adult life studying it, read nearly 100 books on the subject and I've barely scratched the surface. It's just that rich.
As far as the entomology of the word n*****, it really doesn't matter. What you copy and pasted has been known for decades, even centuries.
The point is, the word took on a vile connotation that to my mind has not lessened over time.
I don't care how it's spelled or how many times the misguided say they've "taken the word back," it's just not true. When you can say the word and NOBODY hears the sound of those people in Little Rock saying it, then, maybe, the meaning will have changed. I won't hold my breath.
And lastly, that bible was written by men for express purpose of controlling other men - there's no truth in it and anything that even resonates as true was stolen from the Egyptians. What a surprise.
The newest method to throw Black MEN under a bus.
But I guess as Black Men,
WEshould be content with being De-Humanized, Criminalized, and Stigmatized.
Hasn't changed in centuries after all.
I can't stand either Kyrie or Kanye.
But I'm really getting tired of Black Men being the face of this Country's (Hell. This Planet's) latest manufactured outrages
To that end,
Both Dudes get my support.
To an extent anyway.
And the reactive responses of EUROPEAN-Jewish folks are just proving the points of many who do hold truly "Anti-Semitic" views regarding their personal views about Jews and "Control".