L.A. Citycouncilmembers: “Fuck that guy……he’s with the Blacks”


Rising Star
Platinum Member

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor

And all them dumb ass LA niggas care about is rap music, gang banging, and robbing Black civilians.. Meanwhile their so called hood "leaders" threatening vacationing niggas about "checking in" while the spics kicking they ass in the hoods and political arenas.. :lol: :smh:

Man fuck LA. Now let @Dr. Truth dick jumping ass come in and defend these shiftless ass knee grows.
Bitch nigga I live in Oakland


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There isn't no unity,I try to tell these fools that them latihoes don't like blacks even though they mimick everything we do.
When they didn't have the numbers it was cool,no one fucked with them but now that they have the numbers it's fuck blacks,i'm white and what about us?

Don't trust em,ever .....their on the shit list along with the whites.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Not surprised at all. A lot of Mexicans out here act just as bad as a lot of white folk. Sometimes, you have to check them in the stores etc... They'll reach across you and not say excuse me etc...

I'm like, "Nope, y'all mutha-fuckas ain't getting away with shit, no matter how small!" If they're behind the counter, they'll take your change and place it in a paper dollar etc... so they don't have to touch your hand. I always tell them, "Set it down on the counter." Then they look at you like, "What's wrong with me?" I don't want to touch none of you mutha-fuckas either. Set my shit on the glass asshole.

As a Black person, we'd better understand that we don't have a fucking friend in this world.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Not surprised at all. A lot of Mexicans out here act just as bad as a lot of white folk. Sometimes, you have to check them in the stores etc... They'll reach across you and not say excuse me etc...

I'm like, "Nope, y'all mutha-fuckas ain't getting away with shit, no matter how small!" If they're behind the counter, they'll take your change and place it in a paper dollar etc... so they don't have to tough your hand. I always tell them, "Set it down on the counter." Then they look at you like, "What's wrong with me?" I don't want to touch none of you mutha-fuckas either. Set my shit on the glass asshole.

As a Black person, we'd better understand that we don't have a fucking friend in this world.

dam right...and some of us ain't our friends...brah


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
There isn't no unity,I try to tell these fools that them latihoes don't like blacks even though they mimick everything we do.
When they didn't have the numbers it was cool,no one fucked with them but now that they have the numbers it's fuck blacks,i'm white and what about us?

Don't trust em,ever .....their on the shit list along with the whites.

The issue is that many of Us confuse language with ethnicity. :smh: Mexico, Central America and South America are full of Black people facing wild discrimination from the same people who come here and claim to be Us now that it is convenient and beneficial for them. :smh:

never forget, many slaves escaped to Mexico as it abolished slavery much earlier than the US. :smh:


Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
The funny thing is I use to talk this shit years ago and niggaz were all on this ‘this is what the white man wants’ shit. Niggaz didn’t want to accept that non whites hated them more than whites did.

Niggaz actually believed there was some coalition with other non whites. These people even identify as white. Trump was trying to get them out of here but you dummies wanted Trump out!

Now you’re in awe cause Hispanics on the Westcoast and the Eastcoast are showing their colors.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Alll govt shit is mind control,

this is to ensure division is kept between,

Both communities...

both of those groups want division on


but those fuckin knee grows and spicin spantards,


while they laugh at the masses behind closed doors...

fuck all those sell out masons!!

respect to the ones who are going to clean house of all

the filthy masons and restore Ancient Universal Order

of World Peace and Progress for AlL of humanity

Time to tie up the head demon in charge!!!

he mad pussy dont know why everybody so scared of

that little faggot...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hispanics quick to look down on us. This is nothing new. Have y’all not seen how they treat each other? Let u be a black Latino. They get shit on just like us. Don’t matter if you born and raised in the DR or PR or Peru. Dark skin equals inferiority. Literally a world wide view


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Where is that black and brown alliance?
The funny thing is I use to talk this shit years ago and niggaz were all on this ‘this is what the white man wants’ shit. Niggaz didn’t want to accept that non whites hated them more than whites did.

Niggaz actually believed there was some coalition with other non whites. These people even identify as white. Trump was trying to get them out of here but you dummies wanted Trump out!

Now you’re in awe cause Hispanics on the Westcoast and the Eastcoast are showing their colors.
The funny thing to me is black politicians always go all out for Hispanics.

It's about allies and coalition-building though!!!!!
