L.A. Citycouncilmembers: “Fuck that guy……he’s with the Blacks”


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I didn't feel like making a new thread on this. It's police texts instead of city council members.


Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I didn't feel like making a new thread on this. It's police texts instead of city council members.

Antioch is a suburban ghetto, they need to start killing police out there.

Mello Mello

Ballz of Adamantium
BGOL Investor
I didn't feel like making a new thread on this. It's police texts instead of city council members.

Antioch is a suburban ghetto, they need to start killing police out there.
A lot of police in the bay area are like that tho. SF’s, Oakland’s, San Jose, and even LA’s :dunno:


Woke as fuck
BGOL Investor
You mean a lot of police are like that. That’s just how police are no matter where. Fuck them all
Wait i thought in blue democratically held states the police are different. Its almost as if theres no difference in how black people are treated in this country weather they reside in a blue or red state. Who would have thought of that. :rolleyes:


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Wait i thought in blue democratically held states the police are different. Its almost as if theres no difference in how black people are treated in this country weather they reside in a blue or red state. Who would have thought of tworking.
NO one EVER has stated this. NY is as blue as they come politically, yet we know about stop and frisk, Eric Garner and others.


Woke as fuck
BGOL Investor
NO one EVER has stated this. NY is as blue as they come politically, yet we know about stop and frisk, Eric Garner and others.
So why you DNC nut riders like Dr.truth and yourself. Shit on people like @Megatron or @xfactor for pointing this out. That we're on our own., and the two party system is a sham. Every democratic city or state is full of crime, drugs, high incarceration ,single mothers, broken homes and poverty. Yet you're so convinced that if the other party were to take power, it would be worse.


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
So why you DNC nut riders like Dr.truth and yourself. Shit on people like @Megatron or @xfactor for pointing this out. That we're on our own., and the two party system is a sham. Every democratic city or state is full of crime, drugs, high incarceration ,single mothers, broken homes and poverty. Yet you're so convinced that if the other party were to take power, it would be worse.

Police have unions and contracts that people have been working for years to get rid of. They are in place regardless of who is in power. I haven't been following their work for a few years and I'm not even sure if they are still active, but that was the original focus of campaign zero.



Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
So why you DNC nut riders like Dr.truth and yourself. Shit on people like @Megatron or @xfactor for pointing this out. That we're on our own., and the two party system is a sham. Every democratic city or state is full of crime, drugs, high incarceration ,single mothers, broken homes and poverty. Yet you're so convinced that if the other party were to take power, it would be worse.

You have one party that wants to deal with those issues, and one party that want to keep the status quo or make it worse.


Woke as fuck
BGOL Investor
Police have unions and contracts that people have been working for years to get rid of. They are in place regardless of who is in power. I haven't been following their work for a few years and I'm not even sure if they are still active, but that was the original focus of campaign zero.

The problem isnt the police. Its the polices put in place by these worthless politicians from the left whom are in bed with the prison industrial complex which sends 100s of thousands if not millions of our young men in prisons for years over simple possession drug crimes. And sent all our manufacturing jobs overseas. And refuse to regulate house and apartment prices, food prices, and run away inflation. Yet want to send 100s of billioins to some corrupt country in Ukraine. The problem is bigger than the police


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
The problem isnt the police. Its the polices put in place by these worthless politicians from the left whom are in bed with the prison industrial complex which sends 100s of thousands if not millions of our young men in prisons for years over simple possession drug crimes. And sent all our manufacturing jobs overseas. And refuse to regulate house and apartment prices, food prices, and run away inflation. Yet want to send 100s of billioins to some corrupt country in Ukraine. The problem is bigger than the police

Different pots of money. When states do get money there is no guarantee they are going to do the right thing with it. There are blue cities in red states being purposely sabotaged. It's not one single entity running all things. Each city and state has different laws and cultures. Voting dem doesn't mean everything is rosy. It doesn't mean everyone is 100% in agreement. You still have people who are antiblack, anti woman, anti gay, anti immigrant, pro police over citizens. Not everyone is of one like mind or a hive. However, in general, dem policies will be more beneficial that GOP policies.

I don't understand the issue tho. If you think the parties are trash and work needs to be done without them, what is stopping the work from still getting done? Work as tho they don't exist. No one is stopping you or anyone else. Stop wasting time and stop focusing on stopping people from voting. Or tell them to vote and still seek solutions that don't involve government entities. Y'all making a conflict when there doesn't have to be one. It doesn't have to be either/or, it can be both/and. Black folks have always worked outside the system as it sought to change and influence the existing one. It's a bunch of new kneegrows mimicking GOP talking points that don't know or do better. In the past the work was done primarily though black churches or church affiliated people, but many want to reject the church, too. What is stopping you from organizing or forming your own coalition to make change? Voting takes place once or twice a year, what are you advocating the for the rest of the year?

Regardless, I still have to pay taxes and live under laws that are passed, so I want a say in who is making the laws and deciding how money is spent and my city/state/country governed.


Woke as fuck
BGOL Investor
Different pots of money. When states do get money there is no guarantee they are going to do the right thing with it. There are blue cities in red states being purposely sabotaged. It's not one single entity running all things. Each city and state has different laws and cultures. Voting dem doesn't mean everything is rosy. It doesn't mean everyone is 100% in agreement. You still have people who are antibacterial, anti woman, anti gay, anti immigrant, pro police over citizens. Not everyone is of one like mind or a hive. However in general dem policies will be more beneficial that GOP policies.

I don't understand the issue tho. If you think the parties are trash and work needs to be done without them, what is stopping the work from still getting done? Work as tho they don't exist. No one is stopping you or anyone else. Stop wasting time and focus on stopping people from voting or tell them to vote and still seek solutions that don't involve government entities. Y'all making a conflict when there doesn't have to be one. It doesn't have to be either/or, it can be both/and. Black folks have always worked outside the system as it sought to change and influence the existing one. It's a bunch of new kneegrows mimicking GOP talking points that don't know or do better. In the past the work was done primarily though black churches or church affiliated people, and many want to reject the church, too. What is stopping you from organizing or forming your own coalition to make change? Voting takes place once or twice a year, what are you advocating the for the rest of the year?

Regardless, I still have to pay taxes and live under laws that are passed, so I want a say in who is making the laws and deciding how money is spent and my city/state/country governed.
Cant argue with your point. However i feel there is power if neither party can take our votes for granted. I hate seeing so many black people ride the DNC unconditionally. And not hold these motherfuckers feet to the fire. But like you said, which is an excellent point. Nothing is stopping me or anyone from ignoring the DNC and helping out my community how i see fit.
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The Legend
BGOL Investor
I didn't feel like making a new thread on this. It's police texts instead of city council members.


On Tuesday, the Mercury News reported on a 21-page investigative report that detailed the terrifyingly racist and abusive digital communications of “nearly two dozen” current and former Antioch, California, police officers over the span of two years. The investigation was conducted by Contra Costa District Attorney Senior Inspector Larry Wallace, along with the FBI, and focuses on private text message groups between officers. The results, so far, have led to at least 11 Antioch officers being put on “leave.” To put that into perspective, about 20% of the entire force has been suspended.
The text messages reveal nothing but racism and abuse. Black citizens are frequently referred to as “gorillas,” “monkeys,” and “water buffalo.” Those are the most tepid of the texts, which also include a message from June 2020, wherein Officer John Ramirez wrote to fellow officers that he would buy an expensive San Francisco steak dinner for anyone who shot Antioch Mayor Lamar Thorpe with a non-lethal crowd control weapon. This was during the Black Lives Matter protests in the wake of the murder of George Floyd.
The report is only the first of two; the second has not yet been made public. It was released to defense attorneys by Contra Costa County Superior Court Judge Clare Maier on Friday, as a grand jury continues to go through possible criminal charges relating to “at least eight Antioch police officers,” who are allegedly being investigated for “fraud, distribution of steroids and cocaine, as well as eliciting false confessions and accepting bribes to make traffic tickets go away.”


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
Cant argue with your point. However i feel there is power if neither party can take our votes for granted. I hate seeing some many black people ride the DNC unconditionally. And not hold these motherfuckers feet to the fire. But like you said, which is an excellent point. Nothing is stopping me or anyone from ignoring the DNC and helping out my community how i see fit.

Black folks have a reputation for not being involved in voting consistently, especially prior to Obama. You can hold folks accountable, but just sitting out and not voting looks like apathy/regular non participation.

You do this by voting for someone else. I'm not for conceding power to the GOP, so in a general election I'm always going to vote for the dem as the majority of the GOP is no longer sane. If you have a candidate not performing, primary them, and vote for their opponent. Even if they still win they have been put on notice. That requires organization and coordination and I don't see where we have that.

I've said this many times in the past.

I'm not one of those folks who believe both parties are the same. I don't think dems are above criticism, I just think they are the best option at this time. All these folks complaining about not having a black agenda, aren't running their own candidates. Do what the tea party did: Primary establishment candidates, if your person wins vote them in, if they don't win you still vote for the person in your party so that you don't concede power to the other side. Voting is political currency, and not spending it doesn't get you anything. Its not something you save, you have to invest every election. Sitting out doesn't do anything. I've addressed all this before multiple times:

Even when Hillary was running, I wasn't opposed to holding her to a black agenda, but the time to get concessions and promises is during the primary. Once the board is set it's GOP or Dem. We know if the GOP gets in power, they make changes to make it harder to undo the laws they pass and harder to get dems elected. They don't do anything to help the common man. Some folks are satisfied seeing immigrants thrown out the country, but they aren't doing that to benefit black folks, they are doing that to hurt immigrants. Health care etc, are the things I'm concerned about. They aren't being strategic in withholding votes, and you don't get a reaction by simply not voting. The candidate has to know and be aware you withdrew support, other wise they figure its just black folks slacking.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wonder what she's doing now and where she's doing it.

That public money scam is a nice tit to suck on


Rising Star
Platinum Member