L.A. Citycouncilmembers: “Fuck that guy……he’s with the Blacks”


Rising Star
Platinum Member
The irony about all of this?
Martinez was talking about a WHITE GAY Male Council Member who has an adopted BLACK Child with his WHITE GAY husband.

Wonder how that's all going to play out now.


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
The irony about all of this?
Martinez was talking about a WHITE GAY Male Council Member who has an adopted BLACK Child with his WHITE GAY husband.

Wonder how that's all going to play out now.

Wow! Now the Demobots on BGOL will form Voltron!!!! They've been MIA so far.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The irony about all of this?
Martinez was talking about a WHITE GAY Male Council Member who has an adopted BLACK Child with his WHITE GAY husband.

Wonder how that's all going to play out now.

I think she should still resign.

Didn't she make remarks about beating the child?


Rising Star
OG Investor
Not surprised at all. A lot of Mexicans out here act just as bad as a lot of white folk. Sometimes, you have to check them in the stores etc... They'll reach across you and not say excuse me etc...

I'm like, "Nope, y'all mutha-fuckas ain't getting away with shit, no matter how small!" If they're behind the counter, they'll take your change and place it in a paper dollar etc... so they don't have to touch your hand. I always tell them, "Set it down on the counter." Then they look at you like, "What's wrong with me?" I don't want to touch none of you mutha-fuckas either. Set my shit on the glass asshole.

As a Black person, we'd better understand that we don't have a fucking friend in this world.
To you and the other LA based dudes, is this a big story out there?...is there a segment of the Latino population vocally calling this out for the fuckery it is?...is there anything Black people in LA can do politically to get these particular folks out or are the numbers too low?

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
To you and the other LA based dudes, is this a big story out there?...is there a segment of the Latino population vocally calling this out for the fuckery it is?...is there anything Black people in LA can do politically to get these particular folks out or are the numbers too low?
Mexicans are standing outside her house calling for her to resign


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Mexicans are standing outside her house calling for her to resign
All three of them need to go. Shit de Leon was almost a fuckin Senator. He lost to a bitch that had lost her mind, named Diane Feinstein


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
That's why I try to tell every black person the only way to get around this is to unite with each other no matter,gender,background,religion,political views,income,education,state or country.Now that doesn't mean everyone should be apart of this group cause some will fall by the waste side but the core will never change and the goal is progression in all and every field and everything done isn't ment for everyone's ears AND WE CAN ACTUALLY DO SOME SHIT.

It's not about money it's a network,it's a helping hand when needed,it's to keep our money circling amongst us and it's not for self gratification,it's to keep us alive and thriving.

We also have to stop waiting til we get older to start trying to do things like this,the younger the better.

You think it's hard for you but it's going to be worse for your children and their children

Megatron X

A Prophet of Doom
BGOL Investor
They will be forced to resign.

While Marjorie Taylor Green and Lauren Boebert will continue with their racist rhetoric and nobody will blink a eye.



They’re Republicans though, you dudes go hard for democrats which that chic is. We all know about republicans but what’s with this democrat calling black kids monkeys?

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I told y’all niggas to get your passport and go down to Latin countries. The women will treat you like kings!! I’m so done with these Black bitches here in the U.S. get yourselves a Latina they will treat you better than any of these overweight black bitches we are stuck with. I’ll be going back real soon!!!

Clown ass coon


Platinum Member
The irony about all of this?
Martinez was talking about a WHITE GAY Male Council Member who has an adopted BLACK Child with his WHITE GAY husband.

Wonder how that's all going to play out now.
This is likely why the recording got leaked. As they are speaking you can tell they felt comfortable speaking that way with the laughing and chuckles. I believe this open talk has been going on the whole time until they picked the wrong black person to talk about. Similar to back in the day when southern football teams would have their one or two black players get hurt feelings. Meaning racism was only an issue when they traveled to the opposing teams and the ugliness affected their black player. Then and only then did it become an issue that needed to be contained.
By the way, she only resigned as president and not from her elected seat. Per the radio station that Tavis Smiley owns which they claim to be the only black owned TALK radio station west of the Miss River.


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
To you and the other LA based dudes, is this a big story out there?...is there a segment of the Latino population vocally calling this out for the fuckery it is?...is there anything Black people in LA can do politically to get these particular folks out or are the numbers too low?
Yes, Black and Latino voters actually protested in front of her house yesterday and today.

They'll probably remove her from her presiding seat, but she'll still be in office. She's claiming that she was upset over some bullshit, but I don't think anyone is going to buy it.

The Mayor has spoken out against what she said as well. So it's not looking too good for her right now.


Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
Not surprised at all. A lot of Mexicans out here act just as bad as a lot of white folk.

As a Black person, we'd better understand that we don't have a fucking friend in this world.
This right here.

But the sad part is we're fucked. Because we got black people who are only thinking about themselves. So you got other races and other minorities tearing us apart you got black people who are just trying to get theirs. And you got black people intentionally stabbing other Black people in the back

  • We got the Kanye West (out for self)
  • Coondace NoWins (Auntie Ruckus)
  • you got the greedy Black pastors (at least 80% of them are pulpit pimps)
  • you got the athletes and actors who marry White which dilutes the Black pool AND allows for their riches to go right back to White people when they die
I know so many are doing things for Black people and Black communities that never make the news, but FUCK ma . This shit is depressing. It's like I was born a Browns fan and life as a Black man is like a Browns fan, just failure and boobytraps all around you with no chance to truly succeed



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Growing up, I remember seeing our own people co-sign some redhead latino kid picking on and calling a little African kid a N**ga.

We lost, we lost for real. Don't want to generalize a whole group but we gotta WAKE UP and realize they got racist people too. It ain't just a White thing.

Asians, Arabs, Latinos, etc

Peep Mos Def's Verse -

"But they'll say it out loud again
When they get with they close associates and friends
You know, sneak it in with they friends at the job
Happy hour at the bar while this song is in they car
And even if they've never said it, lips stay sealed
They actions reveal how their hearts really feel "


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes, Black and Latino voters actually protested in front of her house yesterday and today.

They'll probably remove her from her presiding seat, but she'll still be in office. She's claiming that she was upset over some bullshit, but I don't think anyone is going to buy it.

The Mayor has spoken out against what she said as well. So it's not looking too good for her right now.
if she still has a job there then its going great...but regardless that whole city council team has been exposed...she shouldn't be the only one getting cut.
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Supreme Porn Poster - Ret
BGOL Investor
She resigned! Good riddance!
I got to say that's the one difference between Democrats and Republicans. When Democrats get caught fucking up, talking shit out of school, they resign. When Republicans get caught saying shit, talking shit out of school or saying something flat out racist or contradicting themselves - They don't leave and they don't quit