L.A. Citycouncilmembers: “Fuck that guy……he’s with the Blacks”


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Question for those BGOL Peeps in LA as well as the rest of California.
Do you feel that this Community coming together moment is truly going to work.
Especially since those three not only exposed (their own) issues of Racism and Power-Brokering.
But they were just all over the map with their ignorance.
Or will it be back to business as usual once the "scandal" dies down?

People are becoming more aware of the bullshit, which is good. But from my experience, it's going to take a while to "really" get together. Everyone is motivated by their own self interest.

During the riots in 92, I saw Mexicans looting and all of that type of shit. They were yelling. "Brown and Black Pride" etc... But, Black people still couldn't get caught in East LA. But they were cool with us when it came to coming up off of the white stores that were in the Black hoods.

As Black people, we have to take a long hard look at ourselves. We have to get ourselves together. We have to come to a consensus as to what we want and need out of the government. We don't need any partners... we need to get rid of coonish behavior though. Once we have ourselves together, then we can talk to other ethnicities about social needs.

But when it comes to leadership Whites, Mexicans, and even Asians aren't trying to share shit with us. They're trying to take what we have.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
In many local races, it's the better option.

You dudes need to forget that party stuff and find the local person who has your best interests at hand.

Obviously the Democratic chicanos in the video and audio recordings got yall back.

They’re Republicans though, you dudes go hard for democrats which that chic is. We all know about republicans but what’s with this democrat calling black kids monkeys?

I think most cats like myself who vote democrat will call for her racist ass head. She needed to and should resign immediately. Fuck her. If there is a group of Democrats saying racist shit, then we need to address this as a systemic issue.

So are there examples of recent issues?


BGOL Legend

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
I think most cats like myself who vote democrat will call for her racist ass head. She needed to and should resign immediately. Fuck her. If there is a group of Democrats saying racist shit, then we need to address this as a systemic issue.

So are there examples of recent issues?
Unlike Republikkklans Dems call out and remove racists. Meanwhile Tuberville still out there talking shit after he said Blacks want reparations for being criminals or whatever the fuck. Trump every day says some racist shit and they ignore it. Dems get fired and called out all the time. Just look at the meeting the people flooded in to toast these racists and call for their removal. Republikkklans would NEVER


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
I think most cats like myself who vote democrat will call for her racist ass head. She needed to and should resign immediately. Fuck her. If there is a group of Democrats saying racist shit, then we need to address this as a systemic issue.

So are there examples of recent issues?

Saying racist shit or doing racist shit? And by racist, do you define it as having a negative impact on Black America?


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Los Angeles City Council Live Updates: Anger Erupts Over Racist Remarks
A seething crowd disrupted a council meeting with shouted demands for the resignations of three members, whose racist conversation was captured on tape. Later in the day, President Biden joined the calls for them to leave office.



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Saying racist shit or doing racist shit? And by racist, do you define it as having a negative impact on Black America?

Both. Show me the racist shit. I have no problem evaluating objectively.

Show me the explicit and implicit. And don’t say welfare and the destruction of the black family. Gotta give me more than that


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I guess I'm only one that sees the irony that this whole thread is based on a racist hispanic bitch being mad that one of her hispanic peeps seems to be pro-black.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She resigned as PRESIDENT from the council, not from the council itself.
School them our people are ignorant to politics. We fall for the emotional shit and get excited over a bitch saying fuck everyone but nothing changes. All other groups have to do is wait a month or two and shit quiets down and is business as usual.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Both. Show me the racist shit. I have no problem evaluating objectively.

Show me the explicit and implicit. And don’t say welfare and the destruction of the black family. Gotta give me more than that

And this goes for anyone. Show me the current racist acts, policies, etc.. that Democrats have done as a body. Could be local, state or national.

I’m just curious. Cause we’ve all acknowledged what Republicans are actively doing now. But it i not about “what aboutism”.

All I hear from your ilk is “Dembots” but not a lot of substance.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
And we're the only ones that get fooled into thinking we have to look out for others....

Or maybe we are the only one's smart enough to realize the white man's game survives off division.
They remain the majority if the minorities can't work together. But if the minorities work together they now become the majority.

If you come from a place of selfishness you shouldn't be in the uplifting business anyway. If I see you have a boot on your neck and I have a boot on my neck and I can help you get that boot of your neck. I think I should. Even if you don't help me I'm still attacking the oppressor.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Or maybe we are the only one's smart enough to realize the white man's game survives off division.
They remain the majority if the minorities can't work together. But if the minorities work together they now become the majority.

If you come from a place of selfishness you shouldn't be in the uplifting business anyway. If I see you have a boot on your neck and I have a boot on my neck and I can help you get that boot of your neck. I think I should. Even if you don't help me I'm still attacking the oppressor.

I get what you're saying but unfortunately those other "minorities" align themselves more with white supremacy viewpoints toward us.

If my family's car needs repair & so does my Hispanic & Asian neighbors, I'm not helping them until our car is fixed first. In your example, I'm not going to worry about getting the boot off their neck until mine & my peoples are taken off 1st. There is no minority coalition, its black folks at the bottom while they make sure their people get ahead of us.

Black people you have no friends.'-Dr. John Henrik Clarke.

God Dammit

Shaddyvillescrub’s Idol
BGOL Investor
Y’all keep having your mixed babies though…
Make sure you dilute the Black population as much, nah fuck that, more than you and your coon ancestors already have. That’s how we (Black people) stay strong!
By dilution!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
She's gonna have to leave California with all that shit she talked.

Imagine your family name and legacy being memorialized for something like this.

She let her hair down cause she was among friends and like minded people, and surely that was a normal closed door conversation for them.

Her scam is over but best believe every public official is sweating and hoping someone doesn't have a recorded conversation on them.

Dr. Truth

BGOL Investor
She's gonna have to leave California with all that shit she talked.

Imagine your family name and legacy being memorialized for something like this.

She let her hair down cause she was among friends and like minded people, and surely that was a normal closed door conversation for them.

Her scam is over but best believe every public official is sweating and hoping someone doesn't have a recorded conversation on them.
Bitch going to have to move to Barstow or a whole new state