L.A. Citycouncilmembers: “Fuck that guy……he’s with the Blacks”


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
She's gonna have to leave California with all that shit she talked.

Imagine your family name and legacy being memorialized for something like this.

She let her hair down cause she was among friends and like minded people, and surely that was a normal closed door conversation for them.

Her scam is over but best believe every public official is sweating and hoping someone doesn't have a recorded conversation on them.
I think that you'd be surprised as to how many Mexicans think just like she does. Most Mexicans won't tell their kids shit, no matter how much they're wilding out. But if another kid does it, "Oh... they're animals."

Anyway, what I think she's going to do is stay hidden in her community. You won't see her at socially mixed race events. But she'll be present for those Mexican only get togethers. She be at the "Olvera Street" fairs and all of the pro-Mexican shit.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor



@Soul On Ice

Big Tex still wants us to VOTE TRUMP OUT

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster



@Soul On Ice

Big Tex still wants us to VOTE TRUMP OUT
"We just gotta hold our nose because the Republicans are more racist "
-Lil Tex


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Both. Show me the racist shit. I have no problem evaluating objectively.

Show me the explicit and implicit. And don’t say welfare and the destruction of the black family. Gotta give me more than that

following up….I know there are examples. So just curious


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Alll govt shit is mind control,

this is to ensure division is kept between,

Both communities...

both of those groups want division on


but those fuckin knee grows and spicin spantards,


while they laugh at the masses behind closed doors...

fuck all those sell out masons!!

respect to the ones who are going to clean house of all

the filthy masons and restore Ancient Universal Order

of World Peace and Progress for AlL of humanity

Time to tie up the head demon in charge!!!

he mad pussy dont know why everybody so scared of

that little faggot...
You already know why they are afraid but Memhet Ali Agca took a shot at it. Unfortunately, he was only going for the figurehead.

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
What's new? Goofy ass bootlickers going to let white hippies convince them about a mythical 'POC" coalition. Meanwhile, for normal humans not on college campuses and in the real world, there is reality. And the reality is the black community doesn't have any friends. Never did. :smh:

Could thanos snap all white people from earth and Asians/Hispanics/Arabs will go hard at black people(transsaharan slave trade is one historic example). People who study history for real no how anti-black folks were on their own, no need for white people to tell them shit.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
What's new? Goofy ass bootlickers going to let white hippies convince them about a mythical 'POC" coalition. Meanwhile, for normal humans not on college campuses and in the real world, there is reality. And the reality is the black community doesn't have any friends. Never did. :smh:

Could thanos snap all white people from earth and Asians/Hispanics/Arabs will go hard at black people(transsaharan slave trade is one historic example). People who study history for real no how anti-black folks were on their own, no need for white people to tell them shit.
Tell em


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What's new? Goofy ass bootlickers going to let white hippies convince them about a mythical 'POC" coalition. Meanwhile, for normal humans not on college campuses and in the real world, there is reality. And the reality is the black community doesn't have any friends. Never did. :smh:

Could thanos snap all white people from earth and Asians/Hispanics/Arabs will go hard at black people(transsaharan slave trade is one historic example). People who study history for real no how anti-black folks were on their own, no need for white people to tell them shit.


You must mean wight washed HISTORY...

you do KNOW the arab of today is a waterdowned

version of the HISTORICAL ARAB..

which is where they hide MOST of OUR HISTORY..


Whenever you hear LOST civilazation..

thats KNIGGA history..

You know whats fuckin hilarious..

I remember cacs making fun of "negro" features

all day... all types of racist jokes making fun of our noses

and lips..

Now we have the Olmec heads that clearly have our features,

and cacs were literally saying..

they couldnt be Human because their features are

"exaggerated" LOL

bruh if you KNOW history

you KNOW they MAKING up wight history

as they go along.

They are in the process of doing it now to promote faggotry,

they want to get rid of classic books the reveal the mindfuckery like

1984 and replace it with My Two Dads..

see whats pissing off cacs and making them feel like a "victim" lol

is the fact that...

society is no longer gassing up cac males, how can you say,

cac males are so superior when they cant even save

their birth rate.. facts.. btw..there is a simple solution for that..

but wights aint tryin to hear it...

Its simply a matter of them going back to their environments,

they belong on frigid cold climates, Polar regions...

but they dont want that

they want to be Tropical.. and that Yearing

to be something they are NOT meant to be

is whats wiping them out genetically..

but thats another topic for another time..

cacs running shit is not some ancient shit,

they just got the baton in like 1950

after world war 2.

they want you to think they had that shit for thousands of years..




Historical Arabs were KNIGGAS bruh!!

modern day arabs are mullatos bruh...

Knigga still run shit, thats why there is such an effort

being made to keep us poor..

What do you think will happen if everyone

had the power to make their own promissory notes...?

what IF they do and just dont know it??

most kniggas are just under a spell and that spell

is breaking FAST...

really fuckin fast..

Its just not televised!!!

I got so much shit I want to say...but

too many agents up here..

u know what I mean!!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

You must mean wight washed HISTORY...

you do KNOW the arab of today is a waterdowned

version of the HISTORICAL ARAB..

which is where they hide MOST of OUR HISTORY..


Whenever you hear LOST civilazation..

thats KNIGGA history..

You know whats fuckin hilarious..

I remember cacs making fun of "negro" features

all day... all types of racist jokes making fun of our noses

and lips..

Now we have the Olmec heads that clearly have our features,

and cacs were literally saying..

they couldnt be Human because their features are

"exaggerated" LOL

bruh if you KNOW history

you KNOW they MAKING up wight history

as they go along.

They are in the process of doing it now to promote faggotry,

they want to get rid of classic books the reveal the mindfuckery like

1984 and replace it with My Two Dads..

I got up to "My 2 Dads" and instantly got enraged!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I got up to "My 2 Dads" and instantly got enraged!

Good news because knowingness

and the energy of being enraged

ignites our spiritual power and sets

karma in motion.

then we have to offset that rage with

love and respect for each other..

Once that happens the world will flip

Right Side Up AGAIN!!

we slowly peeping the agents amongst us..and gonna

clean em up..nicely!!

Our Time is Here..

just dont expect it to be televised

You have to shut down the internet,


and witness it in reality...

Thats why they are in a rush to create a metaverse

and immerse us in that..

its the only world they are going to be in full control of..

but they runnin out of time for that...

facebooks metaverse sucks ass.

their AI is constantly warning them of how

their creators are stupid and how AI will take

over HUMANS...

btw kniggas are GODS we are not HUMAN

by any stretch of the imagination..

unless you been indoctrinated and psychologically mindfucked

to think you are human.. then you are what you think u are..

mankind = HUMANS

MAN = Gods..

they tell you that when they said,

one SMALL step for MAN



giant step fo


nobody never question that shit!!

its was lowkey trying to say, us kind of man

is surpassing the true Ancient man

because they convinced the world they went to the moon...

callin up space from a landline phone..LOL

Nixon literally said Im calling you from a telephone,

wight supremacy existed because we believe

so much stupid shit!

like wight faggy jesus died on a cross

fo your sins and is now your god..

Ignoring our antcestors..

Auset and Heru the real

BIG MAMA "MARY" and "baby jesus"

but the POPE prays to Them...

got the world praying to a faggot

and we wonder why so much violence and confusion

in the world today.

Just Look at Brazil they got the largest cac jesus statue

and look how much violence takes place there

they have a large one in mexico and columbia too..

the whole mexcian mafia cutting off muthafuckas limbs

hanging them off bridges...

and prayin to cracker jesus and his virgin HA mom

how the fuck is she a virgin and she just had a baby....?

yea there were simps back then, but no Maury bruh..


gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor

You must mean wight washed HISTORY...

you do KNOW the arab of today is a waterdowned

version of the HISTORICAL ARAB..

which is where they hide MOST of OUR HISTORY..


Whenever you hear LOST civilazation..

thats KNIGGA history..

You know whats fuckin hilarious..

I remember cacs making fun of "negro" features

all day... all types of racist jokes making fun of our noses

and lips..

Now we have the Olmec heads that clearly have our features,

and cacs were literally saying..

they couldnt be Human because their features are

"exaggerated" LOL

bruh if you KNOW history

you KNOW they MAKING up wight history

as they go along.

They are in the process of doing it now to promote faggotry,

they want to get rid of classic books the reveal the mindfuckery like

1984 and replace it with My Two Dads..

see whats pissing off cacs and making them feel like a "victim" lol

is the fact that...

society is no longer gassing up cac males, how can you say,

cac males are so superior when they cant even save

their birth rate.. facts.. btw..there is a simple solution for that..

but wights aint tryin to hear it...

Its simply a matter of them going back to their environments,

they belong on frigid cold climates, Polar regions...

but they dont want that

they want to be Tropical.. and that Yearing

to be something they are NOT meant to be

is whats wiping them out genetically..

but thats another topic for another time..

cacs running shit is not some ancient shit,

they just got the baton in like 1950

after world war 2.

they want you to think they had that shit for thousands of years..




Historical Arabs were KNIGGAS bruh!!

modern day arabs are mullatos bruh...

Knigga still run shit, thats why there is such an effort

being made to keep us poor..

What do you think will happen if everyone

had the power to make their own promissory notes...?

what IF they do and just dont know it??

most kniggas are just under a spell and that spell

is breaking FAST...

really fuckin fast..

Its just not televised!!!

I got so much shit I want to say...but

too many agents up here..

u know what I mean!!
Man, I think @VAiz4hustlaz and I got a history discussion in a thread where we posted receipts on Arabs, the TransSaharan slave trade, etc. I think it's him. If it's not, my bad for tagging. Arabs were clearly making a distinction between themselves and black people going back over 1000 years.

I remember even genetic receipts from DNA testing was posted on Berbers going back to migration patterns thousands of years. :lol: Berbers were brought in because of Moor references and Europe in relation to Arab invasion. Thread went hard.

Trust me, SOME cats know history around here. We sure as fuck don't fall for hippie, feel good talking points, whitewashing, or any other kind of twisting of history. But on the real side, history is brutal and ain't no damn kumbaya ever going on. Not how humans get down then or now.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Man, I think @VAiz4hustlaz and I got a history discussion in a thread where we posted receipts on Arabs, the TransSaharan slave trade, etc. I think it's him. If it's not, my bad for tagging. Arabs were clearly making a distinction between themselves and black people going back over 1000 years.

I remember even genetic receipts from DNA testing was posted on Berbers going back to migration patterns thousands of years. :lol: Berbers were brought in because of Moor references and Europe in relation to Arab invasion. Thread went hard.

Trust me, SOME cats know history around here. We sure as fuck don't fall for hippie, feel good talking points, whitewashing, or any other kind of twisting of history. But on the real side, history is brutal and ain't no damn kumbaya ever going on. Not how humans get down then or now.
I was in that thread

they cut off every nigga dick and kept the ones who didn’t bleed out

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I was in that thread

they cut off every nigga dick and kept the ones who didn’t bleed out
Damn man. :eek: That was the thread. That thread got you mad, right? That thread was nothing but knowledge with sources posted all in it. Full of receipts. We backed up everything we said up in there. Could be turned into a book.

Should be required reading for all the 'POC coalition' folks to show the more shit change, the more it stays the same.


Cac Free Zone
BGOL Investor
Damn man. :eek: That was the thread. That thread got you mad, right? That thread was nothing but knowledge with sources posted all in it. Full of receipts. We backed up everything we said up in there. Could be turned into a book.

Should be required reading for all the 'POC coalition' folks to show the more shit change, the more it stays the same.
Shit had me hot.

it didn’t even dawn on me to think about the opposite side.

makes total sense.

they been raping that continent for thousands of years


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Man, I think @VAiz4hustlaz and I got a history discussion in a thread where we posted receipts on Arabs, the TransSaharan slave trade, etc. I think it's him. If it's not, my bad for tagging. Arabs were clearly making a distinction between themselves and black people going back over 1000 years.

I remember even genetic receipts from DNA testing was posted on Berbers going back to migration patterns thousands of years. :lol: Berbers were brought in because of Moor references and Europe in relation to Arab invasion. Thread went hard.

Trust me, SOME cats know history around here. We sure as fuck don't fall for hippie, feel good talking points, whitewashing, or any other kind of twisting of history. But on the real side, history is brutal and ain't no damn kumbaya ever going on. Not how humans get down then or now.

LOL yea I was in that thread..

I dropped one RECEIPT on us

Indigenous American Moors(Maurs)

being the Ancient Berbers...

using the South Carolina Negro Law...

muthafuckas was running from that shit

like it was monkey pox...

I didnt even have to pull out the Arsenal


Real side of history HA!

most of my people dont even know about

the Spanish Inquistion and its the reason

for EVERTHING going on today

in this foreign corporation u.s.a we think its

our country..

all they do is going around the globe commiting war crimes

hiding under our good name AMERICA..

and fooling the world into thinkin the DEMONIC

foreign corporation u.s.a is the same thing

as America the country..


by the U.S.A corporation..

if this wasnt the case..

the Federal Reserve would be something OWNED by the people not


but folks dont know about that brutal history and how its the reason for

everything going on now...

and I mean EVERYTHING!!!!

thats why rockefeller made sure

that was not included in the indoctrination

recruiting process we refer to as EDUCATION!!


Proud ADOS and not afraid to step to da mic!
BGOL Investor
Man, I think @VAiz4hustlaz and I got a history discussion in a thread where we posted receipts on Arabs, the TransSaharan slave trade, etc. I think it's him. If it's not, my bad for tagging. Arabs were clearly making a distinction between themselves and black people going back over 1000 years.

I remember even genetic receipts from DNA testing was posted on Berbers going back to migration patterns thousands of years. :lol: Berbers were brought in because of Moor references and Europe in relation to Arab invasion. Thread went hard.

Trust me, SOME cats know history around here. We sure as fuck don't fall for hippie, feel good talking points, whitewashing, or any other kind of twisting of history. But on the real side, history is brutal and ain't no damn kumbaya ever going on. Not how humans get down then or now.

Let’s NOT revisit that thread!!! :lol:

Don’t feel like dealing with Freddy’s convoluted thinking today!


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
If they were attacked by a group of protesters, they would have got their ass kicked...the video shows something different
That guy should have beat the shit out of DeLeon. I don't believe dude even threw a punch.

There needs to be mechanisms in place to remove these assholes before their terms are up if the people no longer has confidence in them.

This MoFo is getting paid for doing nothing... that makes me questions, do we need any of them?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Let’s NOT revisit that thread!!! :lol:

Don’t feel like dealing with Freddy’s convoluted thinking today!

Its called fifth dimensional debating!!

You KNOW its dope, makes complicated shit,

so simple and easy to digest..

but the seed gets planted in many layers,

to provoke thought!!

cuz I be


till dem HOES

be REPPIN...
