Lord Jamar and Godfrey refuse to go Vlad tv until Vlad apologize to Min. Farakhan


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I dont know about paying a price cause he there and he just had lyor there also kissing his ass. Even lyor had to shut him down.

But what it did do is open up doors for other platforms. Cause he was alone.
but one thing u said and i agree is black people keep helping him
at one point nobody was messing with vlad. Ctg stopped messing with for similar reasons and now he back cool cause of his alllegstions. I agree with u on that they keep helping dude.

Never said u did my point was thats the reason I say they coming for him. Also remember these podcasts are young. Vlad almost 20 years.

And also them calling themselves his sons is just kissing ass for information.
The only one vlad son is ak. Thats why mysonne was wack for his ak Diss.
Mysonne the fake activist. AK tore him to shreds too shit was hilarious


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster



Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
see how he talks either he doesnt apologize
or will say we both apologized
never him being wrong lol



But he a grown man.

I don't watch his show enough anymore but I could swear I only heard him apologize once and maybe it was on Math show. He reported about some rapper's baby or the wife being pregnant before it was public. And I think he actually apologized and seemed contrite.



International Member


But he a grown man.

I don't watch his show enough anymore but I could swear I only heard him apologize once and maybe it was on Math show. He reported about some rapper's baby or the wife being pregnant before it was public. And I think he actually apologized and seemed contrite.

that was for his own interest tho
he is not going to get exclusives
if people know he will run and tell