Divide and conquer. When everyone is fighting their own battles to the point it is all consuming, few are able, whether or not they are willing, to give aid. However, just about every minority group is under attack in this country, at the SAME time, by the SAME enemy. The focus will shift more intensely from one group to another, but it never lets up completely. Taking a breather while Native Americans, Muslims, Latinos, immigrants or whatever group is bearing the brunt of it does not benefit us. It just gives us a false sense of security for a short time, and a lil satisfaction seeing someone else get a bit of pain. That's the wrong focus tho. We shouldn't delight in another minority getting screwed. We should want to stop ALL of it, once and for all time. If their rights are diminished, OUR rights are diminished and we are left with fewer and fewer people who can fight or effect change.
I gave examples of all theses groups standing with us at one time or another in a different thread. We don't stop our fight while they are under attack, but we help out, even if it is only amplifying their issues to bring attention to their plight. When we are under fire we can call on allies we've made.
There are several groups working together, and like Ballscout said in another thread, MSM is not going to report on it, because they need to keep the propaganda going so we mistrust each other and don't unify. Everyone is under the influence of this propaganda to one degree or another.
We are not going to have any perfect allies. We won't be perfect to other groups, either. Also, not everyone can be a friend or ally, there are racists in every group, even some blacks that wouldn't help their own, but make alliances where you can. That is the smart thing to do.
Right now we are growing weaker as each group takes losses and white supremacists rack up wins.