Man Trump immigration thing is getting worse by the day


Rising Star
nah she is right. that article was just sayin fuck what a dude says, watch what he does,

and drumpf has a history of racist bullshit, as the article pointed out, its in his genes, from his racist ass kkk pimpin hoes ass grand father...

to his racist father.. to him and his racist appointments... he said that racist fuckin supreme court justince.. is "his kind of guy"

he brings the lil elf klansman jeff lil bitch sessions on board...

he is beloved by the most racist red necks in the country...

he really only wanted to pardon dead 'black' men because a racist crackers philosophy is that is the only good ******..

it took a kardashian to get a living black person pardoned and that was probably because he owed kanye a favor...

drumpf is a joke and is only on capital hill to appease all the racist cacs that were literally going crazy because a 'black' family was in the white house for eight years..

they aint never gettin over that shit...

even when drumpf is long gone, cacs gonna be cackling about it..


I will have to totally disagree with you.

My comments are about her misguided thoughts and half cocked democratic,blm, lgbt talking points.

I don't support democrats or reuplicans.

Fuck obama and trump too.

Are you a blm member?

My focus is BLACK PEOPLE and nobody else!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor


Mil Town Legend
BGOL Investor
When a criminal goes to commit a crime:
  • any accomplices are also charged.
  • along with the criminal
If the criminal or criminals foolishly bring their children along on the commission of the crime and the children are underage and taken into custody:
  • The children will most likely be given over to relatives. If they are willing to take them
  • placed into state care child system
  • until the state finds a facility or home
To enter the United States illegally is a felony! People doing this break the law and are criminals. If they bring their kids on the commission of a crime...WHOSE FAULT IS THAT?


They loose their kids.

Those hold facilities were established during the Obama administration.
They take your kids and you would be the first one on here looking for support...foh cac troll.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Just out of curiosity, if/when Trump signs this order, do we need to be concerned that it may include forced funding for the wall?


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
This was a little too much. I don’t think these CACs care about the kids like that.

Pumpkin face is just more open with his hate.

After my parents divorced.... I use to visit my pops in Memphis. One day dude beat the shit out of my step mother and took me away from the house. I was maybe 9 or 10 at the time. When the police finally caught dude outside of a gas station..... I had to wait inside a police station for two hours for my mom to drive from outside of Jackson to where I was. I had no clue what was going on and I balled like a baby. Seeing the pics of the kids... stirred up some old memories and hit me harder then I expected. Just cause you see a person on TV... you don't know their background. Thinking of a 3 year old kids being separated from their family is a tough thing to think about.


BGOL Elite Poster
Platinum Member
Have you been in any of the threads on this board related to BLM or missing/brutalized people? Most get outraged if it is a black man. If it's a black woman they need more facts. They can't support BLM because a lesbian started it. Then you have the conspiracy nuts saying it's a fake group and George Soros funded. They ignore groups that have been lumped into the BLM bucket such as the Advancement Project or Color of change. They ignore the voices of members on here who are actually involved with BLM who can speak on it. They complain about what white folks are doing to us, but want to shit on all the people out there doing the work to stop it. I have an entire protest thread about incidents, activities, and general black news to amplify what is being done.

They don't want to get involved, which is fine, but instead of tearing down other folks to hide and distract from their own inaction, why can't they just shut the hell up? Send a positive thought their way and not hinder people, or not speak against it trying to get other people to stay uninvolved as well?

WE can't agree and get the majority of OUR OWN people on the same page about our own issues. Why do you think we will be able to get a majority of ANOTHER race who is probably sitting around having the same conversation in regard to us? We don't need a majority tho to make a difference. We need a percentage of each so together we become a majority.

Too many folks here are anti unity, anti progress unless it's ONLY black folks. Some of them sound like plants. It's WS propaganda. We are so fractured it's not even practical at this point, IMO. We have a common enemy in white supremacy. Not white people, the system of white supremacy. There are white folks who understand and work toward racial justice as well. We have far too many resources outside our community that we need assistance in getting access to we can't do that if we close ourselves off.

I like the idea of a strong black utopia, but we can't get everyone on the same page. So you work with those who will work with you. Fight with those who will fight with you. Build with those who will build with you. Regardless of race. The preference is to do it with as many black people as who will get involved. However you can't save everybody, not everyone wants to be saved or sees a need to be saved. Not every black person wants to build with other blacks. They too have bought the WS lie and think every black person BUT them are trash. Fuck them. Leave them. We can't keep going the way we are going tho, hardening our hearts to everybody's fate but our own. ALL groups are being targeted.

This comment needs to be a Sticky


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I will have to totally disagree with you.

My comments are about her misguided thoughts and half cocked democratic,blm, lgbt talking points.

I don't support democrats or reuplicans.

Fuck obama and trump too.

Are you a blm member?

My focus is BLACK PEOPLE and nobody else!

blm dont really trust the organization but I do support some of the splinter groups that broke off from it...

are you a nazi sympathizer, what do you think about hitler was he an evil dude??


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
I legit want to punch that cracka Bumbay in his face

Put him on ignore. He's stopped reporting posts today so I'm pretty sure he is probably in HNIC's inbox trying to get everyone "fired" right about now. He tries to come off as the victim or offended party, when he is posting stormfront rhetoric that should get him ran off any board worth two cents. If he doesn't want to be compared with or accused of being a Nazi/CaC, he should stop parroting their talking points. If he doesn't want his posts called stupid and offensive, he should stop posting stupid, offensive stuff.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Do yourself a favor and put him on ignore. All his fuckery disappears. All he does is promote Nazi and WS propaganda. He has nothing substantial, truthful, enlightening, or intelligent to say, but he thinks if he uses a REALLY BIG FONT to say it in, it will somehow be true or make sense or hide the small mindedness and low mental acuity required to even come up with the nonsense he posts, let alone cosign it.

Some people are worth engaging with for no other reason to refute and push back on the lies they speak with such authority that it causes people to pay attention and become confused, he is not such a person. He's like these racists and trolls on social media. They never tire, and their stupidity and energetic ignorance knows no bounds. Do yourself a favor and don't engage. Don't let him poison your mind with his nonsense or allow him to get you to question your normal sense of right and wrong. The sooner he is left typing to himself where no one can see it, the better. I try not to write people off as being completely useless and beyond all hope of redemption, but he is scum. You've been warned.

lol well damn... I appreciate the concern but I dont put anyone on ignore unless its a blatant tranny poster..

Im just one of those cats that find people from all walks of life interesting.. and like to see what makes them tick..

trust me, check my history, I go hard on blatant racist fuckery..

so you dont think he is a bruh huh??


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
lol well damn... I appreciate the concern but I dont put anyone on ignore unless its a blatant tranny poster..

Im just one of those cats that find people from all walks of life interesting.. and like to see what makes them tick..

trust me, check my history, I go hard on blatant racist fuckery..

so you dont think he is a bruh huh??

I don't know if he is or not. All I know is most of the stuff he posts is offensive and promoted by white supremacists. If someone is spewing WS talking points, I can only assume they are heavily influenced by or involved in promoting white supremacy.


Rising Star
They take your kids and you would be the first one on here looking for support...foh cac troll.

Well blm member,

I'm not:
  • an illegal criminal
  • sneaking into a sovereign nation
  • which has immigration laws on the books that I broke.

I would not:
  • involve others I care about in my criminal activities,
  • especially if they are not old enough to understand the risk and penalty
  • use bad parenting skills
  • use bad judgement by taking my kids with me on the commission of a crime.

So those problems don't apply to me.

One final question:

Why is it when you blm people on bgol disagree with somebody the are immediately a:
  • nazi
  • republican
  • caac
  • coon
  • etc.,
Have you blm folks ever heeard of difference of opinion, different view points or we don't agree?

gene cisco

Not A BGOL Eunuch
BGOL Investor
I been on the forefront marching and protesting back in my college days in the late 90s. I beem in protests in Chicago, nyc. Philadelphia and North Carolina. None of these other groups really stood with blacks. Only a handful and certain whites.

Do you know what kind of people Asians, Arabs and Latinos are? They’re the type of people who at times may act as if they’re down with blacks. But when it comes down to fighting white supremacy they’ll go hiding and let blacks do all the fighting and then reap the benefits. They won’t even hire you. I’ve seen it enough.

When major shit happens to blacks I’m gonna bring this same quote replied to me so you Point out all these other non whites down for blacks.

I don’t look at all blacks as my friend, never has never will. Some need thinning of the herd. But those blacks who are on accord. They need to worry about separating from whites. Separating and Getting your own land is a must.
Like I said in other thread, democrats need votes. Hispanics have replaced black people has the 'minority' group with the most influence. Their numbers and influence will only grow and democrats will pander to them more and more. Folks are buying white, democrat talking points.

It's fucked up what's happening at the border. It's also fucked up that hispanics have passed black people in economic power in this country and political influence. That comes from years of black people falling for democrat talking points that further the party and not black people. :smh:

Hopefully, they resolve this border issue.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I don't know if he is or not. All I know is most of the stuff he posts is offensive and promoted by white supremacists. If someone is spewing WS talking points, I can only assume they are heavily influenced by or involved in promoting white supremacy.


he says he is for "black' folk tho....


Rising Star
I don't know if he is or not. All I know is most of the stuff he posts is offensive and promoted by white supremacists. If someone is spewing WS talking points, I can only assume they are heavily influenced by or involved in promoting white supremacy.

"All I know is most of the stuff he posts is offensive and promoted by white supremacists. If someone is spewing WS talking points"

Would you care to provide an example?

Its no need to lie on the GOD!


Land of the Heartless
Platinum Member
As the great Dr. Clarke said, black people have no friends, even the Asians did their part in helping Trump seal the election... It's sad & shameful but they now have to wake up & face the music to what's going on with their own people.

Remember,the Asian community came out and supported an Asian cop that shot a black man dead in New York,a few years ago.....:smh:


Grand Puba of Science
Platinum Member
Like I give a fuck about you or your ignore. You’re the one always trying to get my attention you fucking spic. Any you bitches on bgol who got issues with me we can meet up and I’ll crush your fucking skull in bitch. Fuck you.
this soft ass nigga here

Child of a single bastard baby maker response.
welp. Know who this is.

Broke bitch lol

After my parents divorced.... I use to visit my pops in Memphis. One day dude beat the shit out of my step mother and took me away from the house. I was maybe 9 or 10 at the time. When the police finally caught dude outside of a gas station..... I had to wait inside a police station for two hours for my mom to drive from outside of Jackson to where I was. I had no clue what was going on and I balled like a baby. Seeing the pics of the kids... stirred up some old memories and hit me harder then I expected. Just cause you see a person on TV... you don't know their background. Thinking of a 3 year old kids being separated from their family is a tough thing to think about.
you originally from Jackson?


Rising Star
blm dont really trust the organization but I do support some of the splinter groups that broke off from it...

are you a nazi sympathizer, what do you think about hitler was he an evil dude??


I will answer your question but first tell me what made you ask if I'm a nazi? That was a real weird question. I thought you was above a lot of this bullshit. but I see you for the bullshit just like all the rest.

What do you think a nazi is?

Have you ever read up on the Democratic Socialist Party.

Is your mind shaped by the media and its khazarian presentation of the world?

Are you an independent thinker or blm sheeple?

They were far leftist not affiliated with right, kind of like blm, antifa and all this other weird shit they doing now.




Rising Star
BGOL Investor

I will answer your question but first tell me what made you ask if I'm a nazi? That was a real weird question. I thought you was above a lot of this bullshit. but I see you for the bullshit just like all the rest.

What do you think a nazi is?

Have you ever read up on the Democratic Socialist Party.

Is your mind shaped by the media and its khazarian presentation of the world?

Are you an independent thinker or blm sheeple?

They were far leftist not affiliated with right, kind of like blm, antifa and all this other weird shit they doing now.



democratic party is just the old republican party...

both parties are full of shit and meant to keep the population divided in favor of corporations that can afford to buy both parties...

the only difference is todays democrats will let you have some crumbs from the table..

the republklans want you to take those crumbs and make crumb cake for their eight course dessert after dinner feast...mind you they just had seven courses of dessert prior to that...

if I aint mistaken you used to post a lot of nazi threads which was very unusual in a site dedicated to our sistars...

you seem to be obessesed with blm, why dont you mention neo nazis, aryan groups..

how do you feel about the national association for the advancement of "white' people?

blm is just one little powerless you know how many racist aryan groups there are in amerikkka....

why are they always left out of your equation?

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member

He is the definition of contradiction.

He so stupid. Say one thing out of his mouth and do another. Lies like hell and his bases just eats it up like it’s truth.

This billionaire New Yorker does not and has never gave a fuck about the shot he preaches to his base. And they too blind and stupid to see it.

White people are something else, man.


Rising Star
democratic party is just the old republican party...

both parties are full of shit and meant to keep the population divided in favor of corporations that can afford to buy both parties...

the only difference is todays democrats will let you have some crumbs from the table..

the republklans want you to take those crumbs and make crumb cake for their eight course dessert after dinner feast...mind you they just had seven courses of dessert prior to that...

if I aint mistaken you used to post a lot of nazi threads which was very unusual in a site dedicated to our sistars...

you seem to be obessesed with blm, why dont you mention neo nazis, aryan groups..

how do you feel about the national association for the advancement of "white' people?

blm is just one little powerless you know how many racist aryan groups there are in amerikkka....

why are they always left out of your equation?

"democratic party is just the old republican party...

both parties are full of shit and meant to keep the population divided in favor of corporations that can afford to buy both parties..."

Both are abosolutely the same. Their is no difference. This party thing is all a trick for the uninformed dumb ass public

"the only difference is todays democrats will let you have some crumbs from the table..

the republklans want you to take those crumbs and make crumb cake for their eight course dessert after dinner feast...mind you they just had seven courses of dessert prior to that..."

That's the stupidest shit I ever heard. None of these people have any interest in raising the living standard anywhere in the world.

If they even wanted you to have crumbs why are they attempting to flood the country with 3rd world hispanic criminals? They don't want you to have shit.

I see they got your mind and you fell for the oki-doke!!

"if I aint mistaken you used to post a lot of nazi threads which was very unusual in a site dedicated to our sistars..."
You got me and life totally fucked up.

You mistaken as a mutha fucka. If you got it or search and post it

"you seem to be obessesed with blm, why dont you mention neo nazis, aryan groups.."
Fuck blm!

All these mis-guided mutha fucka on here following that shit like a gang.

I have no interest in neo-naziis or aryans. Why don't you? You brought them up.

You act'in like a straight up weirdo1

"how do you feel about the national association for the advancement of "white' people?"
I feel you acting like a bitch with all these dumb bitch made questions. And you are really showing your true character.

They got the right stay over there and have their own organization and work their problems out. Just like "real' BLACK PEOPLE have the right to stay over here form our own organizations and work our problems out.

"blm is just one little powerless you know how many racist aryan groups there are in amerikkka...."
No, I don't know or care about the number of aryan groups in america. Do you know how many? Do you care

"why are they always left out of your equation?"

That's a question for somebody thinking on this childish bullshit level you just approached me with!

I really believed you were above the BS but you are a programmed fool like 85% of the bgol/public!


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
"democratic party is just the old republican party...

both parties are full of shit and meant to keep the population divided in favor of corporations that can afford to buy both parties..."

Both are abosolutely the same. Their is no difference. This party thing is all a trick for the uninformed dumb ass public

"the only difference is todays democrats will let you have some crumbs from the table..

the republklans want you to take those crumbs and make crumb cake for their eight course dessert after dinner feast...mind you they just had seven courses of dessert prior to that..."

That's the stupidest shit I ever heard. None of these people have any interest in raising the living standard anywhere in the world.

If they even wanted you to have crumbs why are they attempting to flood the country with 3rd world hispanic criminals? They don't want you to have shit.

I see they got your mind and you fell for the oki-doke!!

"if I aint mistaken you used to post a lot of nazi threads which was very unusual in a site dedicated to our sistars..."
You got me and life totally fucked up.

You mistaken as a mutha fucka. If you got it or search and post it

"you seem to be obessesed with blm, why dont you mention neo nazis, aryan groups.."
Fuck blm!

All these mis-guided mutha fucka on here following that shit like a gang.

I have no interest in neo-naziis or aryans. Why don't you? You brought them up.

You act'in like a straight up weirdo1

"how do you feel about the national association for the advancement of "white' people?"
I feel you acting like a bitch with all these dumb bitch made questions. And you are really showing your true character.

They got the right stay over there and have their own organization and work their problems out. Just like "real' BLACK PEOPLE have the right to stay over here form our own organizations and work our problems out.

"blm is just one little powerless you know how many racist aryan groups there are in amerikkka...."
No, I don't know or care about the number of aryan groups in america. Do you know how many? Do you care

"why are they always left out of your equation?"

That's a question for somebody thinking on this childish bullshit level you just approached me with!

I really believed you were above the BS but you are a programmed fool like 85% of the bgol/public!

lol you exposing yo self... you are waay too emotional.. its only questions, you acting like you got panties on an bought

em a size too

so you sayin racist cac organizations have a right to exist but fuck blm...

you didnt say fuck the racist cac organization tho, or fuck neo nazis..

interesting.... very very interesting......

didnt you admit to being on storm front?? are you on live leak as well..???


Kitchen Wench #TeamQuaid
Staff member
lol you exposing yo self... you are waay too emotional.. its only questions, you acting like you got panties on an bought

em a size too

so you sayin racist cac organizations have a right to exist but fuck blm...

you didnt say fuck the racist cac organization tho, or fuck neo nazis..

interesting.... very very interesting......

didnt you admit to being on storm front?? are you on live leak as well..???

He always exposes himself. He tries to sound educated and rational. Then you start asking questions when what he says doesn't add up and he blows up trying to make you back down or question your stance. Manipulation and controlling techniques. Has he cussed you out or called you out your name yet? If not give it a bit. It's coming.

Also watch the sources of the info he posts. Normally it is from teaparty or white supremacist sites.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
He always exposes himself. He tries to sound educated and rational. Then you start asking questions when what he says doesn't add up and he blows up trying to make you back down or question your stance. Manipulation and controlling techniques. Has he cussed you out or called you out your name yet? If not give it a bit. It's coming.

Also watch the sources of the info he posts. Normally it is from teaparty or white supremacist sites.

yea dude just blew up out of nowhere...:lol: