(May 24 2023) - Another Sandy Hook just happened


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Going to have to start charging the parents with the same crime as the shooter's. These people buy their children gun's, post pictures of them with the gun, then don't monitor their kids or pay attention to what they are doing after introducing them to gun's. Parent's need to be active parent's, they need to watch for signs, but most of the time they let them do what they want without checking them. Then when they do some shit like shoot up a school they want you to believe that they had no idea how it could have happened. If you are actively parenting you can pick up on things and address them. If these parent's start getting time too it may help. This shit has to stop.
Most parents get it first.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yes obviously but it took a special unit to stop him and he killed 20 people before he was stopped. The cop at the school couldn't stop him. The guard at the market couldn't stop the white supremacist either. You know exactly what I'm talking about.
But to stop the shooter you need a bigger gun. It is what it is. Everything else is fiction.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
He was heavily armed with a large arsenal of bullets.

Spraying out bullets like a water hose. First cops on scene were outgunned and had to call in a SWAT team to take him out.

I’m curious on why the cops didn’t have military surplus M-4 carbines or M-16’s in their trunks. Here in Las Vegas they have a shotgun and a bean bag shotgun in between the front seats and a M-4 with plenty of magazines in the trunk.

California does the same along with other states. Why Texas cops are not armed liked that is interesting.
They probably are relying on the citizen "good guy with a gun" to help on active shooter incidents so haven't equipped their cops adequately.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster


Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Going to have to start charging the parents with the same crime as the shooter's. These people buy their children gun's, post pictures of them with the gun, then don't monitor their kids or pay attention to what they are doing after introducing them to gun's. Parent's need to be active parent's, they need to watch for signs, but most of the time they let them do what they want without checking them. Then when they do some shit like shoot up a school they want you to believe that they had no idea how it could have happened. If you are actively parenting you can pick up on things and address them. If these parent's start getting time too it may help. This shit has to stop.
Were the parents even in his life here? He shot his grandmother who may have been his guardian when he was a minor.

I doubt it will anything since these guys bought the weapons themselves.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Republikkklans want everyone to know only Americans have mental health issues. I guess no other countries have mental health issues.
The first law the former president signed into law was the law to make people who can't manage a checking account purchase a firearm.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Were the parents even in his life here? He shot his grandmother who may have been his guardian when he was a minor.

I doubt it will anything since these guys bought the weapons themselves.
Sandy Hook also shot his momma. I'm almost positive that the columbine kids shot their parents. Did Majorie kill his nana?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
But to stop the shooter you need a bigger gun. It is what it is. Everything else is fiction.

What does it matter how big your gun is if you ain't gon bust it? All this talk is cute but when the adrenaline is pumping, your hand is sweaty and shaking, nerves shot, and the person across from you doesn't care about dying, shit is different. I'm sure those boys in blue talked big and bad prior to the shit hitting the fans but the bottom line is the cops yesterday and cops at Parkland were shook and chose their personal safety over that of the kids. It's not a judgment. It's facts. So all this more more guns talk is moot. All this arming the teachers and lunch ladies goofy talk is moot. They're not gonna bust those guns. The fucking cops who get paid for protect fall back and wait for backup. And in the meantime, 20 will die. The only thing that would've stopped yesterday is if that disturbed teenager wasn't allowed to buy an assault rifle.


Rising Star

Delivery drivers and roofers are at higher risk of death on the job than cops. They are only going to risk their life for the opportunity to kill one of us, nothing else. :smh:

  • Fatal injuries in 2016: 48.6 per 100,000 workers
  • Fatal injuries in 2016: 14.6 per 100,000 workers
Commercial Fisherman
  • Fatal injuries in 2016: 86.0 per 100,000 workers
Truck/Delivery Drivers:
  • Fatal injuries in 2016: 24.7 per 100,000 workers
