Why don't we all agree that NOTHING will be done.
We are going to argue back and forth...again.
Republicans won't budge.
Tonight, and this weekend, there'll be more people killed by gun violence (and most likely another mass shooting). Rinse repeat.
The ONLY way you LOWER you and your families chances of not being hurt by guns and living a regular life where you won't die by gun fire is if you leave America and head to a country that has strict gun laws.
Problem is...those countries don't want your black ass there, and in fact once you show up, they'll start to arm themselves like America and change the laws and get rid of restrictions on weapons because they saw you walking your dog in their homogeneous white/Asian neighborhood.
So bottom line, as long as white people are scared as fuck of black people. As long as their biggest fear is the negro with a gun, they'll keep these laws (well lack of laws) in place. Gun control? Naw...not in America. White America rather we all die, and the country is emptied out by gunfire before they give up their guns.