(May 24 2023) - Another Sandy Hook just happened


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For the this country love their guns & will never give them up kats. @code_pirahna @cli-terminator

I'd like to hear what the solution is to this problem. How should the country proceed?

Or is the solution to do what we've always done? Which is nothing. Here's an idea & it's actually going to sound crazy. How about we do...something. Radical I know. But something might actually change things for the better. Burying your heads in the sand talking about things will never change, is a shitty attitude to have. Suppose that was always the prevailing thoughts. How would things look for you today?

Whether it's banning all guns for non-military (my solution) or stricter gun laws to make things either incredibly expensive &/or extremely difficult to purchase a gun going forward. A solution has to exist. I'm curious how you think this problem should be solved. I know giving up your gun range (sorry "home protector") AR15 isn't an option. So what is? Mental health route? If that's the angle how do you diagnose who is or isn't fit to own a gun?
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
For the this country love their guns & will never give them up kats. @code_pirahna @cli-terminator

I'd like to hear what the solution is to this problem. How should the country proceed?

Or is the solution to do what we've always done? Which is nothing. Here's an idea & it's actually going to sound crazy. How about we do...something. Radical I know. But something might actually change things for the better. Burying your heads in the sand talking about things will never change, is a shitty attitude to have. Suppose that was always the prevailing thoughts. How would things look for you today?

Whether it's banning all guns for non-military (my solution) or stricter gun laws to make things either incredibly difficult &/or extremely difficult to purchase a gun going forward. A solution has to exist. I'm curious how you think this problem should be solved. I know giving up your gun range (sorry "home protector") AR15 isn't an option. So what is? Mental health route? If that's the angle how do you diagnose who is or isn't fit to own a gun?

Whether it's banning all guns for non-military (my solution)
This is the reason why there is so much opposition even to any type of reform because they know that there is a portion of society that wants to eliminate anyone's right to have a gun......

You re solution is fantasy because how do you get past the second amendment?

stricter gun laws to make things either incredibly difficult &/or extremely difficult to purchase a gun going forward.
What do you think New York state has? and someone still shot up the supermarket.

A solution has to exist.

And this is why you all are so adamant against the stuff I am saying. I am telling you that a solution may not exist.....at least not in yours or my lifetime not in this country...not when your fellow man is going to tell you that you better not touch my gun.

I am telling you that a solution may not be there and I don t know the solution.

I don t believe getting rid of the AR is the solution because they will shoot folks up with a different weapon Dylan Roof used a run of the mill .45 glock.

What you all cannot grasp is the fact that there is nothing you can do to prevent a person who owns a gun from going on the local bus and shooting it up.....and you will not get rid of guns that is a fantasy that you all think you will see in your lifetime....not with America's desire for guns.

Society is "safe" MOSTLY because your fellow man is peaceful and sane. You have to depend on the "morality" and decency of man to even have a functioning civilization. Period.

and you have to put down the rabid dog in society....that is something you all can t grasp.


Rising Star
For the this country love their guns & will never give them up kats. @code_pirahna @cli-terminator

I'd like to hear what the solution is to this problem. How should the country proceed?

Or is the solution to do what we've always done? Which is nothing. Here's an idea & it's actually going to sound crazy. How about we do...something. Radical I know. But something might actually change things for the better. Burying your heads in the sand talking about things will never change, is a shitty attitude to have. Suppose that was always the prevailing thoughts. How would things look for you today?

Whether it's banning all guns for non-military (my solution) or stricter gun laws to make things either incredibly difficult &/or extremely difficult to purchase a gun going forward. A solution has to exist. I'm curious how you think this problem should be solved. I know giving up your gun range (sorry "home protector") AR15 isn't an option. So what is? Mental health route? If that's the angle how do you diagnose who is or isn't fit to own a gun?
Only a complete fucking moron would let these racist devils use this completely subjective metric decide who can and cannot be armed. It's as dangerous as the people resisting legislation at all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This is the reason why there is so much opposition even to any type of reform because they know that there is a portion of society that wants to eliminate anyone's right to have a gun......

You re solution is fantasy because how do you get past the second amendment?

What do you think New York state has? and someone still shot up the supermarket.

And this is why you all are so adamant against the stuff I am saying. I am telling you that a solution may not exist.....at least not in yours or my lifetime not in this country...not when your fellow man is going to tell you that you better not touch my gun.

I am telling you that a solution may not be there and I don t know the solution.

I don t believe getting rid of the AR is the solution because they will shoot folks up with a different weapon Dylan Roof used a run of the mill .45 glock.

What you all cannot grasp is the fact that there is nothing you can do to prevent a person who owns a gun from going on the local bus and shooting it up.....and you will not get rid of guns that is a fantasy that you all think you will see in your lifetime....not with America's desire for guns.

Society is "safe" MOSTLY because your fellow man is peaceful and sane. You have to depend on the "morality" and decency of man to even have a functioning civilization. Period.

and you have to put down the rabid dog in society....that is something you all can t grasp.

As I predicted. The solution is to do nothing because you've tried nothing & are all out of ideas. Brilliant. Just because something has been some way forever doesn't mean it has to stay that way if it's a detriment to society & the safety of it's people.

Personally I don't have to worry about about being gunned down. I no longer live in the US. My family & I live in one of those infringed no freedom having European countries that hate all Black people (because America loves us so much). However I was born & raised in the US & I want to see the country move past this paranoid that someone is just waiting to get me nonsense that breeds the need to have guns when you go to the grocery store to buy food.

If you love carrying a gun everywhere in case whatever boogeyman you fear may get you. Have at it. Quality of life eludes you paranoid people. You could live in a world where you don't need to own a gun because we're well past the wild west. But because those in power prefer to live the high life on the nra dime. And people with your attitude that you'd rather be dead then give up your 2nd amendment rights. You're forced to own a gun.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Only a complete fucking moron would let these racist devils use this completely subjective metric decide who can and cannot be armed. It's as dangerous as the people resisting legislation at all.

Their (republicans) solution is tackling "mental health". How do you decide who is "mentally fit" to own a gun & who is "mentally unhealthy" to be denied?
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Rising Star
Their (republicans) solution is tackling "mental health". How do you decide who is "mentally fit" to own a gun & who is "mentally unhealthy" to be denied? Since you feel gun control is unrealistic. So let's go the "mental health" route. Or is the solution still, "Do nothing"?
They are only going to use it one way to keep guns out of the hands of other's especially blacks. Racist whites cannot be responsible for judging mental fitness.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
They are only going to use it one way to keep guns out of other's especially blacks. Racist whites cannot be responsible for judging mental fitness.

I wholeheartedly agree with you. They would use something along those lines to infringe on Black american rights as per the usual. My thoughts is that's their only lane. Gun control isn't realistic to them. If anything would be done that'd be the lane they would cruise to.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
As I predicted. The solution is to do nothing because you've tried nothing & are all out of ideas. Brilliant. Just because something has been some way forever doesn't mean it has to stay that way if it's a detriment to society & the safety of it's people.

Personally I don't have to worry about about being gunned down. I no longer live in the US. My family & I live in one of those infringed no freedom having European countries that hate all Black people (because America loves us so much). However I was born & raised in the US & I want to see the country move past this paranoid that someone is just waiting to get me nonsense that breeds the need to have guns when you go to the grocery store to buy food.

If you love carrying a gun everywhere in case whatever boogeyman you fear may get you. Have at it. Quality of life eludes you paranoid people. You could live in a world where you don't need to own a gun because we're well past the wild west. But because those in power prefer to live the high life on the nra dime. And people with your attitude that you'd rather be dead then give up your 2nd amendment rights. You're forced to own a gun.
Did I not write that I don t think there is a solution???????

Or did you miss that fucking part? Your solution to get rid of all the guns is lazy and aint even realistic. Fucking la la land. FOH.


Rising Star
Did I not write that I don t think there is a solution???????

Or did you miss that fucking part? Your solution to get rid of all the guns is lazy and aint even realistic. Fucking la la land. FOH.
putting a limit on the number and types of guns that can be owned is nothing like saying a complete abolishment of guns. Ya'll are so fucking fake man. Why can't ya'll keep it real and say you just don't give a fuck so we can all just put ya'll in the iggy bin where you belong? The type to just grab some hotdogs and weeny roast sitting around talking shit in the front yard while the house burns to cinders...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Did I not write that I don t think there is a solution???????

Or did you miss that fucking part? Your solution to get rid of all the guns is lazy and aint even realistic. Fucking la la land. FOH.

Then why even engage if you feel there's no solution & no point in discussing viable options to how to solve this crisis?

Just say your "Thoughts & prayers", keep it pushing until the next one if/when it happens.

Piff Henderson

Stage Manager of Stage Managers
BGOL Investor
Well then, until they vote for Republican legislators that will pass it, I'm not sure what good their feelings do us .
I guess you missed the exchange. I was replying to someone who posted how many people voted for Trump like that means shit. Most people want gun control period.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor

Then why even engage if you feel there's no solution & no point in discussing viable options to how to solve this crisis?

Just say your "Thoughts & prayers", keep it pushing until the next one if/when it happens.

Because I m sick of all the bullshit feel good measures that people lie to themselves to make them sleep at night.

When has anyone given a viable option?

"Get rid of all guns.." ok that is realistic. (your solution)

Real talk you have to put the monster down and you need the proper tools to do it with which is a gun.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
putting a limit on the number and types of guns that can be owned is nothing like saying a complete abolishment of guns. Ya'll are so fucking fake man. Why can't ya'll keep it real and say you just don't give a fuck so we can all just put ya'll in the iggy bin where you belong? The type to just grab some hotdogs and weeny roast sitting around talking shit in the front yard while the house burns to cinders...
Did you not read his comment???

He said get rid of all guns....go back and read his comment. I did not pull that shit out my ass.

I ll wait.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
you've got other replies that make my comment relevant. i can real very well my friend.
Nah bruh you are responding to the convo I am having with beast....

Did you not see him say get rid of all guns.....

And you up here talking about fake....are you saying that there isn t a group of people who think that is the solution?

c mon man stop making it like that group doesn t exist...homeboy just said just that......don t gloss over that shit.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Did they cops think it was a hostage situation or something.

I can't imagine hearing gun shots and screams and just sitting there....from one person


Rising Star
There definitely needs to be some reasonable changes made. I'm all for 2a but come on...


"In a short interview with Piers Morgan earlier this year, Stevie Wonder suggested a novel idea for demonstrating the problem with US gun laws. He was going to try to buy a weapon. "Imagine me with a gun," said the singer, who has been blind since shortly after birth. "It's just crazy."

Not everyone would agree. Over the weekend, the Des Moines Register, an Iowa newspaper, ran an in-depth report on the fact that the state has been granting gun permits to people who are legally or completely blind. In one county, officials say they have granted gun permits to at least three people whose visual impairments are such that they can't legally drive.

Ian Macrae, who is registered blind and edits the UK website Disability Now, says this is the logical conclusion of the second amendment. "The fact is, US law says anyone has the right to bear arms, and if that's the case, then, in the interests of full equality, that should include blind people."
But isn't this dangerous? Potentially, says Macrae, pointing out that it's dangerous for anyone to carry a gun.

"I wouldn't say it was more dangerous. I'd say we would have to be more responsible in the way in which we behaved with those weapons, discharged them and so on – the person would need to behave responsibly, rather than it being on society to say: 'Oh, sorry guys, this is too dangerous, so we're going to exclude you.'"

Last year, a blind man from New Jersey won his legal battle to keep and shoot guns – his collection had been confiscated by police in 2008, after he accidentally shot himself in the leg. And in Texas and Michigan, blind people are permitted to hunt, in the company of a sighted partner.

Macrae says he recently heard a story by US humorist David Sedaris on blind hunting, and was tickled by his line "'how do they find whatever it is they just shot?' Being a blind person, I found that quite amusing."


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Because I m sick of all the bullshit feel good measures that people lie to themselves to make them sleep at night.

When has anyone given a viable option?

"Get rid of all guns.." ok that is realistic. (your solution)

Real talk you have to put the monster down and you need the proper tools to do it with which is a gun.

Getting guns out of the hands of citizens is my solution to the problem. You know like other developed countries have done. And shock of all shocks, it actually reduced gun violence.

Did I say that was the only solution? I don't remember typing that. I asked you for a solution. You posed (looks at notes...) nothing. If you don't like my solution, pose a different one to contribute to the conversation. Saying nothing will work when there's definitive proof that actually trying something other than throwing your hands up & saying the constituents will throw a temper tantrum if you do anything accomplishes nothing.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I ve been talking to that mofo beast for the past half hour and I am responding to him about his comment and that is the one you quoted

....and you know that. c mon man wtf.

I pivoted to tackling "mental health" since you believe the people won't go for gun control. I asked you how does tackling "mental health" solve the gun crisis & prevent "violent psychopaths" from being able to legally purchase a firearm. You offered (checks notes again...) nothing.. again. You've brought so much.

You need your gun to put down the "monster". Who's this "monster" that has you shook that you need a AR15? Burglar? Police? Government? Zombies? China?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Getting guns out of the hands of citizens is my solution to the problem. You know like other developed countries have done. And shock of all shocks, it actually reduced gun violence.

Did I say that was the only solution? I don't remember typing that. I asked you for a solution. You posed (looks at notes...) nothing. If you don't like my solution, pose a different one to contribute to the conversation. Saying nothing will work when there's definitive proof that actually trying something other than throwing your hands up & saying the
Getting guns out of the hands of citizens is my solution to the problem. You know like other developed countries have done. And shock of all shocks, it actually reduced gun violence.

Did I say that was the only solution? I don't remember typing that. I asked you for a solution. You posed (looks at notes...) nothing. If you don't like my solution, pose a different one to contribute to the conversation. Saying nothing will work when there's definitive proof that actually trying something other than throwing your hands up & saying the constituents will throw a temper tantrum if you do anything accomplishes nothing.
The problem with the solution is that it involves some type of law.

A criminal will never obey the law. So that is not a deterent for them.

The dude in buffalo illegally modified his gun that NY state made a law against.

The law did nothing because the criminal didnt care.

To only give guns to military or police is also a nonstarter with many because it makes folks have to call the police to bring their gun and truth is they may not even engage.

The truth is the criminal will not respect the law they wont play nice in society.

The solution is to put the criminal down. And that means a gun to match his..... It is what it is.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I pivoted to tackling "mental health" since you believe the people won't go for gun control. I asked you how does tackling "mental health" solve the gun crisis & prevent "violent psychopaths" from being able to legally purchase a firearm. You offered (checks notes again...) nothing.. again. You've brought so much.

You need your gun to put down the "monster". Who's this "monster" that has you shook that you need a AR15? Burglar? Police? Government? Zombies? China?
Well truth is the bullying aspect that happened to that kid (Texas shooting) is an issue...the problem is that society will never take the person who is bullied seriously until they lash out.

Reagan fucked up the mental health part when he got rid of the mental hospitals and that correlated with th le rise in inmates and crime.

This society will never invest in helping out the psychiatric patient so I am not sure you can solve the mental health portion.

But the guy in Buffalo was NOT insane he just was a monster. And that goes back to my original solution.