MODS, are you ever going to do anything about all these racist cacs posting here?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
I agree with Doc

When you have opinions on BGOL that read exactly as they do in the political section of a white porn forum, you know this place has been infiltrated with racist CACs who want to sort out their "Ebony" fantasies and then talk shit after the post-nut clarity has worn off.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I agree with Doc

When you have opinions on BGOL that read exactly as they do in the political section of a white porn forum, you know this place has been infiltrated with racist CACs who want to sort out their "Ebony" fantasies and then talk shit after the post-nut clarity has worn off.
Fuck the bulllshit. You goofys think that you’re “gatekeepers “? Of what? The nonsense that has black people in the position we’re in? The thought pattern expressed by the overwhelmingly large number of dudes in this forum has been used by the black community for decades. What fruit did it bear? You have been failures. I have my own opinion which has proven to do well for me and mine. The only thing you goofys can do is scream “CAC, CAC,CAC!” It’s because you know that’s all you can do. Look at my screen name. Says it all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Fuck the bulllshit. You goofys think that you’re “gatekeepers “? Of what? The nonsense that has black people in the position we’re in? The thought pattern expressed by the overwhelmingly large number of dudes in this forum has been used by the black community for decades. What fruit did it bear? You have been failures. I have my own opinion which has proven to do well for me and mine. The only thing you goofys can do is scream “CAC, CAC,CAC!” It’s because you know that’s all you can do. Look at my screen name. Says it all.

Who's talking about being gatekeepers?

You took the issue of reparations and turned into a self-accountability issue, which sounds good to people who don't look deep but it's a shallow argument and racial dog whistle.

Once again, I will quote Dr. King

“It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.”

There is an argument to make against using reparations to make Black folks one issue voters (which is what Nasheed does) but you're not making that argument, you're falling back on tired racial tropes and stereotypes and that's why you were called out.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Who's talking about being gatekeepers?

You took the issue of reparations and turned into a self-accountability issue, which sounds good to people who don't look deep but it's a shallow argument and racial dog whistle.

Once again, I will quote Dr. King

“It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.”

There is an argument to make against using reparations to make Black folks one issue voters (which is what Nasheed does) but you're not making that argument, you're falling back on tired racial tropes and stereotypes and that's why you were called out.
What do you think you’re doing? Of course it’s gate keeping! Why else would it be posted in this thread? Don’t shuffle just because you got called out for your bulllshit. On to your point. We’re not “footless” by bigotry. We actually had stronger families decades ago. It’s nonsense and totally unproven to state that this country is more racist now than then. Stop giving excuses and energy to poor domestic decisions. We have the capacity to do better, but we won’t until and unless we abandon the proven failure that your belief system has been.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Who's talking about being gatekeepers?

You took the issue of reparations and turned into a self-accountability issue, which sounds good to people who don't look deep but it's a shallow argument and racial dog whistle.

Once again, I will quote Dr. King

“It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.”

There is an argument to make against using reparations to make Black folks one issue voters (which is what Nasheed does) but you're not making that argument, you're falling back on tired racial tropes and stereotypes and that's why you were called out.


The regurgitated MAGA-land talking points of "Stay home on election day, Brotherrrr!!" and "Just look in the mirror instead of seeking reparations" is their way of telling us how "nuanced" they are.
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Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What do you think you’re doing? Of course it’s gate keeping! Why else would it be posted in this thread? Don’t shuffle just because you got called out for your bulllshit. On to your point. We’re not “footless” by bigotry. We actually had stronger families decades ago. It’s nonsense and totally unproven to state that this country is more racist now than then. Stop giving excuses and energy to poor domestic decisions. We have the capacity to do better, but we won’t until and unless we abandon the proven failure that your belief system has been.

This gatekeeping argument that you're making exposes you as a CAC because nobody here is complaining about gatekeeping and the reason your post was placed in this thread is because it reads exactly like posts we see on social media and comment sections from around the internet from racist white supremacists and other uninformed idiots.

Since you want to talk about stronger families decades ago, in 1960 the average white family earned 8 times what a Black family did, in 2024, white families earn 10 times what a Black family does. Numbers don't lie, the marriages rates might have been higher but people were still poor and still struggled.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Who's talking about being gatekeepers?

You took the issue of reparations and turned into a self-accountability issue, which sounds good to people who don't look deep but it's a shallow argument and racial dog whistle.

Once again, I will quote Dr. King

“It’s all right to tell a man to lift himself by his own bootstraps, but it is cruel jest to say to a bootless man that he ought to lift himself by his own bootstraps.”

There is an argument to make against using reparations to make Black folks one issue voters (which is what Nasheed does) but you're not making that argument, you're falling back on tired racial tropes and stereotypes and that's why you were called out.
The lift ya self up by ya bootstraps shit is a racist trope in group has got wealthy on their own


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
This gatekeeping argument that you're making exposes you as a CAC because nobody here is complaining about gatekeeping and the reason your post was placed in this thread is because it reads exactly like posts we see on social media and comment sections from around the internet from racist white supremacists and other uninformed idiots.

Since you want to talk about stronger families decades ago, in 1960 the average white family earned 8 times what a Black family did, in 2024, white families earn 10 times what a Black family does. Numbers don't lie, the marriages rates might have been higher but people were still poor and still struggled.
Nobody says it because you goofys chased so many off the board! And when you look at your figures on white/ black family earnings, do you control for the disparity in marriage rates between those two times? That likely matters, as the black marriage rates collapsed about two decades before the white marriage rates collapsed. Also, do you know if those numbers are average, vs median ?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Nobody says it because you goofys chased so many off the board! And when you look at your figures on white/ black family earnings, do you control for the disparity in marriage rates between those two times? That likely matters, as the black marriage rates collapsed about two decades before the white marriage rates collapsed. Also, do you know if those numbers are average, vs median ?

You act like chasing off white supremacists is a bad thing. I'd say that's one of the few things BGOL does right.

Your main issue is that you're trying to have a social commentary on what Black people are doing, not doing, while pushing racist talking points and trying to use that to justify why would shouldn't get reparations.

You're all over the place.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Then how did they get wealthy? Did the wealth drop out of the sky ? This is just welfare mentality dressed up as intellectualism.
“Welfare mentality” you mean like most cacs since they are by large the leaders of welfare. Lmbaooo the Fact this faggit doesn’t understand that most well off cacs got wealthy from criminal illegal unfair advantages and legacy hand me downs confirms he’s got pink skin and no lips


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
You act like chasing off white supremacists is a bad thing. I'd say that's one of the few things BGOL does right.

Your main issue is that you're trying to have a social commentary on what Black people are doing, not doing, while pushing racist talking points and trying to use that to justify why would shouldn't get reparations.

You're all over the place.
Not everyone that disagrees with your bullshit is a white supremacist. Most probably aren’t, as they don’t give a fuck about you. You make the disingenuous argument that just because I reject the argument about reparations that I am using “racist tropes “. It’s just a garbage ad hominem attack because you have no good argument against the point. It’s no different than when the rainbow activist labels anyone who says anything about them as being phobic. I’m dead straight accurate and consistent in what I say. You goofys are all over the place. I said what I said. I stand by it. “But in America you have the mouse sitting down with the elephant and think that he’s going somewhere. And it’s absurd “. “1964 threatens to be the most explosive year America ever witnessed. Why ? It’s also a political year. It’s the year when all the politicians will be in the so called Negro community jiving you and me for some votes”. Both are from Malcolm X. I don’t agree with everything he says, he’s on point on how the community is being treated by the same people you’re going to for a handout. That’s all reparations are.
“Welfare mentality” you mean like most cacs since they are by large the leaders of welfare. Lmbaooo the Fact this faggit doesn’t understand that most well off cacs got wealthy from criminal illegal unfair advantages and legacy hand me downs confirms he’s got pink skin and no lips

Imperialism, colonization,

Rugged individualism is only sold to black people as a way to get wealthy..its bullshit
You ninjas remind of the old expression that “it’s easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have been fooled “. And while the number of white people on welfare is greater, it should be. We’re only 15% of the population. Dumbass. Look at the rates. The black single mother is far more likely to get benefits, and in doing so, is dragging the men into child support court. But so many of you are probably son husbands, you go along with it. Truth, did you ever post your Asian fetish having hand ?

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Not everyone that disagrees with your bullshit is a white supremacist. Most probably aren’t, as they don’t give a fuck about you. You make the disingenuous argument that just because I reject the argument about reparations that I am using “racist tropes “. It’s just a garbage ad hominem attack because you have no good argument against the point. It’s no different than when the rainbow activist labels anyone who says anything about them as being phobic. I’m dead straight accurate and consistent in what I say. You goofys are all over the place. I said what I said. I stand by it. “But in America you have the mouse sitting down with the elephant and think that he’s going somewhere. And it’s absurd “. “1964 threatens to be the most explosive year America ever witnessed. Why ? It’s also a political year. It’s the year when all the politicians will be in the so called Negro community jiving you and me for some votes”. Both are from Malcolm X. I don’t agree with everything he says, he’s on point on how the community is being treated by the same people you’re going to for a handout. That’s all reparations are.

You ninjas remind of the old expression that “it’s easier to fool someone than to convince them that they have been fooled “. And while the number of white people on welfare is greater, it should be. We’re only 15% of the population. Dumbass. Look at the rates. The black single mother is far more likely to get benefits, and in doing so, is dragging the men into child support court. But so many of you are probably son husbands, you go along with it. Truth, did you ever post your Asian fetish having hand ?

Ohhhhhhhhh it’s you!
