MODS, are you ever going to do anything about all these racist cacs posting here?

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Nothing uppity about it. Took responsibility for my life, stopped blaming others for my actions and things dramatically improved quickly and permanently. I don’t run in the victim Olympics like you do.
Fascinating. I find most people who overcome addiction aren't apathetic pieces of shit. However, the opposite seems to be the case for you. Please feel to correct me if I am wrong but I cannot shake the assumption that you are, at the very least, partaking in a smidgen of crack.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Fascinating. I find most people who overcome addiction aren't apathetic pieces of shit. However, the opposite seems to be the case for you. Please feel to correct me if I am wrong but I cannot shake the assumption that you are, at the very least, partaking in a smidgen of crack.
That honky was addicted to opioids and meth like the rest of his subhuman cave race. Definitely still on it

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
Stop being willfully ignorant. Those were the places that did it. Many of the families are still around. There’s posts here on Bgol that show some of them. Breh.
Our current reparations model is based on suing the COUNTRY that ALLOWED slavery.
We're holding the USA accountable for allowing slavery.
We cannot go after individual PEOPLE, we'll fail that way.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Our current reparations model is based on suing the COUNTRY that ALLOWED slavery.
We're holding the USA accountable for allowing slavery.
We cannot go after individual PEOPLE, we'll fail that way.
Exactly. Just doing the deep pockets theory. The same constitution that is used to protect us is the same one that prohibits ex post facto lawmaking. You can prosecute something that was legal at the time of occurrence. I know part of the play was to go after companies that did things like redlining and a couple of other things, but they paid off your leaders and they redirected y’all to what you said above. The congress that was in power back then is not alive anymore. It’s just a hustle using white guilt. Them white folks are running out of it, and we ain’t got the numbers to challenge them. I’m also not with you, so…


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It isn’t owed to me or you. You have never been a slave. Your grandfather wasn’t enslaved. If you go back to the source, it would be across the sea, where an African sold our ancestors. Miss me with your
neo welfare looking for ass. Going to massa looking for a handout.

This white kid woke up one day, and decided to get on a black forum to troll.

Kid had to pay the membership cost
Think of a screen name just to talk to black people anonymously.

White people are bugged ouuut


Rising Star
Platinum Member
And even being one, I’m not begging for other people’s money. Fucking bum. Get your own, if you can.
You hoe ass niggah. I ain't begging for shit. Its my motherfucking money. Get that through your meth ass head. You see, you white motherfucker always popping off about shit you don't know about because you believe you are the authority. Well, motherfucker you ain't. When you start talking, first pick up a book. Learn about what I am talking about then you can comment. Other than that, how a fucking thief ass smoker gon call me a fucking bum?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
You hoe ass niggah. I ain't begging for shit. Its my motherfucking money. Get that through your meth ass head. You see, you white motherfucker always popping off about shit you don't know about because you believe you are the authority. Well, motherfucker you ain't. When you start talking, first pick up a book. Learn about what I am talking about then you can comment. Other than that, how a fucking thief ass smoker gon call me a fucking bum?
Go eat another dick. You didn’t earn it. You daddy didn’t earn it. The people you would take it from didn’t steal it. I probably forgot more about this than you know. I have been aware of this my entire life. It’s nothing but another hustle. You don’t hate thieving, you just want to be the thief. That’s all. There’s nothing noble about this and the only reason why you focus on the American government is because they are the only ones that care who got money. It was our ancestors that enslaved and sold our ancestors. But since there’s no money there, you attack the most productive economic engine to black peoples that has ever existed. Fucking idiot. Fuck you.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Go eat another dick. You didn’t earn it. You daddy didn’t earn it. The people you would take it from didn’t steal it. I probably forgot more about this than you know. I have been aware of this my entire life. It’s nothing but another hustle. You don’t hate thieving, you just want to be the thief. That’s all. There’s nothing noble about this and the only reason why you focus on the American government is because they are the only ones that care who got money. It was our ancestors that enslaved and sold our ancestors. But since there’s no money there, you attack the most productive economic engine to black peoples that has ever existed. Fucking idiot. Fuck you.
First, I have been educated in some of the best universities in the South, and the entire U.S. I have higher level degrees in historical analysis. I have been trained in Law and a couple of other areas. So, knowing more than you know ain't a problem. Now, lets get down to your argument. You are saying that white people didn't steal anything (The people you would take it from didn't steal it.)? Whoa, not only are you ignorant but your are abashedly dumb about the whole situation. Shit, why do you think most of the world is at odds with the U.S. and Europe? They haven't stopped stealing, since the beginning of the industrial revolution until now all white people have ever done was steal. If it weren't human trafficking in human bondage (my people aren't slaves they are and we still are prisoners of war), or the taking of natural resources (from trees, to now, oil), white people have been taking for a long time. First example, the French are making African countries still pay for their independence. They are making them pay for the use of their own money and resources. Two, the U.S. is making every country in the world pay for using the U.S. dollar. You cannot shop or sell anything on the planet without the use of the U.S. dollar. The U.S. has control over the production of oil product all over the planet. You can only buy oil and oil product with U.S. dollars. That is why the U.S. is fighting the transition from the dollar to the Yen and BRICS. The U.S. and Europe are using every other country to keep the highest use of the world's natural resources. The reason that Europe and the U.S. don't have power shortages like the rest of the world is they have control over all the resources used to produce electricity. Yeah, I know the West has Solar, Wind and Hydro power, but power is generated mostly by oil power through the production of oil products. Tell me, my Nig, whats so damn noble about what the West has continued to do over the last 400-500 years? Is this not the grandest hustle ever done to the rest of humanity? Is this not the biggest theft in history? So, asking for my innate share of the greatest bounty on earth because me and my ancestors produced most of it, is wrong? Yeah, niggah, we are still slaves, and its every fucking body except a select few. Well, we, black people will get our just due before its all over.

Now, for the world to be 93% minority (Black, Brown, and Yellow), how is it that 7% of white people have control over 99% of the world's resources (to be honest, its less white people than that who have power over everything)? Is this not theft? I could go on and on because I studied this shit for almost 7 years, been around the struggle for black liberation my whole life, but I am tired of mincing words. Lets meet up and settle this shit like men. I would take my last dollar and come and straighten your ass up right quick. After I whip your ass then I would give you the educational training you need. Because, if you aren't white, you are a fucked in the head black man. Unless, you are talking about settling this by fisticuff, then I will not answer you after this, because what you really need is a fucking beating for being so damn dumb.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Hmmp...or how might yur truth/views be handled on



Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
First, I have been educated in some of the best universities in the South, and the entire U.S. I have higher level degrees in historical analysis. I have been trained in Law and a couple of other areas. So, knowing more than you know ain't a problem. Now, lets get down to your argument. You are saying that white people didn't steal anything (The people you would take it from didn't steal it.)? Whoa, not only are you ignorant but your are abashedly dumb about the whole situation. Shit, why do you think most of the world is at odds with the U.S. and Europe? They haven't stopped stealing, since the beginning of the industrial revolution until now all white people have ever done was steal. If it weren't human trafficking in human bondage (my people aren't slaves they are and we still are prisoners of war), or the taking of natural resources (from trees, to now, oil), white people have been taking for a long time. First example, the French are making African countries still pay for their independence. They are making them pay for the use of their own money and resources. Two, the U.S. is making every country in the world pay for using the U.S. dollar. You cannot shop or sell anything on the planet without the use of the U.S. dollar. The U.S. has control over the production of oil product all over the planet. You can only buy oil and oil product with U.S. dollars. That is why the U.S. is fighting the transition from the dollar to the Yen and BRICS. The U.S. and Europe are using every other country to keep the highest use of the world's natural resources. The reason that Europe and the U.S. don't have power shortages like the rest of the world is they have control over all the resources used to produce electricity. Yeah, I know the West has Solar, Wind and Hydro power, but power is generated mostly by oil power through the production of oil products. Tell me, my Nig, whats so damn noble about what the West has continued to do over the last 400-500 years? Is this not the grandest hustle ever done to the rest of humanity? Is this not the biggest theft in history? So, asking for my innate share of the greatest bounty on earth because me and my ancestors produced most of it, is wrong? Yeah, niggah, we are still slaves, and its every fucking body except a select few. Well, we, black people will get our just due before its all over.

Now, for the world to be 93% minority (Black, Brown, and Yellow), how is it that 7% of white people have control over 99% of the world's resources (to be honest, its less white people than that who have power over everything)? Is this not theft? I could go on and on because I studied this shit for almost 7 years, been around the struggle for black liberation my whole life, but I am tired of mincing words. Lets meet up and settle this shit like men. I would take my last dollar and come and straighten your ass up right quick. After I whip your ass then I would give you the educational training you need. Because, if you aren't white, you are a fucked in the head black man. Unless, you are talking about settling this by fisticuff, then I will not answer you after this, because what you really need is a fucking beating for being so damn dumb.
The difference is that The West is the only society in human history that has even tried to end slavery. So much so that the British (who, like the other colonial countries, didn’t have slavery in the homelands) went to war to stop it. They even fought African slavers to stop it. There was a fucking movie about it last year!! And what do you want to do with your education- attack that system. Shows how fucked YOU are in the head and how shitty your education was. Also, if you’re educated in law, you know that the same constitution you’re using to try to legislate and/or use courts of equity to attack this system bars you x post facto lawmaking. I don’t physically fight anymore, I’m too old and know that fighting is usually reserved for the emotionally incontinent. You son husbands are just as dangerous as the single mothers who raised you. I will defend myself if need be. I’m not intimidated by you fucking wannabe tyrants who can’t stand the idea that someone just as capable and competent as you (if not more so), can put together cogent arguments against you. Like I said before, you guys act no different than storm front idiots. You’re just in different color skin suits. You want the same thing for the same reason. You want someone else to give you favor for something that didn’t happen to you and have it provided by someone who didn’t do anything to you. You can’t silence me. The ideas that I put forward are in your head, and you are lashing out because you can’t think past them. I grew up with fuckheads like you that I sometimes had to fight simply because I knew things. That’s why I’m glad I left the hood and never looked back. Fuck you and anyone who thinks like you. Goofys like you are why I picked my screen name.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
The difference is that The West is the only society in human history that has even tried to end slavery. So much so that the British (who, like the other colonial countries, didn’t have slavery in the homelands) went to war to stop it. They even fought African slavers to stop it. There was a fucking movie about it last year!! And what do you want to do with your education- attack that system. Shows how fucked YOU are in the head and how shitty your education was. Also, if you’re educated in law, you know that the same constitution you’re using to try to legislate and/or use courts of equity to attack this system bars you x post facto lawmaking. I don’t physically fight anymore, I’m too old and know that fighting is usually reserved for the emotionally incontinent. You son husbands are just as dangerous as the single mothers who raised you. I will defend myself if need be. I’m not intimidated by you fucking wannabe tyrants who can’t stand the idea that someone just as capable and competent as you (if not more so), can put together cogent arguments against you. Like I said before, you guys act no different than storm front idiots. You’re just in different color skin suits. You want the same thing for the same reason. You want someone else to give you favor for something that didn’t happen to you and have it provided by someone who didn’t do anything to you. You can’t silence me. The ideas that I put forward are in your head, and you are lashing out because you can’t think past them. I grew up with fuckheads like you that I sometimes had to fight simply because I knew things. That’s why I’m glad I left the hood and never looked back. Fuck you and anyone who thinks like you. Goofys like you are why I picked my screen name.
You're a fag bro