MODS, are you ever going to do anything about all these racist cacs posting here?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
I see you are an everyday fuckboy. Where you getting your talking points, bitch?
Maybe from the daddy your mother told you was dead. They’re mine. You welfare minded simps can’t take it, so you scream racist, because that’s all you can do. I call bulllshit and will continue to do so. Cope all you fuckin want. I grew up with you goofys, and this reminds me why I left and never looked back. Kiss my fucking ass.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
This niggah said reparation is a hand out. My ancestors and me, need to get paid for all the free fucking work we did. Fuck you, fuckboy.
You did no free work. You just trying to get a come up on the backs of those who didn’t do wrong. You son husbands really should have had your dads raise you.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Maybe from the daddy your mother told you was dead. They’re mine. You welfare minded simps can’t take it, so you scream racist, because that’s all you can do. I call bulllshit and will continue to do so. Cope all you fuckin want. I grew up with you goofys, and this reminds me why I left and never looked back. Kiss my fucking ass.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
What do you think you’re doing? Of course it’s gate keeping! Why else would it be posted in this thread? Don’t shuffle just because you got called out for your bulllshit. On to your point. We’re not “footless” by bigotry. We actually had stronger families decades ago. It’s nonsense and totally unproven to state that this country is more racist now than then. Stop giving excuses and energy to poor domestic decisions. We have the capacity to do better, but we won’t until and unless we abandon the proven failure that your belief system has been.

Oh noooo, red alert



Rising Star
Platinum Member
You did no free work. You just trying to get a come up on the backs of those who didn’t do wrong. You son husbands really should have had your dads raise you.
Niggah, this whole thing is rigged. Why do you have to work when everyone is an equal partner to this shit on earth. We own this bitch and the one's who are in leadership don't want you to know it. So, motherfucker, I am owed a whole lot of reparations. Further, my dad lives with me, sir. I don't have that problem jackass.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Maybe from the daddy your mother told you was dead. They’re mine. You welfare minded simps can’t take it, so you scream racist, because that’s all you can do. I call bulllshit and will continue to do so. Cope all you fuckin want. I grew up with you goofys, and this reminds me why I left and never looked back. Kiss my fucking ass.
Man, your talking points are racist tropes. Second, if your were black, you wouldn't even think about not getting your share of what is owed to you. We have never been paid. Last, I will kick a dirt hole in your ass for you racist fuckboy. Youse a bitch made motherfucker.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Niggah, this whole thing is rigged. Why do you have to work when everyone is an equal partner to this shit on earth. We own this bitch and the one's who are in leadership don't want you to know it. So, motherfucker, I am owed a whole lot of reparations. Further, my dad lives with me, sir. I don't have that problem jackass.
What dumb shit is this? All life has to work to live. We ain’t equal in what we contribute. If you owned this bitch, you wouldn’t have to ask for anything. FOH!!!


Rising Star
Platinum Member
What dumb shit is this? All life has to work to live. We ain’t equal in what we contribute. If you owned this bitch, you wouldn’t have to ask for anything. FOH!!!
That's what you been taught you dumb motherfucker. Everything you've been taught ain't true. Oh, I am asking for my part of this bitch. Nawh dumb ass get in here and learn, you two bit racist.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Man, your talking points are racist tropes. Second, if your were black, you wouldn't even think about not getting your share of what is owed to you. We have never been paid. Last, I will kick a dirt hole in your ass for you racist fuckboy. Youse a bitch made motherfucker.
It isn’t owed to me or you. You have never been a slave. Your grandfather wasn’t enslaved. If you go back to the source, it would be across the sea, where an African sold our ancestors. Miss me with your
neo welfare looking for ass. Going to massa looking for a handout.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
It isn’t owed to me or you. You have never been a slave. Your grandfather wasn’t enslaved. If you go back to the source, it would be across the sea, where an African sold our ancestors. Miss me with your
neo welfare looking for ass. Going to massa looking for a handout.
Nawh, I am going to the power structure and demanding what is owed me and mine. You have already been paid. Plus, we have never stopped being slaves. We are all slaves, black and white. Massa, huh. Yeah, I thought you were an Ofay.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Nawh, I am going to the power structure and demanding what is owed me and mine. You have already been paid. Plus, we have never stopped being slaves. We are all slaves, black and white. Massa, huh. Yeah, I thought you were an Ofay.
But I thought you said you owned this. Which one is it, dumbass?


Rising Star
Platinum Member
To Fuckallyall and the rest of your racist bitches,

I need to take my ass to bed but I want to end you fuckers with all this racist rhetoric. So, first, let me give you a little history lesson about you white folk and motherfuckers getting handouts. You crossed a big ocean which you already knew about because there are records with maps about the "New World" that had been produced at least 500 years earlier. But, you folk always lying about discovery. Yeah, you say discovery because you made laws that told everybody if you "discover" something then you have the right to take it. Yeah, youse some dirty bitches. After you took the land that was already occupied (you bitches ain't discovered shit, more like stole, rape and pillaged). You gave the land away to a host of criminals. You took them poor motherfuckers you didn't want and sent them across the ocean and gave them motherfuckers a shit load of land. Get this, your governors, at the time, gave motherfuckers loans to buy slaves so they didn't have to cut down the trees or build structures. Most of the structure of this country, all the way up to the early 20 century, were built by slave labor. So, when did black folk get a hand out? Why all you white folk talk about black folk asking about a handout when it is what is owed to us. The goose is always taking about the gander and the goose needs to shut his got damn mouth because the motherfucker that is telling black folk to stop asking for a handout is the main one with his hand out. Fuck out of here you fucking fuckboy.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
It isn’t owed to me or you. You have never been a slave. Your grandfather wasn’t enslaved. If you go back to the source, it would be across the sea, where an African sold our ancestors. Miss me with your
neo welfare looking for ass. Going to massa looking for a handout.
I'll play along...

whats the name of said countries breh?


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
To Fuckallyall and the rest of your racist bitches,

I need to take my ass to bed but I want to end you fuckers with all this racist rhetoric. So, first, let me give you a little history lesson about you white folk and motherfuckers getting handouts. You crossed a big ocean which you already knew about because there are records with maps about the "New World" that had been produced at least 500 years earlier. But, you folk always lying about discovery. Yeah, you say discovery because you made laws that told everybody if you "discover" something then you have the right to take it. Yeah, youse some dirty bitches. After you took the land that was already occupied (you bitches ain't discovered shit, more like stole, rape and pillaged). You gave the land away to a host of criminals. You took them poor motherfuckers you didn't want and sent them across the ocean and gave them motherfuckers a shit load of land. Get this, your governors, at the time, gave motherfuckers loans to buy slaves so they didn't have to cut down the trees or build structures. Most of the structure of this country, all the way up to the early 20 century, were built by slave labor. So, when did black folk get a hand out? Why all you white folk talk about black folk asking about a handout when it is what is owed to us. The goose is always taking about the gander and the goose needs to shut his got damn mouth because the motherfucker that is telling black folk to stop asking for a handout is the main one with his hand out. Fuck out of here you fucking fuckboy.
Good story, with so much missing information that it’s damn near a fiction. You’re nothing but a useful idiot to those who really want to re enslave you. It’s all socialist propaganda. Fucking fool.

NightMare Paint

Not A Horse
BGOL Investor
Of course I do to you. Disruption to the echo chamber can’t be confronted, because it doesn’t work. So, I must be dismissed. But since I am used to the field negroes hating because I don’t accept the excuses that you use to justify your mediocre performance, attack away. I grew up in Bushwick projects in the 70s and 80s. My pops was an addict, and I saw him die in front of me when I was nine. That was just the start. I become an addict as well. Instead of blaming white supremacy, I accepted responsibility for my life. It’s working out well. I won’t let outside forces control my life if I can help it. The heroes that came before us didn’t either.
"Uppity Ex-Crackhead" is a crazy way to live.


Rising Star
BGOL Patreon Investor
Cac using the far right white supremacy blame Blacks for their own slavery shit. What’s next? The Irish were slaves too and had it worse? You need to be beheaded and the head mailed to your trash eating cunt of a mom . Bitch ass cracka
Facts hurt you Asian girl tampon sucking feelings? You run from your own women to fetish broads from halfway around the world, and i need to be beheaded? I see why they sold us. They knew some ignorant ninja like you was going to come out of some loser puzzy and embarrass them. Eat another dick. Post your hand.

Dr. Truth

GOD to all Women
BGOL Investor
Facts hurt you Asian girl tampon sucking feelings? You run from your own women to fetish broads from halfway around the world, and i need to be beheaded? I see why they sold us. They knew some ignorant ninja like you was going to come out of some loser puzzy and embarrass them. Eat another dick. Post your hand.
My hands been posted you toothless crackhead cac . Why do you whites try to turn the tables . How about you post your hand that nobody has seen you honky. Stillwill thread you bitch