Moon Knight | Official Thread | Marvel / Disney+


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Interesting so far.....

I was getting Venom vibes, which is not a good thing.

I'll have to see what Ep.2 brings.


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
Interesting premise
Great acting with some comedic tones from Oscar Isacc
Great world building
Unique tone for a marvel property with Horror,Suspense and Comedy
Ethan Hawke is doing a great a job as a unique weird cult leader villain that I haven’t seen on film since the OG Conan’s James Earl Jones

But this show will get old quickly if we don’t get enough of the titular character Moon Knight and it skips the section when Marc takes over


" Jackie Reinhart is a lady.."
I don't know much about this character. It was interesting it really felt different from everything's jn else in the MCU. My only complaint is disembodied God voice it reminded me of venom. His dream sequences was a bit confusing. Is t he supposed to be suffering from multiple personality disorder? So how is he into a other person's body? I hope the show keeps this tonefor the entire season. It has its own space no mentions of anything else happening in the MCU no cameos untill the next season no over the top goofiness or jokes. Solid 1st episode.


Woke as fuck
BGOL Investor
Interesting premise
Great acting with some comedic tones from Oscar Isacc
Great world building
Unique tone for a marvel property with Horror,Suspense and Comedy
Ethan Hawke is doing a great a job as a unique weird cult leader villain that I haven’t seen on film since the OG Conan’s James Earl Jones

But this show will get old quickly if we don’t get enough of the titular character Moon Knight and it skips the section when Marc takes over
Nigga you should start a YouTube channel as a film critic

eagle force

Rising Star
Platinum Member
I don't know much about this character. It was interesting it really felt different from everything's jn else in the MCU. My only complaint is disembodied God voice it reminded me of venom. His dream sequences was a bit confusing. Is t he supposed to be suffering from multiple personality disorder? So how is he into a other person's body? I hope the show keeps this tonefor the entire season. It has its own space no mentions of anything else happening in the MCU no cameos untill the next season no over the top goofiness or jokes. Solid 1st episode.

in the comics he had 3 identities:
Marc Spector-mercenary
Steven Grant-billionaire
Jake Lockley -cab driver
he made them up to help him fight crimes on different levels.
then they retconned him and made him have DID and be possessed by a moon god khonshu

in this TV series i'm sure they will do it different
but so far seen in ep 1 we've seen:
steven grant-not a billionaire but a museum worker
marc spector-mercenary
he still has DID but
and i'm guessing that was khonshu that took over when he's was in full moon knight uniform

so far so good though i liked the first episode


BGOL Investor
in the comics he had 3 identities:
Marc Spector-mercenary
Steven Grant-billionaire
Jake Lockley -cab driver
he made them up to help him fight crimes on different levels.
then they retconned him and made him have DID and be possessed by a moon god khonshu

in this TV series i'm sure they will do it different
but so far seen in ep 1 we've seen:
steven grant-not a billionaire but a museum worker
marc spector-mercenary
he still has DID but
and i'm guessing that was khonshu that took over when he's was in full moon knight uniform

so far so good though i liked the first episode


A Man Apart
Certified Pussy Poster
You're not allowed to say split personality anymore? OMG this country is ridiculous

from Wikipedia on the movie Split (following that movie is when I heard about the controversy of that terminology)

Reaction from the mental health communityEdit
The film has been poorly received by mental illnessand dissociative identity disorder campaigners. Mental health advocates warn that the film stigmatizes dissociative identity disorder and may directly affect those living with it.[41] "You are going to upset and potentially exacerbate symptoms in thousands of people who are already suffering," psychiatrist Dr. Garrett Marie Deckel, a DID specialist at Mount Sinai's Icahn School of Medicine, said immediately after seeing the film. She said that, in contrast to McAvoy's character, people with DID, who may represent over 1% of Americans, are rarely violent, and research has shown they are far more likely to hurt themselves than to hurt others. Movies tend to portray only "the most extreme aspects" of the disorder, which, she said, can misrepresent a form of mental health that is not well understood by the lay public, and even some psychiatrists.
In a statement about the movie, the International Society for the Study of Trauma and Dissociation(ISSTD) cited a soon-to-be-released study of 173 people with DID. The researchers found that only 3 percent were charged with an offense, 1.8 percent were fined, and less than 1 percent were in jail over a six-month span. No convictions or probations were reported in that time period. In an open letter to Shyamalan, several activists said that "Split represents yet another gross parody of us based on fear, ignorance, and sensationalism, only much worse."[42]
Dr. Sheldon Itzkowitz, a New York-based psychologistand psychoanalyst, said he had not seen the movie, and did not plan to, telling Healthline: "What concerns me is how the film may inadvertently demonize people who are truly suffering. DID is a disorder that has its etiology in the worst form of human suffering – the abuse of innocent children". He said many of his patients with DID are highly functioning people whose friends and co-workers don't know how much the person may be affected by their condition. When films and stories "vilify and demonize mental illness in general, and DID in particular," the viewer does not understand how hard it can be for that person to survive, he added.[43]