Unstoppable - Movie Reviews
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@blackbull1970 @joneblaze
What are 3 films that most surprised you that under performed? Films that when you saw them yourself you were surprised they didn't find an audience or were big successes?
I really only have one...
How the hell Mission Impossible flop???
And sidebar...why did NO ONE NOTICE???
every other franchise that had a flop this year got KILLED but no really did that here?
Going to watch it tonight.
I would really like to hear your thoughts.
About the movie AND how it was received
Gonna watch it with my aunt. She likes the blockbusters like Bond, Mission Impossible, Top Gun, etc. It’s been our thing to watch them together over the years.
We had meant to see it on the big screen late summer but her husband has been dealing with cancer so I told her to let me know what works best for her end of year. We’re having pizza and snacks. Should be good. She’s like a 2nd mom. No kids and got married in her late-40s. Always treated us kids like her own.
Much love and prayers to Auntie!!!
@blackbull1970 @joneblaze
What are 3 films that most surprised you that under performed? Films that when you saw them yourself you were surprised they didn't find an audience or were big successes?
I really only have one...
How the hell Mission Impossible flop???
And sidebar...why did NO ONE NOTICE???
every other franchise that had a flop this year got KILLED but no really did that here?
There are too many to list just from what has been released since 1970, the year I was born.
Star Wars (1977) actually was not well received by a large amount of people after viewing. It was a success mainly due to word of mouth and people watching out of curiosity. If the internet, social media was around back in 1977, that film would have bombed at the box office.
Blade Runner (1982) also bombed when it was originally released. It wasn’t until it released on VHS and hit cable it got a cult status and considered a classic.
A lot of films suffer because people suffer from Movie ADHD. Large majority of people don’t like watching films where they have to use their brains or it has a deeper meaning from what has been presented on screen. “Leave The World Behind” is a perfect example.
I'm sorry bro I meant 2023 ONLY!
Every movie that came out this year mofos bitched and complained about it, even before the film came out.
And they gonna do it again in 2024.
Watched War Pony earlier this week and enjoyed it. Keep in mind there are a number of people who aren’t seasoned actors, so some of the dialogue is rushed and doesn’t feel as authentic.
The 2 lead actors do a very good job.
The early-20s actor playing “Bill” reminded me alot of a good friend of mine from my junior high days in the early to mid-90s. Always one of the coolest kids around.
The younger kid definitely has a future in acting if he so chooses. Very believable and was able to convey a range of emotions effectively. Happy, sad, scared, lost, resilient, etc. You know someone’s doing a good job w/ their role when you believe what you’re seeing on screen. Their actions feel real and plausible.
The final 5 - 7 minutes felt appropriate and brought a smile to my face. Good song playing during that final key scene too.
Post of 2024
Early nomination