Code 8
I last saw this flick back in the Spring of 2020 and reviewed it back then. I wasn’t too impressed and I don’t think I was really watching it, mainly due to the fact this country was knee deep in the pandemic and watching that Orange Moron make a mess of shit. So I, along with others was not focused on stuff.
Netflix announced they made a sequel which surprised me. So last night I rewatched it cuz I forgot mainly and to refresh what happened before watching the sequel.
This film after rewatching it came off better now that I was focusing on it. The plot was interesting. To sum it up, take the Marvel Comics Mutant storyline and flip it where it’s in a world where Mutants are accepted to a certain degree. The word “Mutant” is not used for obvious reasons in the film, they are identified as “Powered”. I raised my prior rating up on it with this review.
The film is portrayed in an alternate universe and uses technology that is currently being developed in artificial/humanoid robots and drones, that are used to police and control Powered and regular people.
The opening credits gives you a good, brief backstory on what is going on before the film starts to get you up to speed. It proceeds quickly so pay attention and be prepared to rewind to catch whatever you missed.
The story proceeds smoothly and there isn’t any slow periods in the film from start to finish. Character development is minimal and shows just what you need to enjoy and understand the characters.
Showing Powered people using their powers is done minimally thru-out the film, so don’t go thinking it’s some “X-Men” type flick with mofos running around blasting each other silly.
Also, I had realized in this film that the two main characters are brothers in real life. They both produced the film and are behind it. The film also has a large supporting cast of well known actors from recognizable projects.
The film does leave it off for a sequel.
A desperate young man with special powers commits a series of petty crimes and is hunted by a militarized police force.
Code 8: Part II
I watched the sequel last night right after watching the first one on the road last night.
The film starts off like the first with the opening credits giving a backstory and an update on what is going on in the world with events from the last film.
The storyline proceeds the same with the Arnell brothers as the main characters. One character from the first film who had a minor role returns and now has a major role as the main bad guy. The film picks up 6 months after the last one.
The new technology introduced is the police K9 dogs. This is technology currently being developed today going thru R&D. The robot dogs in this film are just as cunning/ruthless as that robot dog from that classic “Black Mirror” episode, but with more bells and whistles.
Like the first film, the plot moves smoothly. We see more Powered beings use their powers thru-out the film. It’s also told to the audience there is more clandestine shit happening higher up that has not been revealed which looks to set it up for another sequel in the future.
Netflix definitely has a good opportunity of making this a decent sleeper franchise, to kick it in full gear, there needs to be more beings using their powers along with more variety. So far all that has been shown is super strength, electric, telekinesis, fire, ice and shape shifting. Hopefully they produce more powers shown in the future.
In a city where people with powers are policed and oppressed, an ex-criminal must turn to a drug lord he despises to protect a teen from a corrupt cop.