Music & Politics: Kanye Delivers Pro-Trump Rant on ‘SNL,’ Gets Booed By Audience UPDATE: Now he HATES Trump & Biden

jack walsh13

Jack Walsh 13
BGOL Investor
Stupid ass nigga just continues to dig his own grave deeper and deeper. :smh:



Rising Star
BGOL Investor
follow your heart and stop following your mind lmaooooooo that’s one of those things that sounds “cool” but is really dumb as shit...following your heart works in conjunction w/ not allowing what others think to dictate your doesn’t equate to being totally devoid of thought lol
Following your heart is what keeps women in abusive relationships, following your heart is why parents come to aid of their terrible children, following your heart is why bullied kids shoot up schools.

You're right LSN, it sounds cool, and is an actual song lyric:
"Listen to your heart, when love is calling for you"
BUT it isn't realistic. Emotional based decisions don't usually pan out. Even marriage is based more on a mental decision than emotional. Sure you love the person, but you ran through a checklist in your head to make sure it was a good decision to have this person around forever. Smart, kind, fun to be around, good sex, motivated...those things can have emotional attachments, but it's still a mental choice.

I just went on a rant bad.


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Kanye's been gone. Fuck him. And fuck you too if you support his music.
Stopped buying his shit after Yeezus(which I like). Haven't heard or care to hear anything from him. But there was that one track from Daytona though. But I digress.


BGOL Investor
You got folks who shit on Trump to make themselves SEEM compassionate...Then you got folks who support Trump to make themselves SEEM different, rebellious ETC....Both both groups are filled with disingenuous idiots who arent in touch with reality. Cause if they were in touch with reality they wouldnt waste time attacking people like Obama, Trump etc. Why? Cause guys like that are just herrings etc. People just jump on bandwagons. The enthusiasm and love is aint real.

the beat of that song is actually nice. Just like the beat on Lift Yourself.
Yet Kanye chooses to waste both of them on some bs.


Rising Star
This nigga has Fox and Friends up here saying that this mutherfucker is courageous... yet some of ya’ll still downloading and listening to his shit..

He is tho :dunno:

Did you look at this thread? Openly supporting Trump has been bad for his brand and yet he's still doing it.

There are plenty of other successful blacks who voted for Trump but will never speak in support publicly because they're scared to death to go against todays rabid "cancel" culture and the fake woke bullshit.


Rising Star
OG Investor
He also said this:

“I wanna cry right now, black man in America, supposed to keep what you’re feeling inside right now,” he sang as he paced the stage. He continued: “The blacks want always Democrats you know it’s like the plan they did, to take the fathers out the home and put them on welfare. Does anybody know about that? That’s a Democratic plan.” Then he turned to his support of Trump. “There’s so many times I talk to like a white person about this and they say, ‘How could you like Trump? He’s racist.’ Well, if I was concerned about racism I would’ve moved out of America a long time ago.” A smattering of applause was quickly drowned out by boos in the audience.

Now THAT PART isn’t stupid.



Rising Star
OG Investor
This nigga has Fox and Friends up here saying that this mutherfucker is courageous... yet some of ya’ll still downloading and listening to his shit..

Fuck this dude

It IS actually courageous to stand somewhere and say something you know isn’t a popular idea in that room.

Funny thing is , when he “went with his heart and not his mind”, on the non partisan telethon that was raising money for hurricane victims and said “George Bush don’t care about Black people”, even though it was in a room full of people who also didn’t like Bush, everyone said he was courageous , as if Bush was gonna send secret service to kill him lol. When he would be on stage saying shit equally stupid during the dark twisted fantasy tours- rooms full of people who only agreed with him, he was called daring and courageous. Said it was the best show EVER. Well now, he’s the same idiot, saying the same kinda things, only this time he has a TRULY dissenting thought about democrats and republicans and NOW y’all see him as crazy lol.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Personally I think it's not so much about love for trump..

You Ain't hear nobody take this angle but you heard it here first ...

Another mrfreddygoodbud insight..

Bust it..

Yall remember the time

When Obama called Kanye an ass..

Kanye and his ego never got over that...

So he on some my enemies enemy is my friend shit...

Trumps people peeped out that rift between Obama and Kanye and they called on Kanye to exploit it...

Everytime Kanye brings up Trump you better believe he got a phone call from trumpty people.

To tell him to to turn up his Trump support and to gas him up about what an awesome job he is doing...

It's not so much about his love for trump as much as it is about his ego

And getting revenge on Obama for crushing it...
During his presidency

Ya heard it here first..

Put some respeck on a

mrfreddygoodbud post.

And the profound insight

Ya heard

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

He also said this:

“I wanna cry right now, black man in America, supposed to keep what you’re feeling inside right now,” he sang as he paced the stage. He continued: “The blacks want always Democrats you know it’s like the plan they did, to take the fathers out the home and put them on welfare. Does anybody know about that? That’s a Democratic plan.” Then he turned to his support of Trump. “There’s so many times I talk to like a white person about this and they say, ‘How could you like Trump? He’s racist.’ Well, if I was concerned about racism I would’ve moved out of America a long time ago.” A smattering of applause was quickly drowned out by boos in the audience.

Now THAT PART isn’t stupid.

He’s regurgitating dishonest Republican talking points and openly admitting that he doesn’t care about racism. What’s not stupid about it?

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor
It IS actually courageous to stand somewhere and say something you know isn’t a popular idea in that room.

Funny thing is , when he “went with his heart and not his mind”, on the non partisan telethon that was raising money for hurricane victims and said “George Bush don’t care about Black people”, even though it was in a room full of people who also didn’t like Bush, everyone said he was courageous , as if Bush was gonna send secret service to kill him lol. When he would be on stage saying shit equally stupid during the dark twisted fantasy tours- rooms full of people who only agreed with him, he was called daring and courageous. Said it was the best show EVER. Well now, he’s the same idiot, saying the same kinda things, only this time he has a TRULY dissenting thought about democrats and republicans and NOW y’all see him as crazy lol.

I don’t think he’s crazy at all. I think he’s morally and intellectually bankrupt.


Rising Star
OG Investor

He’s regurgitating dishonest Republican talking points and openly admitting that he doesn’t care about racism. What’s not stupid about it?
Thats not a dishonest talking point at all. If anything it points out talking points by Democrats which are also dishonest.

And anyone who talks about racism as if it’s on one “side” and not the other is just as stupid. The whole thing is ironic.

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor

Tats not a dishonest talking point at all. If anything it points out talking points by Democrats which are also dishonest.

And anyone who talks about racism as if it’s on one “side” and not the other is just as stupid. The whole thing is ironic.

It’s dishonest, disingenuous and stupid.

Republicans finger point and talk about welfare as if a) they have an alternative to address historical and systemic economic discrimination and b) when they have absolutely no problem with welfare when it goes to whites. Only fools like Kanye buy into that crap.


Rising Star
OG Investor
He’s been that way for years. What are you even talking about?
I didn’t see anyone on this board saying that “for years”. Even when I was. That’s what I’m talking about.

When he said “George bush doesn’t care about black people” i said it was a stupid outburst that didn’t make any sense. An overwhelming majority on here though he was a genius. People still use that as some marker of him being some kinda activist. Y’all applauded his outbursts. Now ya gotta deal with the monster you created lol. I’m loving t.


Rising Star
OG Investor

It’s dishonest, disingenuous and stupid.

Republicans finger point and talk about welfare as if a) they have an alternative to address historical and systemic economic discrimination and b) when they have absolutely no problem with welfare when it goes to whites. Only fools like Kanye buy into that crap.

They do have a problem when it comes to whites, it just doesn’t fit your statement so you declare it as if it’s true. It’s not. Welfare did a lot of damage to families and the stats back it up.

In regards to Black families it definitely did and people refuse to see it. Who even cares if it’s sometbing republicans say anyway? It’s TRUE. You wanna deflect and talk about WHO says it because you don’t wanna y’all about the actual truth. Fuck republicans. Fuck Democrats also. Now let’s talk about the issue rather than those two name brands.

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor
They do have a problem when it comes to whites, it just doesn’t fit your statement so you declare it as if it’s true. It’s not. Welfare did a lot of damage to families and the stats back it up.

In regards to Black families it definitely did and people refuse to see it. Who even cares if it’s sometbing republicans say anyway? It’s TRUE. You wanna deflect and talk about WHO says it because you don’t wanna y’all about the actual truth. Fuck republicans. Fuck Democrats also. Now let’s talk about the issue rather than those two name brands.

The fact that your mind singularly connects welfare to social programs erected for poor people shows how dishonest YOU are.

Ill Paragraph

Lord of the Perfect Black
BGOL Investor
I didn’t see anyone on this board saying that “for years”. Even when I was. That’s what I’m talking about.

When he said “George bush doesn’t care about black people” i said it was a stupid outburst that didn’t make any sense. An overwhelming majority on here though he was a genius. People still use that as some marker of him being some kinda activist. Y’all applauded his outbursts. Now ya gotta deal with the monster you created lol. I’m loving t.

People applauded because he fucked around and told the truth. You do realize that the content of the rant actually matters, right?


Rising Star
OG Investor
The fact that your mind singularly connects welfare to social programs erected for poor people shows how dishonest YOU are.
I’m not. That’s just the topic we are discussing right now. There’s a lot we can talk about but I thought when discussing things you should try to stick to the topic at hand.

I can do the same thing to you and say that the fact that you don’t wanna stick to that topic and it seems like even now you’re trying to deflect from it and talk about “my mind” , seems like your being dishonest.

I don’t wanna go back and forth with you about what you are or ain’t though. I though we were talking about the statement about welfare.