NBA Offseason 2016 - FreeAgency money dried up...Waiters gets $2.6 after OKC pulled $6+ offer...


Rising Star
Wade fucked himself over. He should never opted out. Mickey has deep pockets. Pay that tax.

Yep... thing is, if LeBron had stayed, he would have gotten his money. Since LeBron left, and that Chip window has closed (Them losing to Toronto didn't help), Riley is in rebuild mode, and committing BIG money to Wade at this stage in his career isn't part of that dynamic. Wade was coming off of a platoon season and an ineffective playoffs when LeBron left so him taking less money, trusting those two CACs to do right was dumb as fuck...

Kobe was the exception more than the rule the way the lakers took care of him... LeBron will be taken care of the same way, but for any other player to trust the 'system' for that shit is not too bright.


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
You know damn well you bumped an Old ass OJ Mayo thread this morning... Cut it the fuck out lil Fella... Like I said, do you man. This is really my last response to you. I don't do stalkers Man... I really don't.

Thats why I never respond to anything you post... That stalking shit is really weird... No lol's intended... :smh:
OJ mayo??? please post the link to the thread you so happy I "bumped" :lol:


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
So who cleared the cap space and worked the phones to dump salary to make room for the Big 3? I hope you realize that the big 3 of LeBron, Wade and Bosh almost did not happened. Riley was a wizard behind the scenes. We damn near did not clear the cap. It took some luck and Pat Riley having strong connections.
You are right on one level.
However, if those guys didn't agree to less money to sign other free agents it wouldn't have worked.
It's the players that deserve the credit, not Riley.
Any other GM/Team President would have done the same thing given the opportunity.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
The fact that he isn't getting his money and being treated like this he actually did...
All the Heat has done for former players doesn't help him now. When you leave ALL THAT MONEY on the table and doesn't get it back, you played yourself...
I am trying to figure out where this Wade pay cut has come from. We payed him 20 million last season


BGOL Investor
I responded to what was best for LeBron and Riley not allowing him to run over him.... Praise?!?! Nah.... And I SPECIFICALLY said in the post you quoted, that I NEVER praised Riley in the context of Wade taking less money...

Now, while you are searching, try posting those 10s of post you specifically made about how Riley was going to take care of Wade when all of us were talking about he was dumb for taking less, and how Riley was going to bring LeBron back and how Riley was a genius for putting the Big 3 together and all that bullshit! You were the MAIN ONE talking about how RILEY was going to take care of Wade when the time comes....
Tell me I'm lying?

That's a form of praise is it not? You have Riley props for not letting Bron run shot gun over the franchise.. It is what it is I suppose lol

Yeah as he should take care of Wade, looking at the history of the heat franchise why would you think he wouldn't? Took care of Zoe, Hardaway, Juwan I mean the blue print is there

Is Wade dumb for opting out? That's subjective because he still got 20 mill last season and will prob get 21 this season.. Now that the cap went up is Wade really dumb?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You are right on one level.
However, if those guys didn't agree to less money to sign other free agents it wouldn't have worked.
It's the players that deserve the credit, not Riley.
Any other GM/Team President would have done the same thing given the opportunity.
It did not work like that. Not even close. What Riley did to clear that kind of cap could only be done by a few. We owe are lives to the Phoenix Suns. Plus dumping that Marion contract was the first domino.

Another piece of misinformation. Lebron, Wade, and Bosh took slightly less in order to keep Udonis Haslam.


BGOL Investor
Not the playoffs so much as the Finals
Shaq 30-20 game six vs the Bulls got us in the Finals which was a close series.
Wade showed of in the Finals though.
Truth be told , Coach Avery is a joke. Him insisting on making Shaq the focal point and not adjusting when Wade showed the world what Heat fans have been seeing for years was a major mistake.
After the Mavs lost game 4, coach Avery sent the Mavs players families home and let the press know about it.
Game Five was won on Wade free throws.
The Heat were down, Wade was fouled, but wow.

Wade was driving to the basket on every possession in game 5.. Refs were gonna call


Rising Star
That's a form of praise is it not? You have Riley props for not letting Bron run shot gun over the franchise.. It is what it is I suppose lol

Yeah as he should take care of Wade, looking at the history of the heat franchise why would you think he wouldn't? Took care of Zoe, Hardaway, Juwan I mean the blue print is there

Is Wade dumb for opting out? That's subjective because he still got 20 mill last season and will prob get 21 this season.. Now that the cap went up is Wade really dumb?

No doubt, but that last sentence is really sort of 'accept what Massa' gives you mentality? Yeah, its not too bright to have opted out. Imagine, how publicly disrespectful it is, for Conley to get 30 mill per, Mosgov to get 17 per, etc. and Riley OFFERS his franchises best all time player (as a lifer), 10?!?!?!? Bayless just got 9 from my Sixers?!?!

Obviously we will for the most part NEVER see the 20 mill Wade got so far, BUT, you know damn well he didn't take that money with the expectation to get low balled.

You know I don't have beef with you fam, but if I was the one big upping Riley the way you and some others were that summer, you know damn well you would have called me on it too! Y'all were laying it on thick for Riley back then and you know it! It pump faked A LOT of Dudes, including Wade! :lol:


Phat booty lover.
BGOL Investor
No doubt, but that last sentence is really sort of 'accept what Massa' gives you mentality? Yeah, its not too bright to have opted out. Imagine, how publicly disrespectful it is, for Conley to get 30 mill per, Mosgov to get 17 per, etc. and Riley OFFERS his franchises best all time player (as a lifer), 10?!?!?!? Bayless just got 9 from my Sixers?!?!

Obviously we will for the most part NEVER see the 20 mill Wade got so far, BUT, you know damn well he didn't take that money with the expectation to get low balled.

You know I don't have beef with you fam, but if I was the one big upping Riley the way you and some others were that summer, you know damn well you would have called me on it too! Y'all were laying it on thick for Riley back then and you know it! It pump faked A LOT of Dudes, including Wade! :lol:

where the link ho?


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
No doubt, but that last sentence is really sort of 'accept what Massa' gives you mentality? Yeah, its not too bright to have opted out. Imagine, how publicly disrespectful it is, for Conley to get 30 mill per, Mosgov to get 17 per, etc. and Riley OFFERS his franchises best all time player (as a lifer), 10?!?!?!? Bayless just got 9 from my Sixers?!?!

Obviously we will for the most part NEVER see the 20 mill Wade got so far, BUT, you know damn well he didn't take that money with the expectation to get low balled.

You know I don't have beef with you fam, but if I was the one big upping Riley the way you and some others were that summer, you know damn well you would have called me on it too! Y'all were laying it on thick for Riley back then and you know it! It pump faked A LOT of Dudes, including Wade! :lol:
Why do you keep saying Riley. He is just the GM and does not write checks. Dude Micky Arison is in charge at Miami. If he says no to paying Wade then Pat has no say so in the matter.

Also Pat is a GM and his job is to make the team better and not over play players. No one wants to look like the 76ers


One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Bosh: My grandmomma gave me this contract.

Bron: :furious:

Ok, I'll opt out, it'll be like both our Max deals, but you can keep the $$ in your account.
I remember when I said Wade was crazy for opting out of his deal and taking less money, dudes kept talking about how Riley was going to take care of Wade and make sure he gets his money :lol:



One Punch Mayne
Super Moderator
Any Lebronze stan that jumps off the bandwagon if he leaves the warmth will be publicly crucified on BGOL, and be subject to bans from basketball threads (24 hour time outs)


My dude, you jumped off that Laker bandwagon a long time ago. 90% of your posts the last 2 months have been Heat related, and I havent seen you mention Kobe's "6th ring" in ages. Some of yall dont even try to pretend yall care about what your teams are doing this offseason. :lol:

What team you rollin with when he leave King T?

Heat cuz he aint leaving.

(When) Durant leaves OKC, you gon stick it out wit Russy? Or when Duncan & Pop retires next year, will you mention the Spurs anymore?

Let Pau Gasol go to the Warmth, or the Lakers finish dead last again. You won't find me switching teams.

I've been talking about Free agency. Bronze is not coming to the Lakers, neither is Carmello.

And of course the last few months haven't been about my squad, they were ass this year and didn't make the playoffs. Why would I talk about a 6th ring when my team isn't even playing.

I got jokes cause if Bronze Debo'd Wade and Bosh, it will be the funniest shit ever.

You just keep on that Warmth jersey, winter is coming...

Still Laker fan.

Wish Isis would take care of our Jim Buss problem.


Rising Star
Super Moderator
Deng for $72 million.:smh:
He's still decent and he's a veteran. The Lakers need a veteran in the locker room. I would rather they signed Crabbe or another young wing.


Platinum Member
I would rather tank the season and have a fire sale then pay Conley that much money.

Especial when u could've got DJ Aug, Jack, Rio

For a quarter of that and still got the same production....

Unless he's great with the fans which equals $$$$$


Platinum Member
Usually they have bee a astand up organization, but that cat owns Carnival Cruise and they have taken a hit. So word was that they were cutting payroll. They still can't let Wade go to the Knicks even if they give him partial ownership once he retires.

Right Knicks....hell naw Miami can't do that...Riley vs Phil :lol:

Big Tex

Earth is round..gravity is real
BGOL Investor
Wade getting the 42 mil he still had on the table instead of giving 26 mil of it back, would not disqualified him from making the 20 mil he got last year.

He could have had both.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Wade was driving to the basket on every possession in game 5.. Refs were gonna call
You are right about that.
If I was a Dallas fan I would be pissed though

Remember Dirk going crazy on the exercise bike in the hallway?
Avery going in the press saying he can't wait to go back to Dallas to get "home cooking"?
Mark Cuban running on the floor after Game Five looking like he wanted to kill the refs?

Glad I was on the Heat side of things but I get the other side completely.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Why do you keep saying Riley. He is just the GM and does not write checks. Dude Micky Arison is in charge at Miami. If he says no to paying Wade then Pat has no say so in the matter.

Also Pat is a GM and his job is to make the team better and not over play players. No one wants to look like the 76ers
Arison is not really a meddling owner
He runs a cruise line
If Riley was cool with it it would happen, I think.


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
Dude is supposedly a locker room cancer. I got a buddy that used to cover sports for the Post.. I remember him telling me one of the loudest and most ignorant niggas he observed in a NBA locker room was Nate Robinson.

I was thinking it had to be something like this. Nate has always put up points despite his size. Yet, he never stayed at a team very long.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
You are right about that.
If I was a Dallas fan I would be pissed though

Remember Dirk going crazy on the exercise bike in the hallway?
Avery going in the press saying he can't wait to go back to Dallas to get "home cooking"?
Mark Cuban running on the floor after Game Five looking like he wanted to kill the refs?

Glad I was on the Heat side of things but I get the other side completely.

97 free throws


Internet Superstar
BGOL Investor
10 a year is disrespectul but I salute Riley for not wanting to destroy the franchise the same way the Lakers did with Kobe

This post is dumb. Kobe never destroyed the franchise. The Lakers still had cap room in despite of Kobe's contract the last year. Did anyone take it?

The Lakers had cap room this year, did anyone take it?

You need to take care of players who sacraficed for your franchise. Pat Riley got Miami one ring, DWade got Miami three. Two of those were strictly DWade, because Lebron wasn't coming to Miami if they didn't have his banana boat buddy. Yet Pat seems to want to take credit for those two rings.

Deng for $72 million.:smh:
He's still decent and he's a veteran. The Lakers need a veteran in the locker room. I would rather they signed Crabbe or another young wing.

The Lakers had plenty of money and you have to spend up to 85% of the salary cap. They had to spend the money on someone.

Crabbe is pretty much strictly a two, and the Lakers had Clarkson and Lou Will. Hopefully Brown can grow in to a Crabbe. Deng can play the three and four and is a vet.


Rising Star
You do have a point.
That's the whole point of contention I have bro. When a player has meant as much to the heat as Wade has, no way am I taking pay cuts during my Prime, when the team really needs me and I have the most Leverage. Kobe was an anomaly, with the Lakers did with him hardly ever truly happens. Now, all this Riley and the heat D-Wade such and such, it's really a moot point. He's not who you used to be, and if he walks even though on the surface they lose their best player, it doesn't make sense to destroy the team for years to come compensating a player for what he used to do. That's actually sort of counterproductive.


Rising Star
For the life of me I have a hard time with this, the players making sacrifices for the team, thought process. These owners are billionaires, they don't want to sacrifice, pay luxury tax, whatever for the betterment of their team, but the expectation is for the players who are getting a small percentage of the overall revenue from the team should take last so the team can be better and put more money in the owner's pockets? That logic makes absolutely no sense at all.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
It did not work like that. Not even close. What Riley did to clear that kind of cap could only be done by a few. We owe are lives to the Phoenix Suns. Plus dumping that Marion contract was the first domino.

Another piece of misinformation. Lebron, Wade, and Bosh took slightly less in order to keep Udonis Haslam.
UD made less after the Big Three signed
He did clear cap however any other GM would do the same thing
Not saying he did nothing. Just saying the full story is never told about Riles.
Why it seemed like genius is because the national press was completely caught off guard.
SAS was one of the few that called it before it actually happened.
Haslem salary:
