Nearly 30% of Gen Z adults identify as LGBTQ


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Raises some more questions.

Is this spread evenly across all races? For example: does it mean that 40% of white kids are LGBTQ and only 16% Black kids…?

Is this a symptom of wealth, the middle class or living in poverty?

Did the influx of LGBTQ characters on TV come before, or after the “queering” of gen z? (I think I know the answer to this one…)

Is this somehow correlated with the national transition from blue collar employment to knowledge work?

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
Raises some more questions.

Is this spread evenly across all races? For example: does it mean that 40% of white kids are LGBTQ and only 16% Black kids…?

Is this a symptom of wealth, the middle class or living in poverty?

Did the influx of LGBTQ characters on TV come before, or after the “queering” of gen z? (I think I know the answer to this one…)

Is this somehow correlated with the national transition from blue collar employment to knowledge work?

The younger generation is definitely more open and compassionate towards different genders and sexuality. It’s as early as middle school.


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
I would assume this is a great time to be a straight High School/College age male. 30% of your competitors automatically eliminated. Once you add all the goofy dudes that stay in their rooms and play video games, the incels and eunuchs, you are left with 3 to 1 odds.
It’s been a great time for these dudes for well over a decade. Broads way more easier and lot of these other dudes lack confidence, like being around other dudes more than broads, etc. I been saying it for yrs on here. Each yr it opens up more


Rising Star
Certified Pussy Poster
Yeah, if they have a modicum of game is a Buffet for em. Stud bitches are winning. Getting the fine young ones pre-stretchmarks and no kids. The crazy things is the basic dykes pull some of the prettiest women. I have a friend that looks like the comedian Godfrey; she pulls some pretty bitches. She’s mean, but fun and funny. Rubs her chin like Birdman when she speaks. Bitches love her. I admire these masculine broads; they control and destroy these bitches. Especially new lesbians and old ones with money. Goddamn free for all out there.
If you talking about “ag’s” dikes. Than in reality they just tricks with tongues. All they do is munch on pussy/ butt hole and trick on broads. Real ags don’t even receive pleasure from chicks. They don’t like chicks touching them they do all the fluffing. So you got these feminine bi broads just getting their pussy sucked and receiving money and gifts. This is why you be seeing pretty lesbians with manly looking broads cause that’s the agreement of their relationship/situation. It’s also why them manly dikes be hella jealous cause they spend bread and put in hours of fluff time so they feel like that chick is their property. Also why some of them manly chicks be jealous of other nigs cause the broad they fluffing could’ve use to fuck nigs and they scared their chick might go back to dick on the low low. They know no matter how much they fluff if their broad like dick she gonna go back to dudes. No dildo or vibrator gonna replace that. In a sense it’s penis envy. If you know that lesbian world and all the dynamics it’s a lot of jealousy, low self esteem, domestic abuse, etc


We Think, so We'll Know
BGOL Investor
Our neighbors have twin daughters who are in High School. My wife heard them talking and one said that her boy friend is a "pan sexual." My wife asked, "What is that?

Then one of the twins said that, "He likes everything; men, women, gay, straight, lesbian, trans gender... you know. Everything." The wife goes, "You're Ok with having someone like that as a boyfriend?" The girl said, "Yes... people should be who they want to be."

The wife comes into house and asked me have I ever heard of Pan Sexual. I said, "No. I haven't."

White folks have really done a job on these kids. Everything that a kid does or wants is Ok... until the government/police says that it isn't. :smh:


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Our neighbors have twin daughters who are in High School. My wife heard them talking and one said that her boy friend is a "pan sexual." My wife asked, "What is that?

Then one of the twins said that, "He likes everything; men, women, gay, straight, lesbian, trans gender... you know. Everything." The wife goes, "You're Ok with having someone like that as a boyfriend?" The girl said, "Yes... people should be who they want to be."

The wife comes into house and asked me have I ever heard of Pan Sexual. I said, "No. I haven't."

White folks have really done a job on these kids. Everything that a kid does or wants is Ok... until the government/police says that it isn't. :smh:
As a parent of 2, I can concede that they’re both incapable of thought. I feel sorry for them, I really do.


Rising Star
Just look at the name of the group doing the study that should give you pause right there. I guess this culture war stuff really does work on lots of people given all the anti-immigrant. Trans panic and gay agenda posts here.


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
Yeah, if they have a modicum of game is a Buffet for em. Stud bitches are winning. Getting the fine young ones pre-stretchmarks and no kids. The crazy things is the basic dykes pull some of the prettiest women. I have a friend that looks like the comedian Godfrey; she pulls some pretty bitches. She’s mean, but fun and funny. Rubs her chin like Birdman when she speaks. Bitches love her. I admire these masculine broads; they control and destroy these bitches. Especially new lesbians and old ones with money. Goddamn free for all out there.

thats when they are in a room full of betas, when mrfreddygoodbud comes through, they just

sit back and take notes on how A REAL KNIGGA MOVE...

No cap... I be catchin them just staring at a knigga, tryin to absorb masculine swag.....

they really be STUDYING kniggas fo real b..

and if them dykes have a bitch, when they get around me... they stare at their lil ho,

DARING her to look my way... all dykes find REAL kniggas a threat.

they ONLY flex and talk shit around BETA's...

aint no dyke in the world couild fuck with a real knigga in a fitted suit,

with proper footwear on.... they could only take notes and hope...


Rising Star
BGOL Investor
This falls in line with the Kinsey scale and subsequent studies, there's not a boom in the lgbtq population, there's a boom in people openly identifying as lgbtq as opposed to living closeted due to fear or pressure from religion/family/society ECT.

With all the problems in society and humans/politicians destroying the planet and our lives I ask you, who the fuck cares? Lol I never seen gays buy up all the land and gentrify our neighborhoods, never seen gays make laws that oppress voting rights, people fall for every distraction they throw out there and never address the real issue, the number that bothers me is the increased wealth inequality and the share of money which one percent of white males control. This doesn't matter to me

da fuck are YOU talkin about??? you a Fag spokeman or something??

You never heard of gays gentrifying a place... DA fuck?????

You ever heard of San Francisco... yea its a place!!! Before Silicon Valley fags priced out,

the non silicon valley fags.. the non silicon valley fags, were gentrifying the fuck out of San Fran.

how about The Village NYC..ever hear of it..?? most wealthy people have zero problem pricing people out of

and area.... wealthy fags take it to another level... not just taking it over, but puttin up their flags

all over the place to prove it.

and gentrifying it..

Its ok to google shit before you rant!!

do you SUPPORT the fag agenda?? you do know

child grooming is the main part of that agenda right??


Rising Star
Less people are faking it
I think it's the opposite.

These kids are all faking it. Following trends. Dying to be interesting in some way. Dying to "rebel" against the norm.

The 'norm' is to be male or female. Oh ok they want be an octopus then. Or a fairy. Or a constellation...

Nah those aren't thoughts human beings have had this whole time and are just coming out now.

4 Dimensional

Rising Star
Platinum Member
So I assume over the years you also had to learn about pronouns when addressing students. How strange or weird must that be when you compare the social climate now to let say 25 years ago.

Definitely. I don’t use sir or ma’am as often.

But no one really emphasize their preference not to me. I often have to ask them.

Soul On Ice

Democrat 1st!
Certified Pussy Poster
President Biden made it possible when he promised that Homosexual rights would be his number one Agenda.



Rising Star

More than 1 in 4 Gen Z adults in the U.S. identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer, dwarfing the percentages of LGBTQ Americans in older age groups, a new survey has found.

Twenty-eight percent of Gen Z adults — which the survey’s researchers specify as those ages 18 to 25 — identify as LGBTQ, according to a report released this week by the Public Religion Research Institute, or PRRI. That compares with 10% of all adults, 16% of millennials, 7% of Generation X, 4% of baby boomers and 4% of the Silent Generation, the institute found.

“With respect to LGBTQ identity, it’s very clear that Gen Z adults look different than older Americans,” said Melissa Deckman, PRRI’s chief executive.

In its LGBTQ identity breakdown, the report found 72% of Gen Z adults identified as straight, 15% as bisexual, 5% as gay or lesbian and 8% as something else.

Researchers also found that Gen Z adults were more ethnically and racially diverse than older generations and less likely to affiliate with established religions. Gen Z adults, along with millennials, were also more likely to identify as LGBTQ than Republican, the survey found.

PRRI’s new survey, which included more than 6,600 participants, was conducted in August and September.

The findings are in line with those of other major surveys, including Gallup’s, that show Gen Z is the queerest adult generation to date. In its most recent poll, released in February of last year, Gallup found 7.2% of adults in the U.S. identify as LGBTQ, including nearly 20% of those in Gen Z, which that survey defined as those ages 19 to 26.

PRRI’s findings, which were published Monday, come as LGBTQ rights face increasing challenges in the U.S.

Last year, more than 500 anti-LGBTQ bills were introduced in state legislatures around the country, a record, including 75 that were signed into law, according to the American Civil Liberties Union. The ACLU projects that more than 320 bills were prefiled for or introduced during this year’s state legislative sessions.

“Whether it’s at the polls, in marches and rallies, or online, LGBTQ+ visibility matters and Gen Z is a force for change,” Kelley Robinson, the president of the Human Rights Campaign, the country’s largest LGBTQ advocacy group, said in a statement. “Thousands of LGBTQ+ young people turn 18 each day — and lawmakers should understand there will be repercussions in November for anti-LGBTQ+ political attacks.”


Rising Star
Platinum Member
Raises some more questions.

Is this spread evenly across all races? For example: does it mean that 40% of white kids are LGBTQ and only 16% Black kids…?

Is this a symptom of wealth, the middle class or living in poverty?

Did the influx of LGBTQ characters on TV come before, or after the “queering” of gen z? (I think I know the answer to this one…)

Is this somehow correlated with the national transition from blue collar employment to knowledge work?
Its social conditioning; indoctrination.


Rising Star
This falls in line with the Kinsey scale and subsequent studies, there's not a boom in the lgbtq population, there's a boom in people openly identifying as lgbtq as opposed to living closeted due to fear or pressure from religion/family/society ECT.

With all the problems in society and humans/politicians destroying the planet and our lives I ask you, who the fuck cares? Lol I never seen gays buy up all the land and gentrify our neighborhoods, never seen gays make laws that oppress voting rights, people fall for every distraction they throw out there and never address the real issue, the number that bothers me is the increased wealth inequality and the share of money which one percent of white males control. This doesn't matter to me
I agree this should be obvious.